Make France Great Again - Chapter 534

Published at 16th of January 2023 05:48:28 AM

Chapter 534: coalition forces

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Lieutenant General Kornilov, who explained part of his plan to the priest and bishop, walked to the table, put his hands on the table, supported his body with his arms, lowered his head and made a contemplative gesture, waiting for their reply. .

"Your Excellency Lieutenant General, please allow us to go out and discuss! This issue cannot be decided by one person!" Bishop Sevastopol pleaded to Kornilov.

"Of course!" Kornilov said to Bishop Sevastopol, "But as soon as possible!"

"It only takes a while!" Bishop Sevastopol nodded, and then called out all the priests in the headquarters.

In the originally bustling headquarters, only Nakhimov and Kornilov were left in the blink of an eye.

"Do you want me to send someone..." Nakhimov asked Lieutenant General Kornilov in a low voice.

The implication is self-evident.

"No!" Kornilov shook his head and rebuffed: "I believe that His Excellency Bishop still has a person who has a great view of the overall situation! The capture of Sevastopol will not do him any good."

After a while, the bishop and priest of Sevastopol returned to the headquarters again, and Sevastopol, standing in front of Lieutenant General Kornilov, said solemnly: "I represent all the priests of Sevastopol. I agree to this condition and I am willing to assist you in maintaining order in Sevastopol!"

Lieutenant General Kornilov, who received the reply from Bishop Sevastopol, raised his head, his leaning body straightened up again, and the hands supporting his body were taken away from the table, and then slowly came to Bishop Sevastopol. He held his hand in front of him and said sincerely, "Thank you very much for your support of our work!"

"I just don't want Sevastopol... This beautiful bay is ruined by the savage coalition!" Bishop Sevastopol replied flatly.

"I promise you, we will fight to the last minute!" Lieutenant General Kornilov responded to Bishop Sevastopol.

"I hope you can do what you say!" Bishop Sevastopol said solemnly to Lieutenant General Kornilov.

"Definitely!" Lieutenant General Kornilov responded firmly.

"If there is nothing else, then we will leave!" Bishop Sevastopol turned and walked towards the gate.

"I'll send you off!" Lieutenant General Kornilov followed behind Bishop Sevastopol and personally sent Bishop Sevastopol out of the camp.

The priest living in Sevastopol also followed and left the camp, and Lieutenant General Kornilov, who was standing at the gate of the camp, looked at the priest who was gradually disappearing in the dark, and murmured: " It's done!"

Lieutenant General Kornilov, who had returned to the headquarters, waved at Nasimov, indicating that he could go back to rest.

"You too!" Nakhimov left the headquarters after saying this.

There was only Lieutenant General Kornilov left in the command. Kornilov, who was sitting in a chair, put his arms on the table again, resting his hands on his cheeks, thinking in his mind whether his plan still existed. What's wrong.

Over time, Lieutenant General Kornilov's eyes kept "fighting", and a sudden drowsiness swept through his body, making it difficult for him to concentrate.

Before he knew it, Lieutenant General Kornilov fell into a deep sleep. In his dream, Lieutenant General Kornilov became an invincible general. He led the residents and soldiers of Sevastopol to defeat. Coalition forces, earned the rank of Admiral...

"Your Excellency Lieutenant General, Your Excellency Lieutenant General!"

With a shout from the distant horizon, Lieutenant General Kornilov, who was wearing a medal, finally realized that he was in a dream.

no! I want to get up! I still have a lot to do!

Kornilov, who had a firm belief, quickly got out of the dream. When he opened his eyes, he immediately saw Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Bolkonsky standing beside him.

"It's you!" Lieutenant General Kornilov yawned and said to Andrei Bolkonski, "What time is it!"

Andrei Bolkonsky took out his pocket watch, glanced at it, and responded to Lieutenant General Kornilov: "Six thirty!"

"Six thirty? It's not too late!" Lieutenant General Kornilov first muttered in a low voice.

"Your Excellency Lieutenant General, what are you talking about?" Andrei Bolkonsky asked Lieutenant General Kornilov.

"It's nothing!" Lieutenant General Kornilov shook his head, and then ordered Andrei Bolkonsky: "Can you help me call Lieutenant General Nakhimov over here!"

"Of course!" Andrei Bolkonsky replied immediately.

After Andrei Bolkonsky left the headquarters office, Lieutenant General Kornilov dragged his almost unconscious right leg to the gate of the headquarters, staring at the ships moored in the bay in the distance. .

When a group of patrolling sailors passed the gate of the headquarters, Lieutenant General Kornilov stopped the sailors who were patrolling and ordered them to go to the bay dock and call all the captains of the ship.

The patrol sailors who received the order hurried to the bay, and Lieutenant General Kornilov, who regained consciousness on his right foot, returned to the headquarters.

After sitting at the headquarters and waiting for 5 minutes, Andrei Bolkonsky brought Nakhimov to the front of Lieutenant General Kornilov.

"By the way! There is one more thing that needs to be done by you!" Lieutenant General Kornilov told Andrei Bolkonsky in front of Nakhimov about the countermeasures they had discussed yesterday.

After listening to Lieutenant General Kornilov's plan, Andrei Bolkonsky was shocked.

"How? Do you have the confidence to complete the task!" Lieutenant General Kornilov asked Andrei Bolkonski.

"Yes!" Andrei Bolkonsky, who had recovered, said firmly.

"Go! Let me see your progress!" Lieutenant General Kornilov pushed Andrei Bolkonsky lightly, signaling that he could leave.

"Yes!" Andrei Bolkonsky saluted Lieutenant General Kornilov and left the headquarters.

"You asked him to perform this task, aren't you afraid that he will screw up this task?" Nakhimov asked Lieutenant General Kornilov with some puzzlement.

It stands to reason that for such a technical job of spreading rumors, it is best to find those skilled in the army who are the most suitable candidates.

A well-behaved aristocratic young man like Andrei Bolkonsky was incompetent for such a job.

"You have to give young people a chance to exercise! Besides, what if they fail?" Lieutenant General Kornilov said nonchalantly.

For Lieutenant General Kornilov, the Sevastopol fortress is enough to panic, even if Andrei Bolkonsky fails, it is nothing more than maintaining the status quo.

The most important thing is the baptism of those priests. The success or failure of the baptism affects the success or failure of Sevastopol.

"That's right!" Nakhimov nodded.

"By the way! I also called those captains to come over! They will come in a while!" Lieutenant General Kornilov continued.

After a while, the captains of sixteen ships appeared in the headquarters.

Kornilov immediately assigned the sixteen captains their respective tasks.

After all the tasks were assigned, Kornilov said loudly: "I hope you can complete the tasks as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" The sixteen captains responded in unison to Vice Admiral Kornilov.

Lieutenant Admiral Kornilov, who was watching the captain for example, sat down in the chair again, and said to himself with a long sigh of relief: "I hope everything goes well!"


The captain who left the command followed the instructions of Lieutenant General Kornilov and set off from the south bank of Sevastopol to the north bank to erect the pontoon. The French troops discovered the situation.

The French staff member who took the hot air balloon to the sky just landed on the ground, and immediately went to the staff to report the situation to Trosch.

After receiving the report from the "Hot Air Balloon Staff" (dubbed by the army), Brigadier General Trosch did not hesitate to report the information to St. Arnault and Pelissier.

Marshal St. Arnault pondered for a long time, and then asked Pelissier what he thought, whether the Russian Empire on the south bank of Sevastopol did this to increase troops to the north or to transport troops from the north bank to the south bank.

"I think this move of the Russian Empire is obviously to concentrate all the troops in one place, and now the north bank of Sevastopol is completely surrounded by our troops, if the commander of the south bank of Sevastopol is not stupid , they will only choose the south bank that has not been surrounded by our army!" Perissier responded to Marshal Saint Arnault.

"So what should we do now?" Marshal Saint Arnault asked Perlisier.

"Marshal! Since the troops on the south bank judged that we would log on to the north bank, why don't we send a troop to the south bank to set up a posture of landing on the south bank, so as to confuse their judgment! This troop doesn't need too much, just one regiment is enough. !" Perissier responded to Marshal St. Arnault, and then added: "However, this requires the cooperation of the British Navy!"

"Trosch, you immediately go to the British Headquarters and tell Commander Raglan our request. I believe Commander Raglan will agree!" Marshal Saint Arno turned his eyes to Trosch and said.

Brigadier General Trosch, who had left the French headquarters, spent nearly 5 minutes riding a horse to the station where Britain was located. Under the leadership of the soldiers there, Brigadier General Trosch found Commander Raglan.

At this time, Commander Raglan was staying on the hills with the Duke of Cambridge and Adjutant using the telescope in his hand to survey the enemy situation on the north bank. The sudden arrival of Brigadier General Trosch made Commander Raglan slightly Somewhat surprised.

"Marshal Saint Arno, are there any arrangements?" Commander Raglan asked Brigadier General Trox half-jokingly.

"Commander Raglan..." Trosch told Commander Raglan what he found on the balloon.

"So you speculate that the Russian army on the north bank wants to withdraw to the south bank, is that so??" Commander Raglan said to Brigadier General Trosch.

"That's right!" Brigadier General Trosch nodded and replied to Commander Raglan: "Our marshal hopes that the French fleet and the British fleet can join forces and go to the south bank to restrain the Russian Empire's army, so that they do not dare to rashly. Completely withdraw the army!"

"Tell you the marshal, I agree with his idea!" Commander Raglan first said to Brigadier General Trosch, and then ordered Adjutant Kinstko to go to the coast to contact the British Navy.

Adjutant Kinstec, who received the order, hurriedly left, and Trosch did not stay and returned to the French command.

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