Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard - Chapter 286

Published at 16th of March 2023 09:49:00 AM

Chapter 286: cursed demon

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"Hahaha, in fact, my biggest interest is to study various types of magic, so I want to dabble in all kinds of magic.

Just like Lucy, your protoss magic, and Erza's knight dressing magic, I'm also very interested. "

While modest, Jerry uttered some introductory words.

Sure enough, after listening to Lucy, she immediately patted her chest and assured:

"You are interested in celestial spirit magic, you can come to my house and ask me for advice at any time, anyway, it is not far away, I can teach you!"

Being able to guide such an excellent Jerry to learn magic is actually quite a fulfilling thing for her.

Elsa over there also nodded succinctly:

"If you are interested in my knight dressing magic, I can teach you too, but you have to prepare enough money, because it is very expensive to make all kinds of armor!"

As a companion of her own guild, Erza has made Jerry her new family.

So even if Jerry didn't help, as long as he made a request to learn magic from her, she was still willing to teach her knightly magic.


A look of doubt appeared on Jerry's face.

Wasn't Erza's armor made with magic?

Perhaps seeing Jerry's doubts, Erza immediately explained:

"My knight outfits are the same as ordinary weapon outfits. They use magic to develop a special space where weapons and armor can be stored, and then summon them when needed.

So the important thing is not the magic, the magic can only be dressed quickly, the important thing is the armor.

If you want powerful armor, you need to spend money to go to the magic shop for special customization. I know a very good one and can recommend it to you. "

It turned out that Elsa's dozen sets of armor were all custom-made by a special magic shop. The only improvement she made was from changing weapons to changing weapons and armor.

This is why, Erza is willing to teach her own magic, but none of the Fairy Tail wizards are willing to learn it.

First of all, the dozen sets of armor, but Erza has completed countless super-difficulties over the years, and earned huge commissions to build them. Ordinary mages don't have that kind of money at all.

Secondly, those armors are at best the icing on the cake for Erza. Even without those armors, Erza's own combat power is a proper S rank.

Therefore, even if you spend a lot of money to create those armors and learn to dress up as Erza's knights, you will not be able to exert the capabilities of the armor, and you will be hammered by the enemy.

Instead, it is better to study the magic that suits you carefully.

"Thank you then!"

Hearing Erza's explanation, Jerry was not too disappointed.

Being able to instantly summon all kinds of powerful armors and wear them on the body is a good magic in itself.

As for the issue of armor, although it is not made by magic power, but by specialized craftsmen, it is not a problem in the first place.

Because as long as it is related to money, it is not a problem for him.

Besides, he is also a master of alchemy himself. Maybe after the craftsmen make it, he will be able to make some magic changes and add some new functions.

And he can repair magic, don't worry about if the armor is damaged in the future, he has to take it to the craftsman to repair, and he can repair it with a repair spell.

Maybe, if you have time to learn, it will be a good choice for craftsmen in this world to create magic armor.

Anyway, his little red star can stay in this world for a long time, learning a new technique is always good, especially considering that it can be integrated with alchemy.

Also, the spells in this world are quite interesting, so you can study them when you have time.


"It's ridiculous, it's too ridiculous, it's just some useless waste, I really can't stand it anymore, let me eat you all myself!"

Just when everyone came out of the train station, they planned to tie Eli Gore, and then took the Ocarina of Curse to Krobar Town to find the president who was good at sealing to reseal it.

The Ocarina of Curse on the ground suddenly came out, a sinister sarcastic sound.

Immediately afterwards, a huge black magic circle appeared out of thin air over the entire city.

From the three eyes of the Ocarina of Curse, powerful dark energy came out continuously, and finally gathered together and turned into a huge monster with three eyes.

"so big!

! "

Looking at the huge monster in front of her, Lucy was so frightened that she almost fell to the ground.

No wonder Lucy was afraid. Jerry made a visual inspection. The height of the monster was estimated to be close to 300 meters. With this physique, the magic of an ordinary wizard was just a tickling for him.

However, although this monster has a big body, it does not have much magic power in it. Maybe it has been sealed for too long. Jerry feels that the magic power of this monster is worse than that of Erza in its heyday.

"Your soul smells delicious, and eating it will definitely restore my strength as quickly as possible!"

After the monster appeared, he immediately turned his three evil eyes towards Erza and the others.

It felt a very powerful soul among these people, especially the brown-haired man, the soul breath that it exudes even makes it salivate.

If it eats the souls of these people, it feels that not only its own strength can return to its peak state, but it can even make a breakthrough, surpassing those demons that are far more powerful than him.

"Damn, why doesn't this monster look so smart, and tell everyone that you are not in your peak state as soon as it comes out, isn't it looking for something?"

"Armor of Black Feather!"

Sure enough, Erza, who had finally recovered some magic power at this time, lit up, and instantly summoned a set of black armor with demon wings that could fly at high speed, as well as a large black sword that increased its attack.

"You can't let it leave here, or it will cause a great disaster!"

The monster in front of him is a legendary demon that feeds on human souls. According to records, he once killed three human cities with the sound of curses~.

In the end, it was defeated by a large number of powerful mages and sealed up.

If it is the heyday of the other party, then they can't be opponents at all, but this guy himself said that because the sealing time is too long, the strength is not at the peak.

Besides, there is another Jerry who is currently a little bit elusive.

They are not without a chance!

Natsu and Gray didn't know what they were afraid of. Even though the other party looked huge, they still responded to Erza's call for the first time and rushed towards the monster.

"Song of the Curse!"

Looking at the three wizards rushing towards him, the cursed demon directly used his most powerful talent magic.

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