Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard - Chapter 377

Published at 16th of March 2023 09:55:35 AM

Chapter 377: dream woman

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"It's with Sakura!"

Jerry and the head of the Li family left the living room and came to the courtyard, and soon found that the special magic wave came from the room where Xiao Ying and Tomoyo lived.

It's just that this magic power came and went quickly. When the two rushed to the door of the room, the magic power had already disappeared.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The head of the Li family stepped forward and knocked on the door a little worried.

"Please come in!"

Sakura's voice came from the room.

Jerry pushed open the door and saw Sakura sitting beside the bed, as if her soul was undecided, and asked:

"Sakura, did something happen just now?"

"Brother Jerry, Mama Li!"

Seeing that it was Jerry and Li Xiaolang's mother, Xiao Ying was surprised for a moment, but she was relieved quickly, and slowly said what just happened.

It turned out that Xiao Ying had often dreamed of a woman long before she came to Xiangjiang, but this dream suddenly became much clearer tonight, and what happened in the dream was actually reflected in reality.

In the dream just now, her wrist was wrapped in a silk scarf by the woman inside, and when she woke up, there were actually scars on her wrist wrapped around the silk scarf.

After listening to Xiao Ying's remarks, the head of the Li family frowned, then touched Xiao Ying's head and comforted:

"It's okay, Sakura, come out with me, and I'll help you see what's going on."

Sakura looked at Jerry, Jerry nodded, and the three of them left the room and came to the courtyard of the mansion, on a very special octagonal platform.

"Using dreams to insinuate reality. This is the first time I've seen this kind of magic Jerry, and it's specifically aimed at Sakura. Could it be that Cullorido left behind some backhand, or some old grudge?"

Seeing the head of the Li family let Xiao Ying stand on the gossip stage, Jerry couldn't help guessing secretly.

Sakura was affected when she was in Japan, but at that time she could only appear in the dream, but now she can directly affect the reality through the dream, obviously either the strength of the other party has increased, or some factors have made the other party's ability. has been strengthened.

For example, distance!

Therefore, he guessed that this person is aimed at Xiao Ying, and it is likely to be in Xiangjiang.

And he heard Xiao Ke say before that Crowley was the most powerful magician in the whole world at that time, but in the process of growing up, because of his character, he offended many mages.

Maybe now this is one of them.

"The Jade Emperor has edicts, divine inkstones from all directions, gold, wood, water, fire, soil, thunder, wind, thunder and lightning.

I saw that the head of the Li family pointed the magic fan in his hand towards Xiao Ying, and quickly recited the incantation in his mouth.

In an instant, a huge gossip formation rose from the gossip stage, wrapping Sakura in the formation.

After a while, the head of the Li family put away the fan with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Have you found anything?"

Jerry stepped forward and asked.

After reading so many Taoist books of the Li family, although most of them are basic Taoist books, he still knows about the spells cast by the current Li family patriarch.

It is a kind of spell that is deduced with the aid of magic circles and incantations, just like divination with crystal **** in the West.

In fact, Jerry also learned arithmetic and divination at Hogwarts and Professor Trelawney's divination, but his current level of divination can only be said to be indescribable.

His arithmetic and divination is good because he has a little red star to help him, but he can't really see what will happen in the future, at most he can only predict good and bad luck.

"Fairy Wood"

As for the divination that can really see the future and predict the future, even if he masters all the contents of the textbook, including all the knowledge of Professor Trelawney, it will have no effect.

Later, he felt that this kind of thing might have something to do with blood. Without the blood of a prophet, it would be difficult to really see the future. Otherwise, you can learn divination with your IQ and talent. Dumbledore and Voldemort have already become prophets, and you don't have to go every day. Think of the prophecies of others.

"According to my deduction, there may be a major crisis about to happen, and Xiao Ying's arrival in Xiangjiang seems to be controlled by the woman in her dream!"

The head of the Li family replied with a dignified expression.

In her deduction, the strength of the woman in Xiao Ying's dream is very strong, and she may not be too arrogant compared to her.

"So, she did it when I won the special prize to travel to Hong Kong?"

When Xiao Sakura heard what Li's mother said, a worried look appeared on her face.

Jerry stepped forward and smiled gently:

"Don't worry, it's just a little boy who hides in the dark and doesn't dare to show his face, go back and rest!"

Seeing Jerry's calm demeanor, and thinking of Jerry's powerful strength, Sakura suddenly felt that the woman in the dream didn't seem so scary anymore.

"Okay, Brother Jerry!"

Nodding her head, Xiao Ying bowed to the head of the Li family and went back to her room.

"Patriarch, can you track down that woman's current location?"

After Sakura left, Jerry asked the head of the Li family.

Dreams are the manifestation of human subconscious after falling asleep, involving the mind and soul.

Although Jerry doesn't know how to enter other people's dreams, he has a lot of research on soul magic. If the woman in Sakura's dream casts a spell to fall into a dream again, he will be able to track the other party through the strangeness in Sakura's soul as soon as possible. s position.

However, it would be best if they could find and destroy Sakura before they fell into a dream and hurt Sakura again.

The head of the Li family thought for a while, then shook his head helplessly:

"The method is very powerful. If I only rely on my current ability, it is difficult to track the opponent's specific location. If I use Luo Geng left by Cullorido, I might be able to give it a try.

It is a pity that the little wolf Na Luo Geng stayed in Japan and did not bring it back. It will take two days at the earliest to get it back now. "

In fact, in the divination just now, she wanted to locate the opponent's position, but unfortunately the opponent's strength is not weaker than her, and she seems to be very proficient in the deduction technique, so she can only return without success.

However, this is not absolute. Cullo Rido once left a pair of Luo Geng made by himself to the Li family today, although Na Luo is mainly used to locate Cullo cards.

But it is also a top-level magic weapon that can greatly enhance her divination ability. With Luo Geng's assistance, she can locate the opponent's position with 80% confidence.

"It's not a problem, Patriarch, please wait a moment, I'll come when I go!"

Of course, Jerry had seen the compass of Li Xiaolang, and he had studied it for a while, but in the end he didn't get any substantial gains.

He stretched out his hand and drew a portal leading to Li Xiaolang's residence in Youzhi Town. In less than ten seconds, Jerry took Luo Geng back from the portal again.

"Patriarch, do you see this?"

Jerry from Li Xiaolang's family knew where he was. When he got there, a "Luo Geng flew over" and easily got the things and returned, so the speed was so fast.


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