Published at 15th of March 2023 06:23:20 AM

Chapter 102: His care (2)

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Master will be worried

Su Wanwan heard these words spoken by Aunt Wu, and there was an inexplicable sourness in her heart. She also wanted Pei Munian to worry about her and care about her, just like she used to be.

She remembered that after she fell in love with him at first sight, she began to pursue him fanatically.

But Pei Mu-nian is worthy of being a high-cold male god. She tried all kinds of methods and he was indifferent. Later, she was forced to follow him in a hurry and started to follow him every day, talking in his ear, I like you and I like you. You i like you

There is not a saying that is like this, sincerely, gold and stone are open.

She is so sincere, even if Pei Munian is an ice cube, she will melt it?

However, she still underestimated Pei Munian. He was not an ice cube at all, but a big iceberg. Her persistent confession did not exchange his response, but was mocked by his cold words.

She couldn't remember what Pei Munian said at the time. She only knew that it was not a good thing. She was very sad and stood there blankly, like a statue. Even when it rained heavily, she was motionless.

After returning home, she fell ill.

That time the illness came so fiercely that her whole body burned to nearly forty degrees, but she still couldn't help chanting Pei Munian's name, and then, in a daze, she actually saw Pei Munian. At first, she thought it was an illusion, so she harassed him and said a lot about how much she liked him, how hurtful he was, how sad she was , I told her all the true feelings in her heart.

Pei Munian had been listening quietly, and finally murmured something, and then he slowly raised his hand and hugged her.

His arms were not like his people, but unusually warm. Su Wanwan felt the warmth and suddenly realized that Pei Mu-nian in front of him was not an illusion, he was really there.

Su Wanwan grabbed Pei Munian's skirt with both hands, raised his head in his arms, his black eyes widened, and looked at him unblinking, for fear that he would disappear.

"Pei Munian, is it really you? How could you come?" Su Wanwan said, the question stopped, "Did you know that I am sick and worry about me, so come to see me?"

Although Su Wanwan said that, in fact, there is no bottom in her heart. She has chased Pei Mu-nian for so long, and Pei Mu-nian dismissed it. She really worried that Pei Mu-nian would say ugly things like before, mocking her self-love!

Pei Mu-nian’s lips lifted slightly and smiled. He nodded, no longer said those bad things, and no longer ridiculed, but said, "Well, I am worried about you. So Su Wanwan, don’t get sick, hurry up Get better."

That illness quickly shortened the distance between her and Pei Munian. Then, she confessed her success and became with Pei Munian.

Even though she later learned that Pei Munian's concern was just a hoax in his plan, she still missed his care and tenderness at the time.

Because that is the few warmth that remains between her and Pei Munian.

Su Wanwan didn't know if he recalled that he was sick, and when he went to bed at night, his body actually reacted with his brain, and he became weak and feverish little by little.

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