Published at 15th of March 2023 05:38:15 AM

Chapter 1020: He has a reaction (5)

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Su Wanwan subconsciously raised her hand and touched her forehead. Maybe her palm was too hot, and she couldn't detect the temperature of her forehead. Is she sick? Or is it just uncomfortable because I slept in the hospital bed all night?

She couldn't help but fall back to Pei Munian's face, her voice became hoarse, "It's been two days, when will you wake up, I'm so uncomfortable, will you wake up soon?"

She held his hand and pressed it to her cheek. The palm of his hand was not warm, with a trace of coolness, and pressed it to her warm cheek. Su Wanwan sighed, "Look, for Being able to see you, I knelt in the rain for a long time, and was forced to sign a divorce agreement. When you wake up, you must make up for me, don’t you know? You still owe me things, you have to wake up and complete , If you dare to die like this, I will not live alone! Whether you live or die, I will follow you."

"If you don't want me to have an accident, wake up quickly and wake up!"

At the end, the hoarse voice was similar to howling, and he coughed unconsciously.

She turned her face hurriedly, coughing, and suddenly felt a slight movement of her fingers. She was taken aback and looked back in surprise.

Did Pei Munian's finger move just now? Did he hear what she said?

Su Wanwan hurriedly put Pei Munian's hand back on the bed, her black eyes widened, staring at his hand, and said: "Niannian, did you hear me talking? Do you feel mine right? If you are conscious, move your finger again, move it!"

Su Wanwan almost held his breath and waited, one second, two seconds, three seconds, and finally his tail finger moved very slightly.

Her black eyes blinked, and she was sure that it was not her own hallucinations. Infinite excitement burst out of her chest. She turned around and ran out of the ward, shouting at the people outside, "Call the doctor, call the doctor, I'm sorry. Reacted, he reacted."

When the bodyguards guarding outside saw this, one of them hurriedly pulled out his leg to call the doctor. Su Wanwan was excited on the spot for a while, and was about to walk into the ward. His feet suddenly softened and his whole body fell down. Another bodyguard looked at her like this, he couldn't help but reached out and helped her, and said, "Miss Su, are you okay?"

Su Wanwan shook his head lightly, trying to say it was all right, but his eyes suddenly went dark, and his body fell softly.


When I woke up again, the sky outside was already dark, and there was only one wall lamp in the room, emitting a dim and yellow light.

Su Wanwan stared blankly at the white ceiling, not knowing where it was for a while.

In a moment, she regained some consciousness, and then swept the room around. It was obviously a hospital room. She was lying on the bed with a drip with one hand.

What's wrong with her?

Su Wanwan frowned and thought about it, she was obviously accompanying Pei Munian.

No, she remembered that Pei Munian had already reacted, and then she went out to call the doctor, and then she didn't remember anything, what about Niannian? Is Niannian awake?

Su Wanwan tried hard to hold up her sore body, wanted to get up, wanted to see what happened to Pei Munian, but she didn't have much strength right now and couldn't get up for a while.

The door of the ward was suddenly pushed open, and the sound of footsteps came over, and she raised her eyes reflexively.

The slender woman walked step by step, her face was printed in Su Wanwan's eyes little by little, and the corner of her lips was smiling, and she couldn't hide joy, "Sister Wanwan, are you awake?" !--rm-->

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