Published at 15th of March 2023 05:36:19 AM

Chapter 1044: Madden Secret (5)

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Su Wan was busy and spoke again, "Assistant Wu, can you find out Madam Pei's flight information?"

"Madam, what do you want to do?"

"I suspect that Madam Pei went to the United States to visit Mu Nian this time. I think Mu Nian is healing her wounds in the United States, so I want to follow it."

"No." Assistant Wu was surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that Su Wanwan's guess was impossible. He had to go through the entire hospital in L City, and he did not find out the whereabouts of Pei Munian. Either Pei Munian really woke up and stayed in the old house, but this possibility was very low, or Pei Munian was not in the city.

"Okay, I will check Madam’s flight information right away. This is not difficult." After a pause, Assistant Wu said: "But, Madam, if you follow Madam to the United States tomorrow, I don’t know when you will be back. What about Xi Zhiwei?"

"Xi Zhiwei, you will stare at me for the time being. I will ask Ziwei Ge to help me with other things. Anyway, there is still a week. I will try to find out where the thoughts are before then. It is best to be able to Contact him and you will be back."

"Okay, then I will send you the flight news later, Madam Young, if you go to the United States alone, pay more attention to safety."

"Don't worry, I will."

About an hour later, Su Wanwan’s cell phone dinged, she picked it up and saw that it was the flight information sent by Assistant Wu. Su Wanwan immediately used the computer to buy one for herself on the same flight. A ticket, because Mrs. Pei is in business class, so she specially booked economy class so that she won’t run into each other.

After buying the ticket, Su Wan got up late, walked out of the room, and went downstairs to find Shen Ziwei.


The next day, Shen Ziwei drove Su Wanwan to the airport.

On the way, he told her to pay more attention and be careful when alone. Su Wanwan joked: "I am not a kid anymore. Don't worry, Brother Ziwei, I have a hunch that I will be able to see Nian Nian this time. ."

"Are you sure you don't need me to accompany you?"

Asking Su Wanwan to face Madam Pei alone, he didn't worry about it. Su Wanwan always thought that Madam Pei was Pei Munian's mother, but Madam Pei never thought that she was Pei Munian's wife.

"I think too, but you have to stay here and help me stare at Xi Zhiwei. I always feel that she is going to do something again. She promised to give the money so easily. No matter how you look at it, it's tricky. , I don’t want to go to America anymore, just stay here and stare at her."

Shen Ziwei glanced at her helplessly, "Okay, don't worry, I will show you Xi Zhiwei, but you have to promise me, think twice about what you do, and try not to have a head-on conflict with Mrs. Pei. You are in the United States. People who are unfamiliar with the place in life are easy to suffer."

"I know, I will restrain myself and not be as stupid as before, and my sister is in the United States? If I have something, she will always help me."

Su Wanwan was just a casual sentence, but Shen Ziwei fell silent for a moment, and she realized what she had said, and hurriedly stuck her tongue out.

To be honest, she was very curious about what happened to her sister and Brother Ziwei. The two seemed to be inferior to strangers overnight. The sister had to sever the relationship with her grandfather back then. It seems that a large part of it was because of Ziwei. brother.

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