Published at 15th of March 2023 05:34:37 AM

Chapter 1092: Retribution (15)

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Pei Munian gave a wink. He was about to catch Su Wanwan's bodyguard, and immediately turned to Xi Zhiwei, Qi Qi surrounded her and prevented her from trying to escape.

Pei Munian walked in front of Xi Zhiwei and raised her chin towards the screen. "Is the person in the video real or fake? With so many eyes, no one is blind. It's just that you were just right now, so I asked me to find someone to come with you. Confrontation? Why? Are you afraid now?"


Pei Munian reached out and grabbed Xi Zhiwei’s wrist, dragged her to the screen, and then said to the man in the video: “If you have anything, let’s make it clear now. You can ask her why you had this car accident. , Why did you almost die, lying in the hospital with wounds now!"

The man's dark eyes stared at Xi Zhiwei, his voice was extremely hoarse, but he still spoke word by word with difficulty, "Bitch, you deliberately broke the brakes of the car, wanting to kill me and want you. No one will ever know the secret, right?"

Xi Zhiwei desperately tried to get away from Pei Munian's hand, but his five fingers were like iron chains, locked her wrists firmly, unable to get away.

She could only try to defend herself: "What are you talking nonsense? What car, what broke the brakes? I don't know what you are talking about!"

"Pretend me stupid now? The nasty things you did, in order to seal my mouth, so you promised to give me money and let me drive your car, but you have already broken the brakes, that is You want me to be killed in a car accident! In order to cover up your secret, you actually killed someone, Xi Zhiwei, you are terrible!"


The four words are like a thunderstorm, which burst into the ears of everyone. The two videos just now, at most, think that Xi Zhiwei’s character is problematic, but intentional killing is illegal and must be held criminally responsible. .

Did Xi Zhiwei really kill people on purpose?

All people's attention immediately focused on Xi Zhiwei, and the reporters directly pointed their cameras at Xi Zhiwei, and kept taking pictures, lest they miss any wonderful pictures.

"No, I really don’t know what you’re talking about. I haven’t done anything nasty, why should I give you money? There is also my car. Sister Li can prove to me that my car is halfway up. It was stolen a month ago, and I went to report the loss. Unexpectedly, you stole my car. Now that you have something wrong, you still have to rely on me?"

Xi Zhiwei clenched his hands tightly and trembling all over, but still tried to stay calm and tried to argue for herself, "I see, Su Wanwan must have bought you? Su Wanwan gave you money and wanted you It doesn't count as if you came to plant and blame me and ruin my reputation. Now you still want to blame me for killing?"

Sometimes, Su Wanwan had to admire Xi Zhiwei. Under any circumstances, she could involve her and vowed not to stop without dragging her into the water!

Xi Zhiwei knew that the former agent was still alive. It must have been Pei Munian or Su Wanwan's job. When she thought everything was going well, she suddenly came out to expose her. Fortunately, she has always been cautious in doing things to prevent her from being caught in the car accident. She had reported the car as missing a long time ago, and she was extremely cautious when she damaged the car.

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