Published at 15th of March 2023 06:21:14 AM

Chapter 164: Fighting at the head of the bed and the end of the bed (6)

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Su Wanwan didn't expect that she would run into Pei Munian and Xi Zhiwei here. She knew that the two of them had gotten closer recently, but she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, only learned from the newspaper.

The content of reports in newspapers generally likes to exaggerate, so she believes only 30%, and 70% is skeptical.

But seeing this scene before her, she knew that she was optimistic about it.

Although Pei Munian and Xi Zhiwei didn't have any intimate actions, Xi Zhiwei sat next to him in such an ambiguous manner. No matter how you look at it, nothing is right. He Pei Munian has a wife! How could he allow other women to be so close to him!

Su Wanwan squeezed her hands violently, her eyes dimmed.

The problem between her and Pei Munian has not yet been resolved, and Xi Zhiwei is staring at him like this. If Pei Munian is seduced by Xi Zhiwei, isn't it possible that she and Pei Munian are gone?

Su Wanwan really wanted to just rush in and separate the two of them. She also had the right to do so, but her footsteps seemed to be nailed to the ground, and she couldn't lift it up.

Because she was afraid.

Before, she had no fear, thinking that Pei Munian had feelings for her, so she dared to express her feelings to him boldly and boldly do what she wanted to do, but now Pei Munian said to her yesterday, and her whole person suddenly Was trapped by his words again, unable to move.

If she does what she wants to do as before, will Pei Munian divorce her?

She was not afraid of divorce, and even wanted to leave the marriage at one time, but now she is beginning to be afraid, afraid of divorcing him, afraid of separating from him. Su Wanwan’s footsteps unconsciously pushed back step by step until she could no longer see Pei Mu-nian and Xi Zhiwei. She leaned against the wall, her eyes gloomy and her heart pierced. At the same time, I hate such a useless self.

She really did not expect that one day she would choose to ignore such things because of fear.

Su Wanwan suppressed all the sadness, forced herself to turn around and walked back to her private room.

Su Wanwan held up a smile, after discussing business with the client, the client got up and left. She should have checked out and left. She glanced at the wine on the table, she reached out and took it without pouring it into the glass. Just pour the bottle into your mouth.

When the guests were there, she drank so much that she would not let herself get drunk, but now that the guests are gone, she can drink without restraint and can drink wanton.

Su Wanwan actually doesn't like to drink, because she is drunk and seems to always do things that she regrets inadvertently, such as the night three years ago, or the night she went to the wrong room.

But only wine can make her forget all her worries temporarily, stop her from thinking about things related to Pei Munian, and make her escape from reality briefly.

Anyway, she will be here alone tonight, even if she is drunk, she won’t do anything outrageous.

Su Wanwan closed her eyes and poured it grumblingly. After drinking one bottle of wine, she continued to get the second bottle.


Pei Munian had a dinner tonight. Because she was in a bad mood, she drank too much, so she leaned on the sofa to sleep.

Xi Zhiwei didn't know when he sat beside him. Seeing him like this, her eyebrows frowned, and her eyes were full of worry, "Brother Mu Nian, why are you drinking so much alcohol? Are you okay?"

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