Published at 15th of March 2023 06:04:03 AM

Chapter 556: Is this what you want? (6)

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Su Wanwan stumbled into the operating room with a strong smell of blood. She saw her grandfather, who had always been stern and solemn, lying dying on the operating table, with various tubes inserted in her body, maintaining his last s life.

Su Wanwan rushed over. She wanted to hold Grandpa's hand, but she didn't dare to move him. She was afraid that once she touched him, it would turn into blue smoke and disappear.

"Grandpa." Su Wanwan called in a very low voice.

Su Zhenhua opened his eyes with difficulty, but he could only open a trace of the gap between them. Even Su Wanwan's face could not be seen clearly before him, only a rough outline could be seen.

He was full of anger at Su Wanwan, and he couldn't get angry at this moment, "Late night, no, don't be sad, people are old, they have, such a day."

When a person is dying, his heart is always soft, and he is dissatisfied with her, but when he is dying, she is the only one who is by his bed, and only she is crying for him.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I don't know your health is so bad, it's because I'm too capricious, I'm sorry."

Su Wanwan's eyes burst into tears, "Will you hold on, how good are you? From now on, I will listen to you what you say, don't leave me alone."

Su Zhenhua tried his best to raise his hand. Su Wanwan quickly held his hand, feeling that scrawny hand, and Su Wanwan's tears flowed even more fiercely.

"Late night, Grandpa regrets that there is no way to make the Su family glorious again. I, I don’t want to force you to support this crumbling Su family again, but there is something, you, you have to promise me , It must be done, otherwise, or I will die and I won’t look down." Su Zhenhua's last sentence, the tone could not help but aggravate, the muddy eyes were a little clearer.

"Grandpa, what's the matter, you say, as long as I can do it, I will try my best, you say."

Su Zhenhua exhausted his last strength and said his last wish in Su Wanwan’s ear word by word. Su Wanwan’s eyes suddenly widened, but before she could finish digesting the news, Su Zhenhua’s eyes closed. , The heart instrument next to it has made a long beep, and the heart curve has gradually changed from a faint undulating line to a straight line.

"Grandpa!" Su Wanwan cried, almost collapsed.

The doctor and nurse hurried forward. Su Wanwan was pulled away. After examining Su Zhenhua, the doctor shook his head, then looked at the clock hanging on the wall, and announced the time of death.

The nurse took away Su Zhenhua’s equipment one by one. Su Wanwan still didn’t believe it, so she jumped on and grabbed the doctor’s hand, "Doctor, grandpa won’t die like this. You have to do surgery again, and you think about it. Way, please."

"Miss, let's change my sorrows."

The doctor comforted him, and then pushed Su Wanwan away. Su Wanwan watched as the nurse covered Su Zhenhua with the white cloth and completely covered him. She covered her face and couldn't cry herself.

Su Wanwan was pushed out of the operating room. As soon as Ma Li came up, she hugged her, crying deeply, and Secretary Su behind her couldn't help sobbing.

Su Wanwan's tears seemed to have drained inside. She raised her eyes in a daze, and looked at Secretary Su, her voice extremely hoarse, "Is what Grandpa said true?"

Secretary Su wiped a tear and nodded slowly, "It's true."

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