Published at 15th of March 2023 05:43:43 AM

Chapter 918: Do you want me? (8)

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Pei Munian stood up, hugged the woman in front of her, her lips raised evilly, and her voice sounded ambiguously, "Date, should we respond to the audience's request?"

Su Wanwan's eyebrows curled up with a smile, like two crescent moons, staring at him with big beautiful eyes for a second, and said domineeringly: "Then what are you waiting for?"

Her hand directly hooked Pei Munian's neck, raised her toes, and kissed her actively.

Pei Mu-nian was stunned, and then a thick smile flashed under his eyes very quickly. His little woman really didn't know how to write the word reserved, but he just liked it!

Pei Munian's arms wrapped tightly around Su Wanwan's waist, and kissed him back.

Lips-tooths-intertwining, breathing hot, two people kiss each other deeply, all emotions are in between, I wish you have me in you, and you in me!

The people around cheered, booed or applauded or whistled, and some even picked up the guitar and sang the love song directly.

Standing in the crowd, Yu Jia looked at the pair of people who were embracing and kissing in the heart-shaped stone circle. There were a lot of thoughts in his eyes, with excitement, emotion, and sigh.

How did you love Pei Munian so much that you chased him again and again. Probably no one knew better than her. So many times of despair, I thought that I was really going to part ways, but I didn't expect to turn around in the end.

After all, God is still unwilling to dismantle the lover, it's good that lovers eventually become married.

Seeing that they were able to stay together so happily in this way, it made people believe in love, and they wanted to love it vigorously.

Gong Lingyu stood beside Yu Jia, staring at them like black eyes. He thought it was impossible to let go. It turned out that he could let go so easily. Seeing them so happy, the last thing in his heart was unwilling. A little heavy, it seems to have disappeared in smoke.

Su Wanwan was the first time he really liked a woman. Although her choice was not him, he was grateful to her. She made him understand the taste of love, and she made him understand the true meaning of love. Understand, guarding is also a kind of love.

At this moment, he really put down the woman, really unlocked his heart, and let her walk out.

There was a second of emptiness in his heart, but he subconsciously looked sideways, looked at Yu Jia beside him, and looked at her quiet and beautiful face. His empty heart was filled up strangely and instantly, as if there was something in it, and quickly Stationed in.

He trembled suddenly, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

He was able to let go of Su Wanwan so easily, and was able to stop being attached, could it be because his mind, unknowingly, had let others in?

So is that person Yu Jia?

How is this possible?

He has always been a good brother to Jia, good buddy, how could he have those strange feelings for her?

But, if not, why would he want to be close to her, want to be with her, want to stick to her at all times, even if he can't fight?

There was a sound in my ears, and then, a grand flower bloomed in the sky, the fireworks were dazzling, and the beauty was extremely beautiful. Everyone's eyes were attracted, but Gong Lingyu was still fixed on Jia's face.

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