My Cell Prison - Chapter 1169

Published at 7th of December 2021 11:27:25 AM

Chapter 1169: 1169

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Han Dong also failed to find the intruder at the first time.

Only when we went to the core experimental area, there was a vague sense of disobedience After all, Han Dong has been living here for a few months.

Almost all day and night, I am responsible for the construction and laboratory layout of the [sub city] and discuss with Dr. swelling the recent research direction.

It can be said that it has integrated itself with the environment here.

Out of a sense of disobedience in the bottom of his heart, Han Dong immediately scanned with a small magic eye.

As the vision swept across the corner, the magic eye caught a ray of magic light that did not belong to the laboratory It's just that I can't see what it is.

Time, let Han Dong have a feeling of facing a big enemy.

After all.

Han Dong attaches great importance to the privacy of the sub cities. He not only sets up void marks on the outer walls, but also arranges a large number of monitoring crows.

The construction of the underground experimental area also uses the high-purity black rock of London City, which can effectively shield the signal and block the space.

Even so, there are still intruders, and they come directly to the core experimental area.

Han Dong decisively uses the strongest and most life-saving posture, the great devil At the same time, it also sends information to the staff on the surface through the chain, so that they can throw the call for help to the church.

In Han Dong's opinion.

The existence that can sneak into the core laboratory quietly is probably a mythical person who is good at lurking.

Maybe we will kill all the people except Han Dong and destroy all the hard-working establishment.

We have to wait for the support of the priest of the night.



Things are not as bad as expected.

When the iron chain blocked the experimental area.

The intruder came out of the corner on his own initiative, and at the same time completely removed the invisible illusion on the body surface The mysterious two people, one tall and one short, appear in Han Dong's eyes.

At the same time, a sense of homology hit Han Dong's heart, so that the shin between his legs can not help but shine.

"Well? Void

Han Dong immediately understood the reason why the other side could easily sneak in.

This sense of homology caused by the void makes Han Dong stare at the mysterious man who is short From the sense of homology, we can feel that the "void" mastered by the other party is completely superior to Han Dong, or even not at the same level.

Han Dong only through the side of the imitation, to touch the void.

At present, the mysterious man is a strong man coming out of the void.

At this time, a magnetic ethereal voice came from under the hood:

"it seems that we have completely misunderstood! We thought the city of London was against the rules of the world, studying technology from outsiders.

So it is Are you the "special human" who won the London game with green

"Yes, what can I do for you?"

Han Dong's expression is serious, showing a very angry appearance. After all, Han Dong's important privacy can be involved here According to the law of a certain human country, breaking into a private house can be directly killed.

"I hope you can understand Our purpose this time is to inspect the city of London. We found that the expansion of the sub city was unexpected, so we wanted to come and have a look.

Unexpectedly, I found the "void mark" reflected on the wall.

All the "insiders" I know have nothing to do with London, but emptiness has a very rare attribute, so I sneak in and have a look.

As I said just now, I mistakenly thought that there would be further research on violation of the rules I'm willing to compensate you for breaking into your laboratory. "

Hearing the word compensation, Han Dong's eyes lit up, but his expression was still quite serious: "who are you?"

At pop's beckoning, the two men took off their hoods.

Even if it's anthropomorphic.

Han Dong was stunned by the image of the other side At the same time, the count, as a companion consciousness, broke up on the spot, and his speech became somewhat inarticulate. Various exaggerated words were tried to be used together.

As the other party was about to introduce himself, Han Dong immediately cut off the count's voice, which was quite noisy.

"I'm sorry.

My name is pop Menda, from the other end of the void.

This is my friend Hyde Darius. We're going to come to London and make some preparations for next year's game of London

This pop, who is hung with simple books inside and outside, has a "Star River head" - because of its translucent skin and bone structure, it can be clearly seen by outsiders.

Tight, delicate and complex stellar blood vessels are arranged in the body.

In Han Dong's eyes, it is like a top-level biological painting, without any flaws.

However, the most shocking thing is not the blood vessels, but pop's brain Although he has personified himself as much as possible, the structure of the brain as the core remains unchanged.When watching such a brain, the swelling doctor on one side seems to be stimulated. A large amount of liquid, which symbolizes excitement, constantly overflows from the sulcus of the brain, and his body also twitches slightly.

If it wasn't in Popper's skull cavity, you might not have thought of it as brain tissue at all.

A brain like the "bright Milky Way" rotates in the cranial cavity at a constant speed.

It is so perfect,

is so beautiful,

is also so vast,

"the second essence The book of wisdom pop Menda

Dr. tumefaciens had heard of such names as early as Stuart Hall, and their sonority was not inferior to that of green.

"The second protoplasm..."

Shocked, Han Dong turned his eyes to another person.

In the anthropomorphic state, he has a long face in the form of a crescent moon, with long wet blue hair hanging down, and the gill structure is distributed on both sides of the cheek.

"Fish man in the deep sea?"

Considering Han Dong's lack of knowledge about strange demons as human beings, Popper immediately added the introduction;

"Hyde Darius was awarded the title of" supreme glory "in the original game, ranking eighth It's one of my few best friends

Say it.

The tall long faced Hyde nodded to Han Dong and asked in a low voice, "how do you have the smell of sea water?"

Han Dong immediately raised his right back to reveal the "deep sea mark".

"Well? You are a deep-sea emissary. I haven't heard of it before... "

"Belong to one of the most humble emissaries, and I am only a nominal emissary, rarely in the ocean activities."

"No wonder No wonder my Lord will mention your name in particular, so it is

Hyde makes a thoughtful expression. Obviously, as the eighth essence, he also comes from the sea In this way, the relationship is also involved.

Pop on one side also showed a friendly smile: "don't you know Mr. Nicholas is free? As a compensation, I'd like to invite you to eat something. Maybe we can also discuss the issue of emptiness


Han Dong has heard about protoplasts for a long time.

Although it has an integrated brain from the ancients, it can be called the "ancient library" But when it comes to brain power and strategy, it can only rank second.

This Popper is actually the strongest brain.

Moreover, the other side comes from the real void, so Han Dong should take advantage of this opportunity.

"If you don't mind, bring this" assistant "with you It's the first time I've seen such a special monster. "

Pop refers to the special monster, which is Dr. swelling.


At the same time.

The central mansion of the city, the Houttuynia house, belongs to Han Dong's master bedroom.

Maritus sleeps in the "indoor swimming pool" because she is tired. In her dream, she does something about the reproduction of life with her sweetheart. She misses such an opportunity. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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