My Cell Prison - Chapter 1360

Published at 7th of December 2021 11:22:32 AM

Chapter 1360: 1360

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The outer ring layer, the bottom layer and the middle layer of hbron have all been set aside to accept the "world migrants".

These areas have been collectively referred to as "zombie factories.".

A set of detailed, stable and controllable management and control methods have been applied to these areas. The basic process is as follows:

maniacs from all over the world who come to Hyperion will be eroded and infected by "metal spores" when they are five kilometers around the company, and some of the lowest end maniacs will directly turn into "metal zombies".

For those who are in good health, they may be able to resist the metal spores with low density and enter the company's ground floor buildings (warehouses, stations, basic workshops, etc.).

In this way, the higher concentration of proliferative bacteria infected with the virus can be transformed into a zombie with higher variability and diverse morphology.

Very few tribal leaders or organization leaders, who are crazy with their own characteristics, can find the company's organic research institute or contact the middle core area if they can continue to go deep.

They will have the opportunity to infect the secondary or primary strains with high purity and have deeper mutation.

In any case, the madman turned into a metal zombie will go through a process.

[baptism of crazy laughter]

haibolong company is playing a set of "throat phonograph" made by Han Dong through biological means at any time, continuously playing Han Dong's laughter in advance.

The "mad laugh virus" will be completely rooted in their brains through resonance, clearing away all impurities Just like the computer virus in the intrusion system disk, directly to the computer format.

The impurities removed also include the program implanted by the world network, which turns into a walking corpse controlled by Han Dong.

After formatting.

They will be sent to the army train room to assemble suitable longkuang weapons according to their shape, characteristics and strength.

Workshop assembly line always maintain the maximum efficiency.

After passing the stability test.

The metal zombies of these finished products will not be kept inside the company. After all, the company has limited space, and it also needs to accept the madmen who migrate from all over the world.

Therefore, finished products will be "packaged and exported" as commodities.

Go to the underground station of Hyperion in batches, and go to the peripheral station nearest to the city of London.

…… Under the supervision of chief engineer Xiao Huang, everything is going on in an orderly way.

But with the passage of time, Han Dong has a faint smell of something wrong.

"Why hasn't the other party's investigation team arrived yet The hundreds of crows I set up outside have no intelligence feedback. These dead crows I made share 1% of the "magic eye", and most of the disguises can be identified.

What's the matter with this unsettled feeling? "

"What do you want? If there is a strong invasion, just kill them in the front?"

Green sat unconcerned on one side with an energy pistol in his hand, trying to blow his head with different bullets.

Or stick to the temple shooting, or against the mouth and upper jaw shooting, seems to be fascinated by the stimulation of energy bullets penetrating the head.

The more Han Dong thinks about it, the more wrong he is. He immediately establishes a conscious connection with someone.

"What are you doing, temps?

unexpectedly, as soon as the consciousness was connected, an ambiguous gasp came from the female.

"Work. You may need your help here. Bring miss helen to the army train room.

Help me look after the workshop and green, mainly the latter I believe you should have a way. How about you?

"I always feel that something is wrong. I'll go to the lower level of the company and check it myself. If there's no problem, I'll be back in half an hour. All right, but I can't control green. If he has any change, I'll let you know as soon as possible. "

" well, keep in touch. When Han Dong finished talking, he immediately turned to green, who was blowing his head. "Brother green, there's something wrong with the zombies in the lower area. I have to go and have a look. Half an hour at most.

Please keep an eye on the train room. "

Han Dong just finished.


Green turns to give a finger and hits Han Dong's shoulder socket.

A deep hole was poked out There is no blood flowing out. If you look carefully, you will find that the inner wall of the hole is a combination of tentacles and rocks.

"Go If there is any danger, even if the perception is closed, I can get in touch with you through the abyss.

If you feel like you're going to die, just use your fingers to drill in the hole, and I'll respond immediately. "

Green, who seems crazy, actually knows what's going on.

He knew what such a large-scale migration would bring, so he was willing to stay in the company.

It is also clear that Han Dong may encounter powerful invaders this time.

"Good."When temps comes to take over with miss helen, who is full of love.

Han Dong presents the black umbrella given by the priest to the bottom area in disguise, and integrates with the darkness through the effect of the umbrella.

The zombie dominated by crazy smile has no response to Han Dong of dark sword.

Every time I went to an area, I used the magic eye to scan in all directions. At the same time, more than ten blood dog nostrils were constructed on the surface of the right arm, so that the count could help me.

Three large areas were inspected in succession, and no one was found. The production process of the zombies was completely normal.

's count of complaints came immediately: "

," Nicholas, since the crow eye line is outside, the detection devices inside the company are all open.

Even if the other team really has the ability to successfully avoid crows and sneak into the company, it will not understand the situation and conflict with zombies.

There are only five days left before the London Title runs out. If I am the leader of the other party, I must be busy preparing for the war.

After all, the real key is to capture the city of London, and this group of aborigines who do not have enough grades can not make any big waves. "

Even if the count said something reasonable, Han Dong did not listen at all.

He believes in his intuition, and the uneasiness in his heart must be completely eliminated, especially at such an important juncture.

"There are still [train development and assembly workshop] and [garbage disposal area] left to check. If you are sure there is no problem, go up. It won't take long."

"Since you are so headstrong, count Ben will waste some time with you."

Holding a black umbrella, Han Dong came to the production room in charge of the train.

There are a large number of ring wall cranes and several new trains that have stopped development. A large number of new metal materials are also piled up in the workshop, so the vision is not very good.

Since there is only one import and export, the number of zombies living here is relatively rare.

[magic eye. Open]

when Han Dong carefully searched every corner, the count also derived a dog's head, sniffing the small molecules flowing in the air.

All of a sudden.

A wisp of tiny gas, which the count had never smelled, entered his nose. It did not belong to metal, nor to living things. It was like the smell of some kind of cloth.


The count was about to explain the situation to Han Dong.


The count, who only had consciousness in his body, opened his eyes wide. Just now, he had an intuitive feeling of being struck by reality.

I even feel that my consciousness is splitting in two.

Even if death was in sight, the count clenched his teeth and tried to convey two words.

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