My Cell Prison - Chapter 1650

Published at 7th of December 2021 11:14:42 AM

Chapter 1650: 1650

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For what happened right now.

Popper just watched the whole process quietly, and there were some waves in his heart.

He naturally knew that Han Dong was the grey special envoy,

Such an identity is almost equivalent to his status in the virtual space... But I didn't expect that there was such a special group of organizations hidden in the information port, which he had never heard of before.

What's more, in front of us, this group of life, which is constantly emitting a gray breath, can change itself and external things, is extremely rare in the main world.

Pop searched the memory documents deep in the brain library, and finally found the corresponding biological information.

"This group is from chalnos - [faceless].

It's really rare. According to the encyclopedia, this kind of demon doesn't exist naturally... It's a special demon created through the unique system of "gray Walker".

Their essence comes from "pagans" with human attributes.

A very small number of recognized pagans can go to chalnos through special sacrificial ceremonies.

After an extremely long journey and enduring endless suffering, their souls will set foot in the capital area of chalnos and get the perfect recognition from the supreme.

At this time, their souls will be led to the palace of the gray walker.

Surrounded by the gray breath, he completely forgets the ID and reincarnates into a kind of supernatural demon - [faceless person] who has high talent and is born to master the secret of gray.

I didn't expect that such a group was actually active in Arkham,

Acting as the eye of the traveler... It's terrible.

However, as long as we can get information related to Morgan, it doesn't matter. Moreover, such a special high-level organization may have very detailed and even directly related clues and intelligence of Morgan's hiding place.

Sure enough, it's useful to take Nicholas with you. "

When Popper stood still, many faceless people cast curious eyes. They wanted to know who could act with the "special envoy".

When they saw pop's bright eyes, they immediately understood.

It's been less than three minutes.

The faceless person who calls himself "maggot" has already completed the application submission and approval of Han Dong, the "client".

A paper bag wrapped in sticky plaster came.

"Mr. special envoy, this document is as rare as [S].

It takes us months or even years to get the information at great risk. Except for your current team, please don't pass it on.

In addition, we need you and your friends to review the information here. Please follow me. "

The two were led to a special enclosed private room.

"Only you are entitled to access the information. If I don't see it carefully, I will be severely punished, so I'll wait for you outside.

After reading, you just need to seal the data again and leave it in place. "

"All right, you go out."

The secret room is locked.

When Han Dong touched the file bag,

The gray mucus flowing on the surface of the skin immediately seeps into the body through the fingertips,

After identifying the identity, it is printed on the surface of the document bag as a faceless wax seal.

When he took out the document and spread it on the desktop, pop couldn't restrain his curiosity and immediately came forward.

Their reading speed was almost equal.

Just a few seconds later, the surprise expression appeared on both faces at the same time, and a sense of joy flashed between the eyes.

Because the information clearly states the secret place of [Francis Morgan],

And attached is a visual picture from memory retrieval,

It's not very clear, but you can see something - a special planet wrapped in green, in deep space with a broken mirror structure.

At the end of the information is the name of the "agent" who provided the clue. They also confirmed the authenticity of the clue by signing.

"There's information about the hidden place!

Suspected to be in the broken dimension... No wonder the agents of the secret University have not been informed for so many years.

He is really a madman. He should transfer a planet to the dimension of fragmentation by some means, and then form a self-sufficient ecological space in the form of special biological coverage. "

This is the first time Han Dong has heard the term "broken dimension".

"Pop, where is the broken dimension?"

"In ancient times, the arrogance and ignorance of your human beings eventually led to the" catastrophe of the world. ".

Although the end of the war is a victory for our side, the price is also extremely heavy,

You should also know that the world has become riddled with holes due to this catastrophe, and has been torn into many broken openings that are difficult to repair... Even one or two openings are enough to make the world collapse.

Sally's [mother] was seriously injured when she was repairing one of the huge broken holes when she was attacked by the enemy.

These world gaps still exist, though they do not affect the whole world, but the essence of the world is slipping away... The corresponding space inside the breach is broken.

It is an extremely dangerous and unstable slit area that subverts the law of space.

The conventional space means can't work in the interior at all, even if it's empty, it's like sinking into the mire of disorder. If you don't pay attention, it will sink into the bottom completely and never come out of the mire. "

"No wonder... Hiding in such a place is not easy to find."

"The credibility of this intelligence is very high. If it is in the dimension of fragmentation, our combat plan must be changed, and some necessary materials must be prepared in advance to travel through the dimension of fragmentation.

This credit will naturally go to Han Dong. "

"It doesn't matter.

Let's go and join them. "

When he left the gray area, Han Dong was also given a special card.

As long as there is anything in the main universe that needs help, investigation or assassination, you can contact these people... They will complete the Commission with great efficiency,

Of course, the relevant fees will still be charged according to the minimum standard.

It was only when the teams met that they knew that the news about [Morgan] was really hard to find, and it was also regarded as taboo by some organizations.

Besides, there are some troubles in the way.

When asking for information, Warren rice, a professor of ancient languages, unexpectedly found that the shop assistant wanted to quietly report his investigation into Morgan,

It seems that someone is secretly staring at any outsider who wants to collect "Morgan" information.

of course.

When Warren is aware of this situation, he just needs to say a few words, and he immediately breaks his mind, and stealthily cuts off his head, killing himself.

"Broken dimension! Where did the news come from? "

"The credibility is very high. The information comes from the faceless, which is the corresponding relationship behind Nicholas..."

"The faceless?"

The three professors looked at Han Dong with different eyes.

Among them, Professor Kalian, who touched the dark side more, cast a strange look. Although she also knew the dark side of the faceless hiding in the information port, she was not very familiar with it.

"Since we are in the dimension of fragmentation, we must prepare enough survival materials.

Come on, let's go to the market and see if there are any good products... It's better to receive some living creatures with strong vitality. ", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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