My Cell Prison - Chapter 1684

Published at 7th of December 2021 11:13:54 AM

Chapter 1684: 1684

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When Han Dong stepped into the Taoist temple, it was not like stepping into any religious relics, but like coming to an unknown Magic Cave.

The gray mist that permeated Han Dong's body was like running water.

This gray,

It is quite different from the gray that Han Dong once felt... It hides a danger that he has never experienced.

When Han Dong stepped over the bones of a monk and came to the final room where the magic code was stored.


The current situation surprised Han Dong.

The count was being entangled by dense liquid tentacles because he touched the magic code,

There are even several spikes into the back of the brain, constantly injecting some kind of mind control substance into the brain.

A little late.

The count had been completely controlled, giving off a terrible smell, and his tongue licked wildly between his sharp teeth.

When the count smelled the breath, he suddenly turned his head and locked Han Dong standing at the door.


With a speed that exceeds its own limit, it is close to your body in an instant.

"So fast!"

I don't know why, Han Dong wanted to dodge, but he found that his body was extremely stiff and his abilities were blocked. He couldn't use them at all.

I can only watch this sword stab into my chest

The attack is not over.

The skin on the count's body surface keeps falling off,

The bright red tentacles continuously grow from the bright red meat and slide on Han Dong's body

These bright red tentacles will look for the perforated parts of Han Dong's body and drill into his body in a gentle way. It seems to destroy, but it seems to be doing something else.

This leads to a very strange feeling... It hurts and feels good.


The dilapidated Taoist temple disintegrated before our eyes.

Even the count in front of him became another person... Han Dong realized that he was dreaming.

With the complete disintegration of the Taoist temple in front of us, familiar hotel rooms came into our eyes.

Professor koji pressed all his body on Han Dong,

The unique white tentacles (with purple spots) grow from the fingertips and are simulated into various precision surgical instruments.

Han Dong is undergoing "heart repair" for.

There are a lot of "magic code impurities" left in the completely penetrated heart,

A very dangerous gray fine needle remains in the meat, which needs to be carefully removed one by one... A little carelessness will destroy the needle and induce secondary injury.

However, this is a small matter for Professor koji.

During the operation, she even took advantage of her body.

The tentacles separated from other parts stick all over Han Dong's body surface... Even find a chance to drill into his body through the holes on the body surface to clearly feel the body cavity structure and internal temperature of this interesting opposite sex.

"You finally wake up!"

Even if Han Dong woke up, she didn't mean to pull out her tentacles and pretended to be a treatment step to repair her internal injuries.

In addition.

Kou Ji also used the operation as an excuse to let Sally wait outside and enjoy a rare moment of solitude.

"Please Professor koji to continue to maintain the current state of treatment, and I have to continue to deal with the state of consciousness."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of your body... Go."


Han Dong needs to verify one thing immediately when he wakes up.

It is the current state of the count and the situation of the magic code.


Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack

Because "the sky is sometimes bright, sometimes covered by red smiling faces, sometimes becomes gloomy and black rain falls

There is also a special building - [Taoist temple].

When he obtained the magic Scripture in the library, Han Dong considered the subsequent "storage problem" of the magic Scripture.

Therefore, after driving away the local aborigines, Han Dong immediately stepped into the Taoist temple and perfectly analyzed the structure and material of the [Taoist temple] through the magic eye.

Then rely on the powerful brain ability to "re engrave consciousness".

Such an ancient Taoist temple was built between cemeteries.

Now, a magic Scripture written in Chinese, Xuanjun's seven chapter secret Scripture, is stored in it. The count is in deep contact with the magic Scripture in the deepest part of the Taoist temple.

"My dream just now is not a prediction of the present?"

He couldn't help but recall his previous very real dream. Han Dong was worried about whether the count would be safely controlled by the magic code during his cultivation.

Considering the dangers,

Han Dong even held the transformed magic sword in his hand for a rainy day.


When you step into the final room.

The count who is touching the magic code immediately turns his head

It's just different from the madness that is completely controlled between dreams,

The current count is more like a dog. He is sticking out his tongue foolishly. For a time, it is difficult to express his excitement in words.

Woof, woof!

He shouted several times before switching to the normal way of speaking.

"Nicholas! Count Ben must thank you!

This book has a high affinity with me, and it is really suitable for me in some aspects! There is a large chapter in it, which happens to talk about the "Royal object" technique, which can deepen my understanding and control of the holy sword.

As you said, help me when I go to the holy order to find the origin of holy blood!

In addition, there is a chapter about the evolution of form, which can simulate my blood! There is also a chapter on 'dogs'... "

The count had just read the catalogue and outline, fell into a state of extreme excitement, and gushed about the relevant contents.

"All right! As long as you are satisfied, count, don't tell me too much.

Don't understand the knowledge of this magic code, so as not to affect or even interfere with my subsequent study of the book of the dead.

It seems that the construction of Taoist temple is still very effective, which can well suppress the characteristics of this magic code. If you feel something wrong during cultivation, report to me immediately.

After you have learned one chapter, it's time to start. "

"Don't worry, count Ben will be careful!

With your crazy laughter, this book tried to control my spirit many times and ended in failure. Now I have been reluctantly recognized by the magic code. "


Soon after Han Dong left the Taoist temple,

Immersed in the devil's code, the count also unconsciously floated up and fell into a strange state.


Inside the hotel.

Professor Kou Ji bandaged Han Dong's wound with a self-made white bandage, and his basic physical activities were not affected.

"Professor koji, haven't you heard from the black forest yet?"

"Well... [mom] it often takes more than a year to close the forest for self-cultivation. Wait a minute. What can you do first.

Sally and I will contact you as soon as there is news. "

"Nicholas, do you have any plans next? Take my sister Sally on an adventure or something? "

"I may find an 'elder', which is the last step away from the myth.

I believe Professor koji, you have also heard that I recently informed the senior management of the school... I must arrive at myth as soon as possible in order to obtain more information about [out of control]. "

"Go! Take Sally to play with me when you're free. ", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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