My Infinite Monster Clone - Chapter 1067

Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:44:05 AM

Chapter 1067: 1067

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this world.

The strong.

Control almost everything. The worship of power is deeply rooted. And an existence that is strong enough to surpass everyone, naturally makes Youqian fascinated.


Because of yesterday's events, a trace of admiration was born in her heart.



It can only be turned into a sigh.

she knows.

The possibility of two people is too small. How can such an existence be fascinated by female sex? No matter how good she looks, she might look like a roadside weed in the eyes of others.

A weed that can speak, and whose status is still given by others.

That's it.


She really didn't dare to think too much of herself. She is very clear that when the supreme power + supreme power is in control, all other things are just other things.

at the moment.

Also good.

Lin Shan happened to be able to prevent some trouble for her, at least not to be afraid of being urged to marry. At the top of the dynasty, most of them thought that their relationship with Lin Shan was unusual.

Dare to remind.

Unless tired of life.

. . .

Stand for a while.

next to.

The saint came slowly. Youqian is in the top position, and as her master, her status is naturally rising. Under one person, above tens of thousands.

in the past.

She has no interest in power.



She had to stand up and stir into the court. Youqian's foundation is really shallow. As a master, she certainly has to assist one or two.


Also complete Linshan's task.

. . .


Youqian yelled softly and smiled.

"he's gone."

The saint was a bit melancholy inexplicably.

of course.

It's not that Lin Shan has any thoughts.

I just feel that a big backer has left like this, leaving my heart empty. She had just experienced despair, and she had no choice but to turn the tide on the forest.

A trace of dependence is inevitable.


To say that I have no ideas at all, not at all.

such as.

She hopes to get advice from Lin Shan. That kind of power she longed for and was out of reach. Throughout the ages, the strongest of their schools was not so strong.

That is an unknowable state at all.

at least.

It's a bit inappropriate to use the ultimate level to measure.


It should be called the absolute top.

"Yeah! Go away!"

Youqian sighed again.

Master and apprentice.

Standing firmly in front of the temple, looking at the horizon.

"Master, do you think he will... come from over there?" Youqian said in his heart that such a strong person cannot emerge out of thin air.

Hear the words.

A wry smile appeared on the saint's beautiful face.

"is not it."

"Is it important?"


a long time.

Youqian also gave a wry smile.


is not it.


It really doesn't matter. The important thing is that they have no retreat. They can have today, Lin Shan has helped them, and they have turned from six princesses to empresses.

The master is not what happened to Laixia.


Both took a big advantage. If they are not, they will be regarded by the outside world as Linshan's people. If Linshan really comes from there, the result will be no different.


What's wrong?

There is no reason at all. Besides, they are unwilling. At least what Lin Shan did has benefited them tangibly, and they belonged to vested interests.


This road can only go one way to the end.

"Soon, envoys from various countries should come to see him. I believe there should be no one who is not long-sighted. If there is, then I will carry out the words of Lord Lin Shan."



Of course it is ‘make the world obedient’.


Dynasty is the largest country on the planet, occupying more than half of the territory, and the others are generally vassal, and they are not qualified to question her throne.

If any.

Learned from Lin Shan and beat him until he didn't dare to question. The big deal, with the Emperor Sword, go to the capitals of those countries in person to teach them.

What is called: the general trend.

. . .


Beast star.

Lin Shan has returned. As soon as he passed the door, a giant beast rushed when he saw him, and then quickly turned into a small spot on the horizon. Withdraw your hand.

Such as swattering flies.

So far.

It can be regarded as the first underground civilization in the 46th district. I am in a good mood. Although the treaty has not been signed, it is just a few words.

At that time.

If needed.

It can be done in minutes.


Lin Shan looked at the next civilization, starting from Cai Yiyi before, he always entered the door clockwise, so his eyes fell on the fourth.

Body shape flashed.


He has come close.

Standing in the air.


Lin Shan's eyes revealed a trace of doubt, because from the perspective of the door of space, the "pan color" over there is a bit strange, an indescribable color.


Too lazy to think.


Throw away a rat spirit beast.

After the past.

The opposite picture came.


Seeing the image returned by the spirit beast's field of vision, Lin Shan was taken aback for a moment. . . In a peculiar world, I saw that the entire sky was purple.

Everything around.

They are all weird.

such as.

The green plants that can be seen everywhere are mostly cyan, cyan and green, not the same color, as far as the eye can see, the main color is all cyan.


Lin Shan didn't think too much.

One step over.


A rush of information came, and he also felt the pulsating energy in the air, slightly manipulated, and found that there was no special function, which was very strange.

Squat down.

Just about to pull a blade of grass.


Lin Shan's movements suddenly stopped, and a thick surprise flashed in his eyes, because he saw that the hand he had just extended had turned green.

That's right.

All green.

Flip his hands and take out a mirror.


His face is also green.

Really green.


He is green all over.




Could it be poisoned? He made a decisive decision and retreated back to the beast star, but as soon as UU Read retreated, the original green hand unexpectedly returned to its original appearance.


Lin Shan was surprised that it was not poisoned. He carefully felt the condition of his body, and found no trace of poisoning, and there was nothing wrong with it.


What happened just now?


Lin Shan kicked the tower again, and found that his hands changed color again, except for his hands, as well as his clothes and objects.

at last.

Lin Shan seemed to understand the effect of the kinetic energy here. No wonder he felt that the energy was so weak before that he couldn't think of what he could do.

Round rank.

And all the kinetic energy encountered before, there is too much difference.

That's it.


After testing.

The corners of Lin Shan's mouth twitched, and there was a strong wave of soul power condensed on his originally bright eyes. In an instant, the whole world changed its appearance.


From purple to blue.


From green to green.


The weirdness I felt just now disappeared.


Whether the civilization is underground or not has nothing to do with whether it is strong or not, it is only related to whether there is dynamic energy. Lin Shan can almost affirm the dynamic energy in front of him.

---Make up the number.


It has only one effect, that is, the effect on the light wave, forcibly upscaling, according to the wavelength from high to low: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple.

In other words.

The original red light emitted by the object will be forcibly increased in frequency during its propagation. As for how much it rises, it doesn’t matter how much it rises, it depends on the energy concentration.

in this way.

The originally blue sky was upscaled to purple.

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