My Infinite Monster Clone - Chapter 1130

Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:42:27 AM

Chapter 1130: 1130

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On the roof.

The woman stood there blankly.

And the girl named Lingling was also determined to look at her, with some hesitation in her eyes, because this was the second person she saw with her own eyes.

In the past.

They all rely on touch and perception.

There are outlines.

No color.

After the vision is restored, the whole world is new. After realizing that it might be her own mother, the girl was deeply excited.

The figure and perception are exactly the same as her mother.



The two held together, and her mother was crying.

"I can see it."


"I can see you."

After learning that her daughter could see her, her mother was very happy and asked curiously:

"How good?"

"A very powerful person, heal me." The girl said.


Mother was surprised.

Healed? Isn't it dependent on your own physical fitness? Isn't that exposed?

"Who is that person?" she said nervously.

Hear the words.

The girl shook her head slightly.

"I don't know, I just know that he is very powerful, even better than everyone I have seen. Even, I feel that he is a **** in the sky."

Speaking of this, the girl has yearning and awe in her eyes.

Will be invisible.

Can escape from the void.

The art of healing.

There are even methods that are not countercurrent in time, but have similar effects. All of these are impacting her worldview.

once Upon a time.

She also yearned for a miracle to happen one day to make herself normal.


This wish, which was thought to be impossible, was realized. Lin Shan just lightly touched her forehead and healed her blindness at will.

In short.

The opponent is definitely not an ordinary mutant.


After listening, the mother murmured, and then shook her head, the gods were too mysterious. If there is a god, how can civilization be so miserable?

Probably a powerful mutant.

"What's her name?"

"Lin Shan."

"Lin Shan?"

Mother chanted the name, and after a while, she could only shake her head.

The memory cannot search for this name, and there is no such person among the strong in base city.

Could it be that the folks hide the strong?



Some mutants do not want to be famous, and are unwilling to play for the base city. Focus on your own practice, or join the pioneer team to perform tasks.

God knows what hidden strong people are in this base city of hundreds of millions of people.

. . .

"Go, go to the house, we must celebrate today."


Brought her daughter into the house, started cooking, and took out precious dishes.

"There are vegetables to eat again."

The girl cheers.

In the base city.

The most expensive thing is not meat, but vegetables. Because of the daily battle, a large number of mutant beasts and creatures coming from the light gate will be killed, and there is no shortage of meat.

But food is not easy to get.

At present, in the surrounding farmland and greenhouses under control, it is good to be able to grow food crops. Vegetables are luxury goods, and many vitamins are mainly supplemented by solid lozenges.

"Today, there was another collision between the alien beasts on the front line, but I heard that it was disturbed by something. The flying alien beasts directly hit the steel and stabbed them diagonally."


"Now many experts are rushing to investigate and analyze, and they want to find a way to see if they can reduce the pressure on the front line."


While cooking, the mother was talking about things outside, and most of her daughter's world was described by her.

After the disaster.


Is the only theme.


She looked back at her daughter.

Cang Dang!

The kitchen knife dropped directly on the cutting board, her eyes rounded, and she looked at a little doll floating in the woman's hand, spinning around in her hand.


In the past, the daughter's ability was very easy to lose control, and it would hurt others if she didn't pay attention, but now, it seems that she can control it at will.

"You can control... it?"


The girl nodded and smiled sweetly.

"That person said that he sealed my mental power, and as my control increases, it will continue to unlock, and finally take full control of it."

"He knows about it?"

Mother panicked even more.

The girl nodded, "Yes, he said that I am a mental changer and I have no research value."


Mother was taken aback.

Knowing your daughter's abilities can still be sealed, and you don't even care, who is it? Anyway, those big people in the city must know that they will definitely arrest people.

Because she works in research institutes in this area.

But it's not about studying mental power variation, but body variation.



The appearance of these two has allowed people to break through themselves and have a foundation.

As time went on, more and more individual powerhouses appeared, most of them were soldiers in the army who had eaten the meat of foreign animals and resisted on the front line.

A small part is natural variation.

Almost all are physical strengthening.

Mental mutation?


Anyway, the level of her contact has not been heard. Therefore, she hid her daughter to prevent her ability from causing harm. Today, I met weird people.

He healed her eyes, and also helped her develop her abilities, and she didn't care, saying nothing was worthwhile.

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't get out of the city, she would have wanted to move, and the world would become more weird and dangerous.

. . .

Make dinner.

"It turns out that the dish grows like this."

"so beautiful."


The girl clapped her hands innocently.

For her.

This is the first time to view the world, and everything is novel.

While eating.

The doll on top of her head turned while she was engraved into her mind with the seal, but she didn't need to fumble for it herself.


She wants to master the power she has as soon as possible, but it is a pity that the exercise method is not a cultivation method, it can only increase her control.

Once the seal was completely unlocked, she couldn't figure out how to improve.

"Don't fight like this, take your time." Mother persuaded.


There was a trace of firmness in the girl's eyes. Although she had no contact with the outside world, the world her mother told her about was not so beautiful.

in contrast.

It is in a precarious stage.


Strengthen the beast.



The entire basis of survival is facing serious threats. She does not have that many ideals, but she understands that there will be no eggs under the covering of the nest, if the city is broken.

Countless people will die.

She must be strong, become stronger, and protect her family.

"What are you thinking?" Mother had a bad feeling.


She couldn't help but glanced at the military medal on the wall.


Her mother understood.

Can not help but smile.

Since I was a child, I told my daughter about his father. His father was a soldier. Later, the world changed a lot, and he made great contributions to resisting the strengthening beasts.

Later, after the appearance of the alien beast, he died heroically in a defense battle.


This is another house with a roof, living in a military courtyard.

The daughter has always followed his father as an example, but because of blindness, her ability is out of control. Joining the army or something, naturally there is no such expectation.


Now that the eyes are better, you can also use mental power to achieve control.

It is estimated that this idea can no longer be suppressed.

"You have no precedent for this kind of ability. If it is exposed, it will be very dangerous." Mother said earnestly.


The daughter just smiled.

"As long as I don't reveal it, isn't it okay for UU reading"

It used to be very easy to lose control, but now it is completely different. She feels that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Inheriting her father's will was her wish since she was a child.


Knowing that persuasion was useless, my mother had to eat silently.

In this world.

Few parents want their children to be on the front line of war. It is a place where they will become corpses if they are not careful. It is very cruel.


"Well, if you want to do it, do it."

Knowing her daughter's temper, once you make up your mind, it won't waver.

"It's so kind of you."

The girl laughed very happily. Her life only began when Lin Shan's eyes were healed.

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