My Infinite Monster Clone - Chapter 1222

Published at 17th of May 2022 12:16:26 PM

Chapter 1222: Solicit!

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Remember in one second【】

https:///>The powerful God's Domain covers a thousand miles.


The two king-level black beasts felt the huge threat, and their first reaction was to flee, but they did not do so, just like those of the same kind who defended the immortality.

Encounter foreign enemies.

Strike directly, just do it.


Of course it is a good thing.


The big deal goes to the dust.

It's not that I'm not really afraid of death, but because I'm in a place where I have to fight. It's just like behind the enemy, where wisdom is not high, but there is wisdom.

Knowing that it is useless to escape, it is better to die with dignity.

Thinking of this, the black beasts became more and more mad, roaring towards the surroundings.

Of course, not using vocal cords, but using spirits to convey information.


Black beast, never...

In the next second, whether it was the two king-level black beasts or a bunch of their subordinates, they disappeared in this area collectively, and were taken into the source body space by the forest mountain.

Loot +123.


Very smooth numbers.

. . .

At this moment, Carlo also found that the king beast had disappeared collectively.

After a slight stun, he calmly accepted the reality, tenth rank, or the stronger tenth rank, it is understandable to kill the king-rank black beast faster.


What a powerful force this is.

It is much stronger than the sage of his own civilization at the beginning. In this place, the full version of God's Domain that even the king-level black beasts can't use, but the opponent can use it.

Broad fear!



Anyway, it's great.

Such an existence, a creature, is a border-level civilization.

And it's still a powerful one. Anyway, the previous civilization of his own, even if the tenth-level sage is still there, it may not be the opponent of this powerful one at all.

"Thank you!"

Carlo hurriedly spoke to the surroundings.

I dare not try to perceive where that person exists, for fear of annoying the other person.

See here.

Lin Shan couldn't help but smile, and was about to remove the Soul Domain.


Look in one direction.


Many strong people arrived, two tenth levels, a pile of ninth levels, and there was a space ball hanging far behind. At this moment, the other party also discovered the Soul Region.

After feeling it for a while, the faces of the two tenth-level leaders who took the lead changed first.


He didn't have a face either, because it was an energy life, but his soul trembled.

"So strong!"

"Here you can actually use the entire God's Domain."


"The black beast is gone, it should have been killed by it."


The two creatures exchanged briefly, and came up to say hello, with a very friendly attitude. There is no way, who would call the other person so good that they can use God's Domain here.

Anyway, I can't do it myself.

Ten levels are also divided.

Noble level, is considered to be the strong one in the tenth level.

As for the lower level, the general tenth rank, which is considered the king rank, is similar to the division of the black beast. In fact, when it is divided, there are ten thousand civilizations and ten thousand.

But each will follow their own understanding.

And the two of them were just kings.

Otherwise, they would not hunt down two king-level black beasts, and would still hunt them.

It really needs to be strong enough, just like the existence in front of you, directly and on the spot.


Faintly replied.

Next second.

God's domain dissipated without a trace.

This makes the two creatures who want to befriend a bit helpless.

All right!

People do have the right not to be a bird of their own. Such an existence may be an old monster who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and has no interest in socializing for a long time.

Maybe an Outland level civilization just passed by.

Can't afford to offend anyway.

"What's the matter?" a question came from the rear space ball.


After explaining, what else can Civilization Base Camp say? I recognize it.

Hunting meets such a strong man, who is cut off, who is to blame.

At this moment.

Lin Shan and Carlo were also found.

"You are?" one of the tenth-level creatures asked curiously.

"Reclamation, encounter a black beast, and..."

Carlo quickly explained, but didn't say to stay on the initiative, but didn't run away. At the time of the crisis, the tenth level existence rescued them.

After listening, the tenth-level creature nodded, reasonable.

There was no doubt.

With two ninth levels, could it be possible that he could still covet the king-level black beast.

Even if you are coveted, you are not ready to cause trouble. If the powerful person is rescued, can we still be unhappy and teach them some lessons? It's not that boring yet.

Between civilizations.

There is competition.


If it is not necessary, in fact, rarely bully others.

It's not that the person who is afraid of being bullied suddenly counterattacked and turned over, soaring into the sky, and shocking the world.

It is totally unnecessary.


^0^Remember in one second【】


Unless it involves strategic resources, the ideological stimulus brought by unprovoked bullying is really pitiful, not only low-level, but also because of it.

After a glance at Lin Shan and Carlo, this Outland level civilization left.

To find the next black beast target.

. . .

After its departure.

Carlo breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the other party will not bully himself, after all, a behemoth is by his side, which inevitably makes people feel nervous. Thinking back, it is really exciting.

Want to fight monsters.

It didn't work.

At the critical moment, the strong will help.

No matter how you look at it, there is a style of talking.


I was also happy, after all, I was saved.

"Continue?" Carlo said to Lin Shan.

It means to continue to collect points.

Staying here, Carlo's purpose is to rebuild civilization.

Swap points for things, because there are still some fragments of civilization on hand, so compared to other wasteland-level civilizations, it doesn't need to be spent so long.

In another hundred years, it is almost enough.

"Do not!"

Lin Shan shook his head.

It doesn't make much sense to follow the team.

In other words, following the existing team has been of little help to him.

Need to change places.

With the source space, it is possible to go farther to brush resources. However, for safety reasons, Lin Shan will not go alone, and will still use team mode.

And it has to be at the border level.

So he looked at Carlo.

Frontier-level civilization is not a good team. If you want to come, Carlo is a good choice.

"You want to go back?"


"Then...bye!" Carlo didn't persuade him much.

When the words fell, Lin Shan looked at him and suddenly said something.

"Are you interested in mixing with me?"


Carlo froze for a moment, what, did you hear me wrong? It's so troublesome, although we are down, but it is still the ninth level peak, you are only the second stage of the ninth level.

If it wasn't for the same human race and the same genetic race, it wouldn't matter.

Thinking of this, Carlo was about to refuse.

But suddenly smiled.

"Want me to mix with you? Okay, as long as you are stronger than me, or your civilization can help me rebuild civilization, let alone mix with you, become a civilized capital...Ah!!!"

As he was talking, Carlo looked shocked.

at this time.


A powerful spirit wave enveloped this Looking at Lin Shan, he looked incredible.

Nine level...the pinnacle?

That's right.

That power that didn't lose to him was Lin Shan's spirit fluctuations. He was too familiar with these years and couldn't do anything about it. Carlo was completely stunned.

At this time, I listened to Lin Shandao:

"Can help you rebuild civilization? Is it civilization? I should be possible."

Immediately afterwards, a familiar wave came, and Carlo's spirit was a little insufficient, and he shouted in his heart.

grade ten!

That tenth level (broken sound)!

Although it is not Lin Shan's spirit fluctuations, it represents one thing: Behind Lin Shan, there is a person who is stronger than his original civilized sage.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!