Published at 22nd of October 2021 10:07:47 AM

Chapter 126: 126

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   The taxi came to the outskirts of Jingshan City.

   Under the curious eyes of the driver, Lin Shan got out of the car.

   But when he turned his head, the driver's eyes were in a daze, and then he left with a kick of the accelerator. He couldn't remember Lin Shan's appearance in his mind. It stands to reason that he didn't need to hypnotize the driver. Lin Shan just wanted to practice his hands.

   There are few people around.

   But it is not unmanned, and Lin Shan is not good at taking off from here, walking along the ridge towards one side of the farmland.

   after far away from the city.

   The sky is full of dark clouds.


   It was pitch black all around, and only a little light in the distance indicated that there were people living around.

   Passing through a block of farmland, there is a protective forest that can not be seen from the left to the right. Jingshan City is located in the northwest, unlike the south where there is water. Therefore, sandstorms often occur. Sand prevention and soil consolidation are a local task that cannot be ignored.


   is the plant of choice here.

The white poplars in the summer are dense and verdant, and they rustle in the evening breeze. They are pleasant to the ears. Although it is dark, Lin Shan can see it clearly. After the armor of the soul beast, he found that the soul armor not only inherited the defense power of the soul beast, but also the vision It was also inherited.

   Before Lin Shan, even if he reached the sky, his body could only be described as low-light night vision, which means that the light can be seen clearly, but it will not work in total darkness.

   But behind Soul Armor Jia.

  The night vision ability of the soul beast can also be shared by Lin Shan, and with his own physical foundation, he can actually look like the early morning when the sun is just emerging. Not to mention the subtlety, he can not be blind.

   is very convenient.

  Through the'no-ming' and this kind of night vision ability, Lin Shan feels that Soul Armor and Soul Soldier still have many functions to be developed.

   He asked about Derivative Will, and the answer was that different soul beast armors and soldiers are different after being refined, and they will partially inherit certain skills of the soul beast, and there is no definite function of the soul armor and the soul weapon.

   This is equivalent to saying nothing.

But it gave Lin Shan a direction, a way to obtain various secrets of vitality and blood through the training of different spirit beasts, such as "Wu Ming", such a complicated method of use, even if it is a few hundred years later, humans will not necessarily find it out. .

   Lin Shan suddenly discovered that the Soul Space seems to know a lot of such secret methods, but it does not provide learning services, and can only explore and discover it step by step.

   went to the depths of the shelter forest.

   See the timing.

   ‘Wu Ming’ qi and blood secret method instantly spread all over the body.


   Lin Shan's figure rose from the ground and rushed directly to the clouds at supersonic speed. When approaching the clouds, he accelerated in vain. Within ten seconds, he accelerated himself to ten times the speed of sound.

   Like a sharp sword.

   cut through the sky.

   But the sound produced is not loud.

   The silencing function of the ‘Wu Ming’ secret method is not without an upper limit, but is related to the running speed. The faster you fly, the faster the running speed must be, otherwise it will be too late to eliminate the air pressure roar caused by it.

   Lin Shan’s current limit elimination speed is eleven times the speed of sound. If it exceeds the speed of sound, the sound cannot be reduced. However, the flight process is a process of exercise. I believe he will soon be able to reach the limit speed that can be used.

   He hasn't tried his limit speed yet, but he is conservative and will not be less than fifteen times the speed of sound, or even higher. Now that he is powerful, Lin Shan can't help feeling that it is dreamlike that people can be so strong.


   Lin Shan's figure is flying at a speed of more than three kilometers per second under the clouds.

   But the sound is not high, and it is not audible at all from the ground more than a kilometer away. In the dark night, the forest mountain controls the height and direction to avoid flying over the city, because not all places have clouds.


   can also master the ‘Wu Ming’ secret method.

   Quickly bypassing the cities, Lin Shan actually wants to fly freely during the day and see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, but it seems that it can only be the next time, so as not to scare people.


  Linshan's figure exceeds that of a large passenger plane.

   The passenger plane is above the clouds, and the forest mountain is in the clouds, five or six kilometers apart, but the sound is as if it were in my ears.

The speed of a civil aviation airliner is generally below 1,000 kilometers per hour, and double the speed of sound is more than 1,000 kilometers. Therefore, the speed of the aircraft is really like a tortoise climbing compared with the forest mountain. The sound disappears in his two seconds. Ear.

   Linshan encountered several passenger planes along the way.

   There are even fighters on routine night duty, but it did not find Lin Shan.

   People are all operating normally, and they have no idea what impact the space gate that will open next month will have on the world.

   Jingshan City is 3,300 kilometers away from Jinling City in a straight line. Linshan detoured some roads and finally arrived in Jinling City 25 minutes later. The average speed is ten times the speed of sound, which is 200 kilometers per minute.

   is so fast.

  . . .

   Jinling City.

   Pukou District.

  Laoshan National Forest Park.

Lin Shan’s figure fluttered down on a mountain road, smashing to the ground without a slap, and with his weight, if he smashed down more than ten times the speed of sound, UU-reading estimated that it would cause a grade three or four. earthquake.

  Linshan did not choose to land in the urban area, because the sky over the modern city is bright all night, so I don’t bother to find a safe place, so I can sleep in this forest for one night tonight.

   walked for a while.

   Linshan saw a wooden chair for tourists to rest on the mountain. Regardless of whether it was dirty or not, he lay on it directly, holding his head and looking at the bright moon in the sky.

   Today Lin Shan did not practice multi-tasking, because he discovered one thing during the previous two days of cultivation.

   That is the number of soul soldiers who are not distracted. He was very happy to control a piece of "Cicada Light" out of thin air that day. It turns out that soul soldiers have this benefit in recognizing their master.

  What does this mean?

   means that he can forcefully increase the upper limit of multi-tasking by means of military training, but there is a limitation here, that is, only soul soldiers can work, if it is general, it is still the number of multi-tasking before.

   So Lin Shan didn't practice this in the past two days, but waited to go back and practice all the cicadas.

   He doesn't know how much time he will have to see the earth's moon in the future.

   I'll see enough today.

   is deeply in my mind.

that's it.

   Except for avoiding a wave of rangers who patrolled the mountain at one o'clock in the morning, Lin Shan watched the moon all night.

   early morning.


   Lin Shan walked down the mountain comfortably.

   No one came to climb the mountain early in the morning. The road was very quiet, only the calls of the birds in the forest echoed in the dense foliage. Lin Shan changed his clothes, but not a suit, just casual clothes, because he was not the best man.

   out of the forest park.

   Lin Shan hit a car.

   drove to the hotel where the wedding was held today.

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