Published at 22nd of October 2021 10:10:37 AM

Chapter 18: 18

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   Some people didn’t talk about it. The so-called men’s and women’s match, it’s not tiring to work, and it’s rather boring to set up stalls, and the atmosphere has become much better, but except for Lin Shan, he doesn’t talk much and there is less boring nonsense.

Liu Yue kept beating Qi Rui from side to side to inquire about Lin Shan’s news. Qi Rui knew everything about it. He thought that Lin Shan was interesting to Liu Yue, and Lin Shan should solve his personal problems. Say it nicely.

   came the last sentence.

   "Liu Yuemei paper, my brother is very reliable, and he has a bright future. If you follow him in the future, you will definitely be very happy, trust me."

that's it.

   Qi Rui ‘selled’ Lin Shan.

   heard this.

   Liu Yue blushed and lowered her head, "Big Brother Qi, what are you talking about, what about Lin Shan and I... how come."

   What else does Qi Rui want to say, to chase after the victory, so that Lin Shan has a girlfriend. I won't go. But Lin Shan interrupted, "Well, Qi Rui, Liu Yue and I have nothing to do. I really want to leave."

Lin Shan really only has comradeship with Liu Yue. Others, at least for a short period of time, there is no relationship between men and women. He has lived for two hundred years. He has not even married, let alone a child. The reason is that he has always wanted to solve the big beast star. Let's talk about troubles, lest everything disappear in the end, why bother.

   "Are you going? Where are you going?"

   Liu Yue was a little bit disappointed when she heard the first half of the sentence, falling flowers deliberately, and flowing water ruthlessly, but in the second half, she became anxious, Lin Shan was going to leave, she seemed to feel that a good friend was gone.

   "Far away."

   Lin Shan told the truth, but when outsiders heard it, it was Chi Guoguo's pretense.



   The two sisters are speechless, far away, so there is ‘reason’. Since Lin Shan doesn’t want to talk, they are not easy to ask.

Seeing the weird atmosphere, Qi Rui quickly explained: "Lin Shan is going to sell these items in these two days and will not do it. As for what he did, he didn't tell me what he did. He's just like that. Recently, there is no problem with people. ."

   Lin Shan blackened his face when he heard it.

   Are you complimenting me or hurting me?

   It feels like there is no silver three hundred taels here.

   As expected.

   The two sisters wanted to get crooked, thinking that Lin Shan might have been hit by something, and then they wanted to escape this sad place.

   "Brother Lin..."

   Liu Yue was interrupted by Lin Shan just as she wanted to speak. "Don't tell me, I have no psychological problem, but there are things that must be done, so don't ask about other things." Without interrupting, the ghost knows if it will become a drama of pain and comfort.

   heard what Lin Shan said.

   Liu Yue and Qi Rui stopped asking.

   Things that must be done are people’s private affairs.

   "Sister Liuyue, let me pull you into our WeChat group. There are many peers in Jingshan City who set up stalls. They often share information. If you do it often in the future, it will be very helpful to you." Qi Rui quickly changed the subject.

   "Okay, thank you Brother Qi." Liu Yue said absently.

   Looking at Lin Shan's face, recalling the harsh methods she had seen two times before, Lin Shan's figure grew tall in her heart, if ordinary people would definitely come up close, but Lin Shan didn't, it seemed that the road was really uneven.

   Besides, he is leaving.

   Liu Yue didn't know what it was like.



   Maybe, I really just like this sense of security.

after that.

   Liu Yue not only added a group of stalls, but also Lin Shan and Qi Rui’s WeChat. Looking at Liu Yue’s WeChat name ‘Can Xue’, Lin Shan smiled slightly. It turned out that Liu Yue had been using this name for so many years.

Time flies.

   is noon.

   "What do you want to eat, I will bring you." Lin Shan got up and said to sister Liu Yue.

"Why don't I go buy it, we are the two, you are the only one." Liu Yue hurriedly, they made more than one hundred yuan in the morning, thinking about repaying Lin Shan for the two help, although the first time the thief was stealing It’s just a bracelet that costs a few dollars.

   But courtesy is light and affectionate.

   "No, I know everything delicious nearby, you can't find the way." Lin Shan shook his head.

Liu Yue still wanted to talk, but she was really unfamiliar with this place, so she had to say, "Well, what do you buy we eat and we will come back and give you money." Today, she originally brought some steamed buns and mustard vegetables, but I'm sorry to take it out, it seems I can only go back to eat at night.

   Lin Shan nodded.

   "Hmm." A sound.

   turned around and went to buy lunch.

   "Brother Qi, has Brother Lin always been like this?" After Lin Shan left, Liu Yue asked Qi Rui not far away.

Chery was not stupid this time, or it really made Liu Yue feel that Lin Shan was mentally ill and was in trouble, and a marriage was not good enough, so she said: "Almost, Lin Shan has a very quiet personality and doesn't talk much, but he is very nice. It's loyal and principled, but it's a pity that he is leaving."

   Speaking of this, Qi Rui couldn't help sighing.

   Liu Yue was also silent.

   Looking at the things on the stall, I didn't know what I was thinking. As for Liu Xi, he sat on Lin Shan's reclining chair.

   "Sister, this chair is so comfortable to lie on." Liu Xi said happily, shaking his legs.

   Qi Rui immediately said: "Sister Liu Xi, if you like me to give you one tomorrow, Lin Shan and I have sold this before, and there are still five or six in the corner of the house, and they are all dusty."

   Liu Xi listened, and constantly shook his head, saying, "No, thank you Brother Qi." She never accepts anything from others without merit.

   "What are you polite? Anyway, just put it on. I will sell it tomorrow and see if I can sell it." Qi Rui smiled. If you can't send it out, you can use it for Liu Xi. He doesn't think much about these two sisters, because he has someone in his heart, but he can't say a word. The other person is like a goddess in his heart, and he doesn't even have the courage to confess.

   Later, he got used to it slowly. He planned to wait another two years, save some money, and go back to the village to get a daughter-in-law, UU reading www. then brought it over and set up a stall together, not for wealth, but for a safe life.

   After a while.

   Lin Shan is back.

The lunch was distributed, and a few people ate a nice meal. Afterwards, Liu Yue insisted on giving money. Lin Shan had no choice but to take it. It was only the original price of 20 yuan for the meal. He said 10 yuan less, and Liu Yue who rarely eats out. Didn't notice it either.

   all day.

   Several people have very good business.

   The two sisters have always been smiling, because just this afternoon, they made more than 300 yuan, plus the morning they earned nearly 500 yuan, and they both looked very happy.

As long as they hold on, they can earn more than two months of living expenses for the sisters during the Labor Day holiday alone. If they can also come to set up a stall on weekends in the future, they don’t need to ask their family for money. Not rich.


   Close the stall.

   "Brother Lin, I will invite you to dinner tonight. Thank you for helping me yesterday." Liu Yue said with courage.

   "With a little effort, your money is useful, keep it, don't waste it." Lin Shan responded lightly.


   "No, but, go back quickly. I will have a stall tomorrow. Be careful on the road." Lin Shan strongly exhorted.

   "Oh." Liu Yue was blocked by this commanding tone.

   After saying goodbye to each other, they separated. Looking at Lin Shan's back, Liu Yue pulled the box and stopped for a long time.

   "Sister..." Liu Xi called Liu Yue in a daze for a while.

   "Go back, continue to make money tomorrow." Liu Yuezhan smiled, she let go, let it be, if there is fate, then there is no need to deliberately do it. If not, there is no need to force it.

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