Published at 22nd of October 2021 10:00:10 AM

Chapter 416: 416

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The windows closed tightly.

The second floor.

Still closed tightly.

Three floors.

what. . . A window was opened.

The soul beast kicked up.

"Toot Toot~~~~" decisively triggered the outer wall climbing alarm.

Lin Shan: "..."

A hurried sound rang in the family's room. The whole family was alarmed. The lights inside were all turned on instantly. Through the window, Lin Shan could see that the surveillance camera inside was directly aimed at the soul beast.

Lin Shan suddenly remembered.

This is an alarm system that opens a window.

Closed windows will only be triggered if the windows are broken, while open windows will trigger an alarm as long as there is contact within a certain range, but not many people are used.

It seems that it is impossible to enter a ‘big family’ house.

Because of good sound insulation.

It will not disturb the people.

Without hesitation, the mouse took off the power of blood and limbs.

Jumped down.

Falling at a height of more than ten meters, the soul beast slightly bent its legs and jumped on Dirty Ka's back.

Leaving quickly.

The whole journey takes less than two seconds.

At this moment.

The kitchen door was pushed open.

The host entered the room cautiously, with a metal rod in his hand, his expression nervous, and the post-war security situation can be imagined, so almost every family will be equipped with this weapon.

The wealthy can even be equipped with kinetic energy weapons or electric shock weapons.

"What happened?" The hostess followed.

"Something came from the outer wall." The male host put away his weapon and looked through the surveillance records.


"Yeah, look, the surveillance camera took a picture of a screaming toy, and then it fell off again. It seems that it was a mobile machine modified by a thief. His eyes are still red. It must be to confirm if anyone is at home. "The hero said angrily.

"There is nothing in the alley." The hostess stuck her head out the window, only to see the empty alley.

"The law and order here is getting worse and worse."

"Is there any way. The new city is still under construction. After the repairs are completed, the public security there will be better. Go to sleep. The thief probably dare not come again, so don't call the police."


Seeing nothing happened, the family quickly fell asleep again.

the other side.

Diangka ran for several kilometers and came to the edge of the city. The houses here are much lower, mostly three to five stories. It seems that the target was not chosen right earlier, and the soul beast easily jumped onto the roof. Jump up and down.

This is the suburb.

Take the degree of civilization of the third civilization.

Network access equipment is not expensive, and people here should be able to afford it.

There are slums in every city. Obviously, they are here. Although it is late, there are a lot of people. Even a night market like the earth has formed, where a large number of workers eat, communicate, and chat.

Looking at the brightly lit factories in the distance.

Lin Shan immediately understood.

Reconstruction after the war allowed this country to implement a non-stop production system. As for whether it is two shifts or three shifts, I don’t know. The ten-hour work system was generally seen before.

Look at their food.

Lin Shan didn't even know them. The colorful fruits and vegetables were strangely shaped, but the cooking methods were similar. Most of them were chowders, made into sauces and eaten with meat, and a few were fried.

The mixed smell passed into the soul beast's nose, and Lin Shan was a little bit eager to eat barbecue.

The staple food of the countries of the third civilization is meat.

All kinds of meat.

The cities relying on the sea are naturally mainly fish, but fishing is not allowed here. It is a fishing moratorium. The fishing area is around the reconstructed city in the distance. In addition to fish, there are more than a dozen species of farmed creatures.

In short.

The food is quite messy, I don't know how it tastes, but it smells good anyway.

Dirty cracked sneaking on the roof.

Not far away, I saw a room with black windows. Upon closer inspection, it was a bedroom, and luckily, no one. Just a glance, the soul beast saw the ‘book’ on the bedside table.

"Take it away."

It was so dirty that he jumped down.

Because the window was very low, it was only fifty centimeters high, but within a few seconds, Dirty Ka grabbed the ‘book’, and under the guidance of the soul beast, he fled into the night, the target--further woods.

ten minutes later.

When they came to the woods where only the faint light could be seen in the distance, they hit a few "games" on Dirka and ate them beautifully. This ‘boss’ was too bullish, and the birds in the sky could shoot down at will.

Jump on a thick tree trunk.

Lay the ‘book’ flat.

Lin Shan quickly collected information on the network of the Third Civilization. Thanks to the ‘relay ship’ on the orbit of space, anywhere in the world, as long as it is on the surface, you can surf the Internet at high speed.

The signal in the house will be worse.

But after several upgrades, this problem has been resolved.

Now, countries can easily go to the outer layers of the planet. After the war, the yacht-sized satellites that were originally called ‘relay stations’ were destroyed all over the place. Of course, they must use the latest technology when they are remanufactured.


After the war, these countries sent a large number of "relay satellite ships," and both scientific research and communications were done. There were even scientific research stations in the sky that were larger than the earth’s aircraft carriers, which was extremely lively.

A huge amount of information.

It’s much more than the previous ‘stand-alone book’.


Lin Shan understood why those space doors were closed.

It turned out that it was ordered by the superpowers here. Now countries don't know that alien beast meat can strengthen the body. Most of them are fearful. They are also actively preparing for war and want to have the qualifications to open up.

Lin Shan also knows the flaws of the ‘Frisbee’ and the failure rate is speechless. It really takes a lot of courage to work on it. Maybe it’s an iron coffin.

This civilization is very mature in light anti-gravity technology.

However, they lack experience in heavy equipment, and these ‘frisbees’ all use the latest technology, and they have been used on ‘relay ships’ without any problems, because they are floating in space.

But I did not expect the failure rate of the long-running "Frisbee" to be so alarming. According to the Internet, the superpower used a large number of small anti-gravity equipment in the next generation of "Frisbee" in order to reduce the failure rate.

Look more.

Lin Shan gradually had a bottom in his heart.


The post-war countries of the Third Civilization were reduced by one and became eleven. One country that provoked the war was destroyed, and the territory was divided by neighboring countries, forming a situation of "one super, many weak" again.

Under the strategy of this superpower.

The other countries are almost at the same level. It is estimated that only half of the countries can beat this superpower. Therefore, international affairs are generally dominated by this country.

The total global population is more than 730 million.

That superpower accounts for more than 210 million.

The most cutting-edge technology is temporarily unable to understand because just like the earth, the real killer is hidden by everyone. At the level of cutting-edge technology, civil networks can only understand general things.

Lin Shan also focused on the medical level of this civilization.

It is found to be much higher than the earth, and the types of diseases are similar. Think about it, the human body is sick, it is nothing more than those directions, aging, cancer and mutation. virus. Infections, defects. . .


There is even a black technology here.

It can have 100% therapeutic effect on all viral diseases.

It is not so-called targeted treatment.

Instead, it uses a highly penetrating safety ray to kill any kind of virus under the action of another injected drug without side effects.

Lin Shan sighed.

The direction of the technology tree is different, and it can really produce many miracles.

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