Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:59:28 AM

Chapter 437: 437

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90 million.

Nearly 100 million troops.

Lin Shan was also taken aback by this number.

Calculated according to the population of the third civilization, one out of every nine people is serving as a soldier. With such a ratio, no matter how crazy the earth civilization is, it will not dare to play like this. It can be said that all the people are soldiers.

This is not an exaggeration.

Deduct more than half of the woman.

Subtracting the elderly and children, as well as some sick and weak people, almost one out of every three young adults will be a soldier. What is it that all people are soldiers?

prior to.

Finished the official business.

Lin Shan hurried over from the earth.

After watching the beast star for several hours, he decided to come and take a look.

Because those soldiers are strange.

Even if you want to deal with the earth civilization, you don't have to rush to the beast star like crazy. You can strengthen your guard, train the soldiers, and do other things. The current behaviors seem to be avoiding something.

It's like there is a strange animal on the local star.

After Lin Shan came over.

They weren't under surveillance either. They didn't care about the people who came over. Of course, Lin Shan didn't rule out that the other party wanted to loosen and tighten inside, but no matter how tight they were, there was no need to rush towards the beast star.

I asked many people on the way here, but no results were obtained.

Lin Shan approached Lu Bu.

Still asking three questions.

It seems.

You have to go to the right person to ask, take precautions early.

After thinking about it, Lin Shan decided to'fire' Lu Bu, "No Lu, since we are not allowed to stay here for a long time, our employment relationship seems to be over, so you don't have to return the money, you keep it."

"Thank you, then... I'll leave first." Lu said accidentally.

"Be careful on the road."

After speaking, Lin Shan turned around.


Lin Shan took the five people he had brought last time and left. Lu was not relieved. In the end, he finally waited for Lin Shan. In this way, the money he took was ‘legal remuneration’.

As for Xichen where they went.

Lu did not care.

Lin Shan and his five subordinates returned safely, Xi Chen should be fine.

. . .

Come to the original ‘own’ room.

Although it is nearing clearance.

But after all, the ID card can open the door before the last moment.

Lin Shan said to them, "Let's sneak in and see the chief here to see what happened. You can wait here. I'll get some sets of military uniforms."

"Yes." The five said in unison.

Come to the second floor passage.

Lin Shan walked towards the security station of the national team here, which is equivalent to a police station. There must be military uniforms there. Lin Shan also thought about "hooking" a few people to go to the small room, but the matter of stripping people's clothes is not glorious.

Still choose ‘take’.

at this time.

There are many more people in the police station than usual.

This is also the registration place for civilian transfers. Lin Shan has long been familiar with the map here. When he came to a side door, Lin Shan took out the access card he had just stolen, and at the same time undermined the surveillance in the passage.


The door opened.

Lin Shan walked in.


There was a little wind.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Shan had already crossed the 80-meter long corridor in front, turned right for 15 meters, and came to another door. The door here was opened from the opposite side. The soldiers over there saw Lin Shan's costume.

Is preparing to touch the weapon in his hand.

I just felt a trance in his eyes.

The body froze.

Lin Shan walked over, and the mechanical lock on the door opened with a click. People arrive and the door opens. When Lin Shan disappeared around the corner again, the guard returned to his senses and looked around, but found nothing.

What happened just now?

He couldn't remember it anymore, as if he was. . . I dozed off myself.

The voice from the monitoring room came from the headset, "The video has resumed. What's wrong with you?"

"Ah? Oh, there is no abnormality, everything is normal." The guard soldier replied quickly. He must have been distracted just now. Less than a hundred people passed through this gate a day, and it was so idle that people wanted to sleep.


The monitoring room didn't take it seriously either. There was no confidential information in it, just some non-offensive equipment. At this time, unless it was a brainstorm, someone would steal something.

. . .


Lin Shan has changed into the military uniform of the Zhenmo Alliance.

He carried a large backpack on his back.

With hypnosis and speed, people in the third civilization don't know what Lin Shan did.

Go back to the room.

Lin Shan threw the backpack on the bed.

"Replace it."



They all put on the military uniforms of the Zhenmo Alliance.

have to say.

In design.

Military uniforms are more deterrent than normal clothes, and they are full of beauty. More importantly, it uses a high-strength memory synthetic fiber, which is very bulletproof.

No earth civilization can match.

Lin Shan estimated that it won't be long before the Earth Federation will once again usher in a large-scale equipment upgrade.

Did not stay.

They walked towards where the base management was.

It's pretty far.

Many checkpoints along the way will check the electronic documents, Lin Shan easily passed, watching Lin Shan lead them forward like a teleport, the heartbeat of the five people kept accelerating, there was such a way to sneak in.

The defense is really negligent.

What they don’t know is This is a temporary military camp. If the two countries are at war, their headquarters will certainly not be so slack. But this time, they are facing the enemy of all mankind. No.

Only near the headquarters building will there be stricter inspections.

Come to the headquarters.

"This is their headquarters, follow me." There are a large number of soldiers standing guard at the door, as well as document checks and facial recognition, making it much more difficult to sneak in.


Lin Shan never thought of walking.

. . .

Fifteenth floor.

True Ink Alliance-Beast Star Battlefield-the office of the main general Eli.

Although the night is late.

But he was still making calls.

As a leader, with high authority, his work is also extremely busy, life and death, between life and death, no matter how much this kind of post will be given a sloppy bag.

"Yes, yes, I understand."

"The ninth batch of 30,000 soldiers will be drawn in five minutes. The third batch will be replaced and repaired. The tenth batch of soldiers will begin preparations."

"Starting to clear the field, non-related personnel are not allowed to stay in the base. As for what they take away, as long as it is not issued by us, just leave it alone. The most important thing at the moment is to vacate the East for our soldiers."


Although there are many lieutenants.

But for major decisions, he still has to give orders.

Take a sip of the medicine.

Eri's fatigue slowly subsided. This is a medicine that can quickly replenish cell energy. It is a must-have for staying up late. With this thing, there is no problem without sleeping for ten and a half months without side effects.

The only problem is the price.

The tube I drank just now.

The price is equivalent to a month's income of an ordinary person. After one night, almost a year's income is gone, but this does not require him to give a penny, and it is all borne by the Zhenmo Alliance.

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