Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:59:22 AM

Chapter 441: 441

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In order to protect the survival of these people.

Some life-saving facilities have been added to the soul soldiers.

For example, the temperature control system, multi-section isolation door, compressed air, etc., are all temporary and can be disassembled after use.

For future consideration.

The second Linshan spacecraft was also included in the construction plan.

Scientists have many manuscripts of spacecraft, and the shape of spacecraft in science fiction movies can also be used. With the current manufacturing capabilities of earth civilization, there is no difficulty in manufacturing the shape.


In their surprised expressions.

Lin Shan chose a shape closer to the weapon, otherwise he couldn't turn into a soul soldier.

Not a sword this time.

It is a hexagonal pyramid.

Although I don't understand why Lin Shan always likes this kind of appearance that looks like he is about to hit something, but this is not what they should consider. Anyway, in space, there is no need to care about the aerodynamic layout.

the most important is.

This thing doesn't even need to consider motivation, there is no need to discuss it, just create it.

. . .

In the cockpit of the soul soldier.

Already full of people.

All are professional astronauts from various countries.

The space agencies of various countries are also connected in real time. They are the providers of these astronauts, preparing to watch the first long-distance flight of mankind in the starry sky and collect experimental data by the way.

Adopt quantum communication technology.

At least in the solar system, there is no delay in communication.

"General Lin, everyone has boarded and the door is closed."

Lei Yu, the person in charge of Operation Mars, came forward and saluted.

He is an astronaut, and he didn't know much about the Earth Federation before. This time, I really didn't expect that the second person in the Earth Federation, the Federation Lieutenant General, would be so young.

"The last time to self-check the equipment, be prepared and take off in five minutes." Lin Shan checked his watch and said.


Lei Yu finished.

Back to your seat.

Press the button in your hand.

The next moment, his voice rang in the cabin and cockpit.

"Attention, everyone, the spacecraft will take off in five minutes. Please check your seat belts and life-sustaining equipment one last time. Do not move in the cabin during takeoff."

Reported twice.

In the cabin.

There were more than 20 people sitting here, mainly because the cockpit couldn't be crowded.

After listening to the radio.

Check the seat belt and space suit again.

no problem.

An Indian astronaut looked around.

He only knew he was going to Mars before he boarded the plane. "Is it really going to Mars? This spacecraft is so strange, it doesn't have any electronic facilities, and the ground is carpeted. It doesn't look like a spacecraft."

"This is not what you and I should pay attention to, they will definitely not let us die." His companion said.

"Just a little worried."

"Sit down, there are still sixty seconds."

Two minutes later.

A Japanese astronaut looked at the electronic clock on the wall and frowned: "It's five minutes, it's been over a minute, why the spacecraft hasn't moved?"

"I don't know, maybe something went wrong." said a French astronaut.

It just so happens that he can speak some Japanese.

"Something went wrong? Why didn't you report it? Not professional at all." The Indian astronaut was a bit dissatisfied. Even if the spacecraft is broken, they must be notified in accordance with the process after five minutes.

And in the cockpit.

Looking out the window.

Lei Yu was stunned.

The speed of this aircraft was so fast, but it rushed out of the atmosphere in a minute, and he didn't feel the slightest turbulence or overweight, and he didn't feel any discomfort at all.

It was as if the spaceship hadn't moved, and the outside scene was playing TV.

"Director, this... what is going on?" Lei Yu said into the headset in surprise.

Over the earphones.

He is the head of China's space agency.

"Lei Yu, don't be surprised. This is General Lin's flying characteristics. Do your job well and keep them from moving in the cabin. This journey will be a bit long. Everything depends on General Lin." The director ordered.

"Yes." Lei Yu quickly agreed.

at this time.

Through the cockpit.

Lei Yu saw that the aircraft had flown out of the earth's atmosphere and appeared in outer space. On the instrument, the temperature indicator was rapidly dropping, and soon it dropped to minus 40 degrees.

When the picture turns to the starry sky.

There will be a scene of Wangshan running to death.

Looking at it from the front, it seems as if it hasn't moved. Looking at the back, the earth is moving away, and the numbers on the instrument are soaring. That is the absolute speed of the star of the aircraft, a speed representation with the sun as the center coordinate.

"The cabin pressure is normal."

"The electronic equipment is operating normally."

"The environmental control system is normal."

"The temperature control equipment is normal."

"The communication connection with the earth is normal."


Listening to various reports of normal operation, Lei Yu fixed his gaze on the speed display, his eyes were deeply puzzled. You must know that the propeller is not working now, but in a resting state.

Fifteen kilometers per second.

Sixteen kilometers per second.

Seventeen kilometers per second.

Within ten seconds, the spacecraft broke through the third cosmic speed of the solar system.

And there is no sign of stopping at all.

Twenty kilometers per second.

. . .

At 30 kilometers per second, the speed surpasses the linear speed of the earth's revolution, approaching one hundred times the speed of sound.

. . .

ten minutes later.

The aircraft exceeded a thousand times the speed of sound.

at this time.

Lei Yu and the others have also learned from the earth that the main power of the spacecraft is not the but Linshan. When they think that the limit of human beings is so terrifying, Lei Yu yearns for it.

The spacecraft broke the thousand times the speed of sound.

Lei Yu was not too surprised at this point.

Because there is no air resistance in the space, the average number of atoms per cubic meter is so much. As long as the acceleration continues to apply force to the spacecraft, it is possible to 10,000 times the speed of sound.

A thousand times the speed of sound.

It is Linshan's tentative safety speed.

Just out of the earth.

The spiritual force beyond the realm of stars senses the gravitational force of the solar system, and uses the repulsive force of spiritual force and gravitational force to push the soul soldier to accelerate, at a thousand times the speed of sound, at a speed of more than 1.2 million kilometers per hour.

In space.

It's really not too fast.

just now.

Mars is 180 million kilometers from Earth.

This speed.

Of course Lin Shan is not satisfied. If this goes on, it will take him a week to reach Mars, and then to go back, it is only half a month. How can he waste so much time on the road.

five minutes later.

See everything is normal.

Lin Shan began to accelerate again.

that's it.

After half an hour.

The speed of the soul soldier broke through five thousand times the speed of sound.

He felt that it was still too slow. At this speed, it would take twenty-six hours to fly and it was still one way.

It's easy to accelerate in space anyway.

Lin Shan did not stop.


The aircraft stayed at about 10,000 times the speed of sound.

at this time.

Another half hour passed.

This speed is already more dangerous.

If there are meteorites in space, it will be troublesome. At this distance, the celestial matter detector has a response time of eight seconds, allowing Linshan to change its orbit slightly.

If it is faster.

The impact warning was too late to finish.

"Collision warning, X4 direction deflection zero 17 degrees to avoid."

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