Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:56:06 AM

Chapter 572: 572

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Twenty-one space doors.

No one is defending.

It's all open.

Alien beasts come and go freely.

Moreover, the other side of the twenty-one space gates were all mountainous areas, and there were no signs of human existence nearby. The spirit beasts of the forest mountain also came out of the mountain and found traces of large-scale civilization.


A ruin.

It's like the doomsday after disaster.


Not even a corpse was seen everywhere.

Judging from the dilapidated time, it has been some years, and it was not caused by the alien beast of the beast star.

Seen from the soul beast.

Its level of civilization.

Higher than the earth.

And the third civilization is in between.

It is faintly visible in the run-down. In its prosperity, there is no shortage of country houses, high-rise buildings, and convenient transportation. There are even some conspicuous artifacts on the low-earth orbit.

at first.

The soul beast did not see a living person.


Three days passed.

In one of the cities, the soul beast suddenly noticed the smell of people, but the smell was a bit strange and pungent, Lin Shan ordered to follow it, and then, deep in the sewers, many people were found.

See this.

Lin Shan felt normal.

The door to space.

It should not be connected to Unmanned Star.


After a week of observation.

Lin Shan found.

These people all live underground. Due to the tight defense, the soul beasts can't get through temporarily, but judging from the signs of some of them going out, they are not looking for food, but investigating.

What to investigate?

It is probably a strange beast.

Looking at the weapons and equipment of these people, Lin Shan is full of doubts, doesn't this civilization already have such a high level of technology, why is he still holding a lot of cold weapons in his hands?

It's really weird.


This is what he wants to understand.

With direction.

Soul beasts in other cities.

This kind of human settlements have also been discovered underground.

It's just that I haven't gotten in for the time being, but all the entrances and exits have been monitored by spirit beasts. According to observations, slightly larger cities have such underground settlements, and some, more than one.


There are hundreds.

. . .

Forty minutes later.

Outside the fifth civilization.

Seven figures stood at an altitude of several kilometers.

Behind Lin Shan.

The six people who had just broken through Tianyu were really excited. First, they were able to accompany Lin Shan on missions. Second, they saw the scene of flying hundreds of times the speed of sound just now, which was so exciting.

Picture of the surface.

Almost a blink of an eye.

"This mission is focused on exploration. In order to prevent the Fifth Civilization from monitoring, we cannot reveal our strength for the time being, so next, we will focus on land marches, understand?" Lin Shan said.

Is there monitoring.

Lin Shan didn't know.

But for the unknown civilization.

It’s better to be careful. Moreover, this is also the clause of the "Code of Encounter with Different Civilizations" that he participated in formulating. The core principle is to hide one's own strength and means before clarifying the reality of the opponent.

As a superior.

Lead by example.

The trouble is a little troublesome.

Just as a training.

"Yes, General." The six said in unison.

"Go to the ground."


The seven descended to the ground.

This is the beast star forest.

Falling into the gloomy forest from the sunny sky, for them, who have been fighting in the beast star for more than two years, is almost the same as ‘going home’. Before landing, they drew double knives from behind.

Hold tightly against the elbow.

Fast forward in the dense forest.

This knife.

It was given by Lin Shan.

Let them put it down.

Shenbing recognizes the master.

This was before.

It can only exist in fantasy, Lin Shan actually created it, and the power is really great, and it is as smooth as an arm to use it, which makes them a little reluctant to use it to hack a strange animal.

"Swish swish~~~"

Seven figures.

Fast forward in the dense forest.

A strange beast along the way.

They didn't care at all, and they were not interested in taking care of it. Because the speed was too fast, these tiered alien beasts just heard the sound, and before they could react, Lin Shan and the others had disappeared into the distance.

A few minutes later.

They came to a door of space.


The trees are still towering.

The neighborhood has not been cleaned flat.

Even, it can be seen that some beast-star plants have grown to the opposite side, and on the edge of the space door, there are vine plants extending from the bottom to the top of the space door.

It fell down from the top again.


Colorful flower and fruit decoration.

It is like a multicolored garland with hanging curtains, which has a special flavor. Among them, the vines that climbed up early were cut off and died due to the expansion of the door of space. Therefore, in the colorful colors, there is faint yellowness.

have to say.

Very artistic.

This is foreshadowing.

How long has the other side been left alone?

Go beyond the door of space.


Everyone was lightened.

Blue sky.


And plants that are very different from the earth come into view.

The gate of this space is in a valley, and the nearby ‘low’ grasses and trees have been trampled on to a flat ground. It is estimated that the plants here do not have the same appetite, and the herbivorous animals do not eat much.

Did not stay.

They walked towards the east.

According to the "Code of Contact with Different Civilizations."

For the first exploration, if there are no obvious traces of civilization nearby and it is located in a non-cold zone, the exploration will be carried out in a straight line according to the direction of the planet’s magnetic field, with a boundary of 100 kilometers.

After arrival.

Start with a radius of one hundred kilometers.

Circle if there is civilization.

There must be roads. If there is no road on a circle with a radius of 100 kilometers, it can be preliminarily determined that there are no or very few people living in the circle, and no one will judge, and then the radius will start to expand.

With the technology of earth civilization.

Throw a probe into the sky, isn't it a matter of minutes?

Why is it unnecessary?

Just a little bit.

---Be careful to make Wannian ship. This is not a playhouse, but a civilized battlefield, like a dark forest. Any act of exposing oneself at will may bring about killing or even extermination.

Had to develop wretchedly.

. . .

after an hour.

Seven people.

Standing by a wide road.

Before they had traveled a hundred kilometers, they went out of the mountain and saw this road made of unknown materials, but it was overgrown with weeds and there were many abandoned vehicles.

Messy and abnormal.

"Lu Ze, what do you think?" Lin Shan asked the captain of the Tianyu team.

One listen.

Lu Ze hurriedly said.

"General, this civilization is very strange. There is no one defending the gate of space, and the road is dilapidated, depending on the degree of desolation, it is not like the appearance of the gate of space, caused by a strange animal, but it was before."

"My inference is that due to unknown reasons, this civilization has suffered a global disaster. Either it has migrated away or is hidden, and is recuperating. Waiting for a counterattack."

"Since there are roads, there must be cities on both sides. As long as we follow one direction, we will definitely be able to reach one place. I suggest that we find a city to explore first, so as to understand civilized characters and language first."

Lu Ze proposed in accordance with the code.

Lin Shan nodded.

Look to the right side of the road.

"Go over there first."

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