Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:56:00 AM

Chapter 576: 576

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at this time.

In fact, there is no need for Lin Shan to "speak cruelly".

In the field.

No one dared to resist, and they were all frightened.

At this moment.

You don’t see this again as a supernatural force.

Then they couldn't give an explanation for their IQ. No wonder Lin Shan and others were leisurely on the ground. With the ability shown by this person, how could they be afraid of those black beasts.


Middle-aged people feel lighter.

Fell to the ground.

A staggering staggered his figure.

And the others.

Still hanging on the wall.

"Now, I ask and you answer. After that, maybe I am happy and can answer some of your questions. Believe me, my appearance is not a bad thing for you, but an opportunity." Lin Shan said.

The middle-aged man stared at Lin Shan.

after all.

Still nodded.

"go ahead."

Does he have a choice?

"Very well, let's talk about you first and introduce yourself."

"My name is..."

Follow the ‘script’.

Lin Shan began to keep asking questions


From personal information to the origin of this dungeon, to the history of the entire civilization, every word meaning and every pronunciation was quickly established by Lin Shan in his brain.

Less than two hours.

After error correction.

Lin Shan has completed the study of one of the four major languages ​​of the Fifth Civilization. Yes, in addition to this language, the Fifth Civilization has three major languages ​​and more than a dozen minor languages.

This planet has not formed a unified language.

The number of countries in the Fifth Civilization exceeds 20, reaching the number of 27. Compared with other civilizations discovered, it is the most, but compared to the earth civilization, it is still relatively small.

At this moment.

Lin Shan also knew what happened to the fifth civilization.


Fifty years ago.

The fifth civilization already has advanced technological civilization. Even, the exploration of this star system has almost been completed, and research centers of various sizes have been established on more than a dozen large and small planets in the star system.


There is also a supporting underground city for tourism.


Productivity progress.

The Fifth Civilization has long since solved the famine, and there has been no war between countries for hundreds of years. They have all rushed to explore the starry sky and put competition on technology.

And what makes them most delighted.

It is a new type of substance discovered on a planet---by different.

The name.

There is no special explanation.

It is just the name of the scientist who discovered and developed the applied technology. This substance is a group of organisms with a certain group consciousness. A single body is not much larger than a human cell.

At the beginning.

Everyone just finds it interesting.

As the research deepens.

And some strange phenomena.

It was discovered by Yi that this substance has extremely powerful brain wave simulation capabilities. Two people wearing equipment made of this kind of thing can actually communicate with each other.


The fifth civilization made a sensation.

Direct brain-thinking communication is a novelty, and the speed is extremely fast. It only takes a few seconds or even a thought for people to speak or express meaning in a minute.

One can imagine.

When the product is available.

What a boom it caused.

Brain-controlled appliances.

Brain-controlled transportation.

Brain-controlled scientific research equipment.

. . .

Since the introduction of the brain-controlled device, all walks of life have undergone amazing changes, and the efficiency has greatly increased. Thirty years later, almost everything in the fifth civilization has been serialized with the brain-controlled device.

All equipment.

All abandoned the buttons.

By different.

Obtained unprecedented wealth and prestige.


Develop to the end

The communication between people has already left the mouth. Later, when the countries looked at it, it was no good. In public, they all looked like dead people. There was no sound at all, and the pictures were too strange.

He began to advocate the occasional use of ‘primitive’ means of communication---mouth.

Slow is slower.

But it’s better than everyone’s language function degraded, and the last words will not be said. This proposal is a bit difficult for most people to adapt. They are used to second-level communication and return to the original, feeling LOW.

But a considerable number of people have begun to try to take down the equipment.

Just then.

A ‘disaster’ that no one is aware of.

Quietly brewing.

By different launchers.

External wear from the beginning.

It has already become implanted, implanted in the left brain, where it is in charge of the analysis of human language. At that time, after a long period of experimentation, it has been confirmed that this kind of implantation is not risky.


Unexpected things.


By different.

Mutation has occurred. Due to its non-contact infectious characteristics, as long as the distance is within a certain range, it will cause the mutation of foreign substances for him. In almost two days, all devices were infected.

At the beginning.

Variation is caused by different.

There are no signs of harm to humans, but it is out of human brain waves, and some chaotic brain waves will be sent randomly.

This kind of brain waves.

Unlike the human brain frequency, it has almost no effect.

Everyone didn't care.


Eight years ago.

The beasts on the planet began to attack humans frantically.


it has started.

It stands to reason that these beasts can hardly beat humans who have weapons. After all, the beasts that are too powerful are mostly extinct by humans in order to survive in the process of human development.

But it turned out to be.

Human beings have no resistance.

When the beast approaches, the originally extremely stable foreign matter becomes unstable. In addition to sending out chaotic brain waves on a larger scale, it also sends the previously received brain waves to the implanter's brain.


It seemed that countless people were talking and making noise in the ears of the contacts.

For a time.

Not only is deaf but also has a splitting headache.

Those beasts almost lie to win.


Finding out the different launchers of these people, and then eating them, what surprised the scientists was that every time they were eaten, these beasts would be like having their reproduction function activated, and they would give birth to their babies like crazy.

The range of beasts.

Because pets are included.


In the Fifth Civilization, where pet keeping was popular, it caused catastrophic results in a short period of time. In just three days, just like the "Darkest Day" of the Third Civilization, countless people became victims.


the next day.

A large number of barracks were breached by these beasts.

Human weapons, whether fixed or hand-held, have been equipped with brain control devices, but as soon as these beasts approach, it is difficult for humans to even think normally, let alone fight back.

that's it.

The fighting power of all countries suffered heavy losses.

And the enemy.

It’s something they don’t usually care about. Soon, various countries discovered that these beasts were directed at foreign substances, and that kind of cluttered brain waves were like a lighthouse.

It has been sending messages that only those beasts can understand, "It’s good to eat me," and the distance is so long. For the beasts, it is equivalent to perfusing consciousness in their ears.

Even domestic pets.

Brainwashed by countless voices every day.

Will fall.

Later things.

It's simple.

Most of the people went to see their ancestors, but a small number of people survived. Most of them were ‘trends’ who responded to the call and returned to the original communication method due to the popularity of brain-controlled devices.

There is no equipment controlled by different brains.

The fifth civilization.

Industry, city, transportation. . . All paralyzed.

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