Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:55:10 AM

Chapter 604: 604

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Lu Ze stood at the bow of the ship and spent ten days and nights endlessly, finally gathering all the survivors that this country could find to Mocheng, causing the population over there to surge to 3.79 million.

It has become a populous city.

That amount.

Placement is a big problem.

But also because of the large population and great power, Mocheng is gradually being cleared out. The method is not difficult. The streets are cleared, the collapsed buildings are transported outside the city, and the broken buildings are directly cut off.

People still live below.


There is no need to build a new house.

In addition to live.

Eating is not a big problem. Following the instructions of the insiders, they found a large number of grain warehouses, both for civilian and military use. Food and clothing were solved, and there were supplements of exotic animal meat.

In the shape of a different animal.

A larger alien beast is enough to consume hundreds of thousands of people a day.

This is not an exaggeration.

With the high energy contained in the meat of a different animal.

A regular steak that is ten centimeters long, five centimeters wide, and two centimeters thick is enough for an adult's needs for a day, and one cubic meter of exotic animal meat can be divided into 10,000 pieces.

With a size of a different animal that can easily reach ten to twenty meters.

I'm so hungry.

It is that vegetables are a little lacking, and people are currently being planted.

"Report, Suo Yu ship is rapidly changing orbit, flying towards us! The satellite shows that all its shipboard weapons are in a charged standby state, with a strong intention to attack!"

One listen.

Lu Ze suddenly opened his eyes.

"Activate the weapon platform!"


Lin Shan is not in the fifth civilization now. However, Lu Ze was not too worried. At forest speed, he could rush from the earth in at most 20 minutes, but that was when the situation was out of control.

But Luze believes.

A Suo Yu ship.

Not enough to get the situation out of control.

at this time.

The distance between the two parties was approaching quickly, and the Suo Yu quickly entered the planet's upper atmosphere, and the surface immediately began to flash with the light of orchids, which was caused by the collision of the atmosphere and the electromagnetic shield.

Lu Ze looked calm.

safety mask.

As if no one had seen it before.

Twenty kilometers.

. . .

Fifteen kilometers.

. . .

Twelve kilometers.

. . .

When Suo Yu descended to an altitude of ten kilometers from the ground, it did not descend again, and it also maintained a distance of twenty kilometers from the Tianpeng. They were afraid that they would be overcast by the forest mountains if they were too close.

If there is a black beast on the Tianpeng.

They all have to kneel.

status quo.

It's so cruel, no matter how powerful technology is, it can't be worth a single mistake. No matter how powerful an army is, maybe a single grass can be crushed to death.


The captain was nervous.

One stopped.

They dispatched five small ship-borne aircraft and flew towards Tianpeng. Finally, they stopped in the airspace of both sides, and then one of them moved forward five kilometers.

Stop again.

The meaning is obvious.


And it is an advantage negotiation.

Since the communication cannot be connected, they can only send someone over.

of course.

It used to be the easiest to throw a communicator directly, but it was too insincere, and if people couldn't recognize it and thought it was an offensive weapon, it might have been hit before they spoke.

Upon seeing this.

Lu Ze also went up one by one.


Compared to the fifth civilization.

This side is standing directly on the aircraft. This is a single-player anti-gravity aircraft. It is a bit like the equipment of the villain in Spider-Man. Apart from flying, there are weapons on it.

It belongs to the newly installed airborne equipment of the Federation.

that's it.

Lu Ze contacted the other party very primitively.

"What are you going to do?" Lu Ze asked first.

It was an unfamiliar voice.

The captain asked, "Who are you? Where is Lin Shan?"

"What are you doing?"

Lu Ze repeated again.

"Received orders from your superiors that your actions have seriously threatened the safety of survivors in various countries. Please immediately stop collecting survivors and accept our management."

Lu Ze secretly said that those people really couldn't sit still.

Not surprised at all.

Doing nothing is abnormal.

"Then I'm sorry. First, we cannot accept your management. Second, recruiting survivors is reducing casualties. Do you know that hundreds of people die of starvation, disease, and beasts every day in your country? "

"If you expand to the world, this number will be even greater. This gathering of survivors will reduce the accidental deaths of at least 300,000 people before your fleet returns."

"They are innocent. They did nothing wrong, but they endured such a price. In the end, they could only lose their lives in the panting. Are you sure they are willing to die? Or do you want them to die?"

At last.

Lu Ze came to a soul torture.


The captain was silent.

The brain is a bit messy.

That is the lives of hundreds of thousands of people! To stop them is to murder those hundreds of thousands of lives, which made his original heart of repression unswervingly, a little shaken, righteously set the table, what should be done?

"You can also accept our management, and then continue to do it, otherwise it will be solved." The captain couldn't step through this self-torture, and directly made other assumptions on the initial conditions.


As long as these people obey management.

You can get the best of both worlds.

Lu Ze laughed when he heard it. This man's brain was quite alive, and he jumped out of the logical trap just now. Of course, it was useless if he jumped out, because the facts cannot follow logic.

"So, then there is no more to talk about?" Lu Ze's conversation turned.


The captain's expression tightened.

Does this mean to fight first?

"So, do you refuse to obey the management?"


The captain took a deep breath and was about to give an order, when the other side suddenly said, "However, we don't mind if your people go to Mocheng first to see if we oppress them."

"What do you mean?"

The captain was a little confused.

Lu Ze said: "It means literally. We never thought about fighting with you. It's just that your eight years are really disappointing. It makes it hard for us to believe in your ability to govern and fight."

"That's why there is a one hundred and fifty-day agreement. I allow you to enter. It doesn't mean that you are obedient to management. You can watch and ask, but before that, you will never be allowed to disrupt the current management order."

Fighting the Fifth Civilization?

Lu Ze is not Federation is not interested either.

It's not a question of not being able to fight.

It is not necessary. So far, the federal policy is to solve the internal problems of the respective civilizations by themselves, unless it is really messy, like the Fifth Civilization, the regime runs out of the planet, so it interferes.

This was beyond the captain's expectations.

Allow them to enter.

But not to participate in management.

Very strange suggestion, because they will definitely go in under the banner of the government. If they do, they dare not say anything, but explain it well, they still have a high probability of understanding.

After all, the concept of the country is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Are these people really not planning to usurp power?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!