Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:54:17 AM

Chapter 642: 642

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   Listen to this.

   Nanke Kingdom quickly handed in the plan.

   A few minutes later.

   Linshan finished watching.

   But He Feng looked very slowly. I thought He Feng would look at it for a while, but in less than ten minutes, the expression on He Feng's face was only gloomy. Lin Shan asked, "How do you feel?"

   "There is no sincerity, we do not accept." He Feng said.

   If you follow the above.

  They are not more uncles, but these uncles have given a little more. In terms of dignity and fairness that they care about most, the Nanke Kingdom is only a symbolic mention.

   The words came out.

  The people of Nanke Kingdom certainly disagree.

   "We are very sincere."

   "Is there any sincerity? You know for yourself." He Feng said lightly.

   "What else are you doing? The people you beat us, and the execution of so many noble survivors before, we have promised not to pursue them, and we have given you some positions."


   He Feng couldn't help laughing with anger.

   "Positions? Those are your positions?"

   "What are these things, don't you know them in your heart?"

   "Looking at us, working hard for your comfortable life, are you still on top?" He Feng felt angry, they were still the city defense army, but the distribution of the giant beast meat was taken away.

   and Feng excitedly said.

   "Want us to be your cannon fodder? Impossible."

   "Settling accounts after the fact is your usual trick, and these are two different things. I am not representing myself, but on behalf of all the people. Like other countries, we will not accept any more slavery."

   "Look, between the lines, the slavery treatment is increased one by one, but in terms of the power reduction of the princes and nobles, there is almost no change. We do the dirty work, and we also die."

   "Huh, if you want to be beautiful, even if you die, we will not agree." He said fiercely.


   was said so.

  The people of Nanke Kingdom flushed.

   is not ashamed.

   but angry.


   a cheap fate.

   It would be nice to give you some, what else do you want?

   "Master Lin Shan, our Nanke Kingdom has been under such a system since the establishment of the country, and now it has greatly improved their treatment and power, which is a big concession."

   The man asked Lin Shan to be fair.

his words.

   Lin Shan was speechless for a while.

  I'm used to being a master, is it really a grandson?

   The reason is quite good: it was like this before.

   "It seems that you still don't understand your problem. What the people need is not charity, but dignity and freedom, and a relatively fair environment. I said this, I don't care."

   "Agree with Feng, then talk again."

  People from Nanke Kingdom said: "He has a prejudice against us, it is impossible to agree."

   "So, you need your sincerity."

   "We are very sincere."

   "It's useless to tell me, let the people of Hefeng and Wangcheng feel it." This time, Lin Shan felt the ‘superiority’ cultivated by this dynasty system. There was no bottom line.

Such people.

   He was too lazy to spend his tongue.

   "What are your considerations?" Lin Shan asked the interim governments of various countries.

at this time.

   They also negotiated a result.

   The old man came up and asked solemnly, "Master Lin Shan, we agree."

   "Very good, I hope to keep the agreement, I don't want to accept this kind of boring tail." Lin Shan said.


   The old man smiled wryly.

once Upon a time.

   They have been said so, but they dare not refute it at all.

   heard this.

   The people of Nanke Kingdom are all anxious, you are all right, but we have to float in the sky again, although this may be Linshan's trap, but people don't even let them go.

   is too embarrassing.

   "How can you agree that if you go down and get swept away by others, you are the sinners of the country. I think this shows that they are not strong enough to dare to fight hard."

   Talk with the seal?

   They have no confidence.

   this moment.

  Nanke Kingdom can only take a gamble. If you win, everything will come back. If you lose, it will not be more thorough than the current loss. If it is ruled by land, the Nanke Kingdom will be subjugated.


   Guy’s relative.

   wrote sarcastically on his face and said to Lin Shan: "Your tricks, don't want to fool us, you people have unknown origins, are powerful, and you show that you don't care about power."

   "Hmph, this is very abnormal, there are so many good things in the world, let us run into it."

   "I don't need to be stationed for a long time to threaten us, let us give you all kinds of high positions and treatment. When we are fools, when we see that we are going to do it, we come to retreat."

   "I think you are afraid of us. You can't prevent us from going together."

   "You kindly gather survivors for us. This logic, coupled with almost no return, makes it clear that your ambition is to destroy us and form a coalition government under your control."

   "How much do you go down? With their force, you will definitely become hostages, making us even more afraid to act rashly."


  The people of Nanke Kingdom roared.


  Nanke Kingdom must not be a laughing stock.

   Countries want to compromise because they consider the people in the city. However, under my Nanke Kingdom, there are many unsophisticated people who are against them at all. But as long as the forests and mountains are resolved, everything is not a problem.


   Various countries are also very tangled.

these questions.

   Why don’t they know.

   was only discussed internally, and turned into a Nanke Kingdom put forward in front of Lin Shan. But Lin Shan holds the survivors of their countries in his hands, and each country just had to compromise once.

just now.

   put on the table.

   They also had to face it.

   Lin Shan couldn't help laughing. What I want is nothing but technology and the core of civilization. Now the technology is almost the same, and the core of civilization is almost the same, but the latter cannot tell them.

   "Lin Shan, I'll just ask you, what good is it for you to do this Don't ask for power, help gather survivors, and set up city management agencies, which is inconsistent."

   "If we don't give an explanation today, we will not agree.

   Nanke Kingdom turned to question Lin Shan.

   Others also looked at Lin Shan.

   I don't know how he will answer, the Nanke Kingdom suddenly said it to this point, and they also hoped that Lin Shan would give an explanation.

   Lin Shan looked at them.

   There are no waves in my heart.

   "It seems that if I don't give an explanation today, it really takes me some time to fight."

   "Alright, since you are so determined and want an explanation, it's okay, but my explanation is required, because there are things you should know only after you win."

"and so."

   Lin Shan stood up.

   smiled softly.

   "If you win a game, I will explain it to you. If you lose, there is no need to explain."

   The words came out.

   fried the pan across.



   "I heard that right."


   People from various countries almost thought that their ears were misheard, and you were too eager to turn this corner, thinking that you wanted to explain, but the condition turned out to be to win him, and it was logical. . . No problem.

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