Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:52:58 AM

Chapter 698: 698

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United States.


   The Federal Ministry of Scientific Research-Energy Defense Equipment Test Center, the establishment of the Federation, integrates global scientific research resources, naturally, in equipment manufacturing, a unified coordination and division of labor has also been carried out.

   research and development.




  Many of the four belong to different countries.

   No. 6 test area.

  Three huge devices soaring up to the sky stand side by side. The appearance of the device is irregular. Because it is in the testing phase, the entire protective cover generator is not ‘packaged’, it looks like a peeled machine.

  A lot of cables are exposed,

   is nearly forty meters high.

   about ten stories.

  A general battle defense ship can't fit at all. Not far away, it is a row of weapons of different sizes, aimed at three devices, ranging from guns to missiles, to giant energy cannons. They are completely arsenal.

   All current standard weapons of the Federation.

   can be seen here.

  Whether it is single-soldier or ship-borne, because of this, this type of place is under the strictest federal supervision. It is not afraid of someone coming to grab it. There is no such a brilliant person on the earth now.

   just afraid of accidents.

   "Remove all grounding firmware of the No. 3 fixed platform."


   "The command above."


   received the order.

   The testers started to get busy.

   Swipe the card.

  Obtain operation authority.


three minutes.

   They are done.

at this time.

   They saw more than twenty white lab coats running on the platform. Just when they didn't know what they were going to do, the whole platform started to rise. Everyone was taken aback, and the platform didn't seem to be equipped with an anti-gravity device.


   I have this idea.

   "All units pay attention to the urgent test task. This transportation is completed by the Federal General Deputy Minister Lin. Don't panic, return to their respective posts and continue working." The command tower's voice came from the headset.


   They are a little uncomfortable.


   Where is Linshan?

   Hardly any of them have seen the real Lin Shan, and they have been doing logistics in the rear.

   "Look at it."

   a person exclaimed.

   points to the sky.

   Everyone looked up.

   saw a small figure, thinking about Lin Shan's achievements, that figure is extremely stalwart. One by one is not happy. Their work is not just for the front.

  Linshan use it.

   is the affirmation of their work.


next moment.

   They have seen Lin Shan's strength.

   Thousand tons of things.

   Lin Shan actually took it to fly as fast as the battle defense ship and disappeared from sight.

"so amazing."

   "Is this the power of the warrior?"

   "I really want to go to the front."

   "There may be opportunities in the future. General Lin said that warriors and scientists are equally important. We have different divisions of labor, but everything we do is of great significance." One person looked at the sky, his eyes gleaming.

   That is worship.

  . . .

   fortress star.

  All federal units are ready.

   The protective cover is fully open.

   The energy problem is solved, and the full power does not hurt at all.

   The last city.


   Tianheng and others were all shrunk in the main hall, daring not to go out. It was not long before the second wave of impact. I only hope that those city defense forces who are digging sand to clear the road can find a place to escape disaster in time.

"what is that?"

   is lowering his head.

   Wu Ming's cry came from the gate of the hall.


   "Something has come down."

   heard this.

   The people in the hall quickly gathered to the door and looked up, only to see a huge black shadow appearing in the sky, descending towards the open space in front of the hall, and soon everyone saw it. . Lin Shan?

   is about to ask.

   "Test the equipment to see if it can withstand this wave of particles."

  The voice of Linshan came into their minds.

   Particle flow?

what is this?

   But I didn't dare to ask, mainly because I heard the word "resist", maybe I came to help them.

   "Let's start."

   Lin Shan said to several excited scientists.

   They are studying in the rear.

   tell the truth.

   This is the first time to come to an alien planet. Although it is a desert, they see their blood boiled over. The alien civilization, even if it is a desert, is an alien planet, just like the soil on Mars.

   is not an ordinary thing.


   got the order.

   They hurried to the lower end of the generator, opened the operation panel, authenticated, obtained operation authority, and adjusted the power and range parameters. Since it was adjusted every day, it was only set in half a minute.

start up.

   Command one input.


   A ripple spreads around.

  Military supplies.

   is still used in the interstellar environment, and the startup speed is subtle.

   Outsiders can’t see it.

   Ke Lin Shan felt it really. At this moment, the 15 kilometers of the area was covered by a faint energy shield, semi-circular shape, and the appearance can be adjusted.

   Such as pressing into a lid.

   There are still benefits.

   That is, the range remains unchanged, and the top defense ability is enhanced.

   "General Lin, the particle stream will reach the surface in one minute." The latest news came from the headset.

"it is good."

One minute.

   passed quickly.

  The fleet wandering in space bears the brunt. The high-energy particle stream bombards the protective shield of the battleship. A large number of particles gather, directly outside the protective shield to create a silky flame effect.

   What a pity.

too weak.

   High-density lasers can resist, not to mention this kind of low-density particle flow.

in a blink.

  Because the planet’s magnetic field is weak, its ability to resist particle flow is reduced. Although most of it is reduced by the magnetic field, more than 30% of the ‘skipping fish’ rushed to the ground.

   hit the protective cover.

   There is no sound.

   this moment.

   Tianheng and others looked at the sky a little fascinated, with various lights flashing in the and he found that the light outside seemed not so dazzling, but Lin Shan calmly looked at the sky'Aurora'.

   is not the same as Aurora.

   is a ball. . Haze?


   is naturally successful.

   But unlike the first wave of radiation, which is only ten seconds or so, this wave of particle flow is estimated to last about half an hour. As for the third wave of plasma cloud, it takes half a day to a day to pass.

   "Is energy consumption high?"

   Linshan asked the scientist.

   "It's not that big, one energy storage crystal inside can support such continuous defense for one month, one generator, and ten standard energy storage crystals can be installed inside. This is just for basic operation."

   "If it is installed on a battleship, there will be a special energy module."

   Scientist explained.

   This generator.

   I never thought about actually using the energy storage crystal inside as the main energy source. Instead, I used it as the motherboard battery in the computer. The motherboard battery was used to record the time.

   Never thought of using its ‘dot’ energy to run a computer.


   The ‘motherboard battery’ of this generator is a bit strong.

"That's good."


   Linshan walked towards Tianheng.

   "This can withstand stellar storms, first put you here, and I will add a shell in a few days. I will send it back to you." Lin Shan said at the beginning, let them go back to the ground to live.


   didn't even think about collecting money.

   The Federation just agreed, if possible, give one here.

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