Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:52:08 AM

Chapter 735: 735

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If you master it.

No matter how bad it is, it has the ability to interfere.

The threat to the ground and space is a countermeasure. Lin Shan has been studying the attack methods beyond the horizon for a long time. In theory, it is more reliable than particle-like and ray streams.

-Mental strength.

-The power of the soul.

The former has a working distance.

The latter cannot attack by itself and needs a carrier.

Such as gravity.

Even if he has been proficient in electromagnetic waves recently, he can also heat up food, burn wood, monitor, intercept electromagnetic wave communications in the air, etc., purely auxiliary skills.

Unable to achieve the effect of ultra-long range attack.

just now.

Such an interesting creature appeared.

Exactly what he wanted.


You have to wait for the Seventh Civilization to end, and things have to come one by one.


The contents of the memory have been read, and Lin Shan browsed them all. There is nothing ‘splendid’. There is no difference between the fights, mutual restraints, good things and bad things among the major forces.


No sorrow or joy.


Lin Shan returned the storage to Taigang.

"no need?"


"This dish is cold, I'll let someone have another one." Taigang wanted to chat for a while.

"No, it's time to say goodbye."

Lin Shan got up.

Inside the room.

Yang Bing and the others also started to close their computers and pack them into their backpacks. The basic information on the mainland here is about the same. They have to go to the opposite mainland and continue to work, but the workload will be much less.

Taigang's information on the opposite side is too high-end.

They also need some real-time, basic information.

"So urgent?"

Lin Shan said, "Thank you for saving us some time."

"Where are you going?"


"Do you want to help?"

Taigang knew that it could not be stopped, so he simply refused to persuade him.

"Do you have their public network authenticator over there?" Lin Shan asked. This is an exile zone. Of course there are restrictions on the alliance network, but there is no exile zone on the opposite side. You can use an authenticator anywhere.

As long as it is within that continent.

Because of hostility.

The bilateral network is not accessible.

If Taigang has it, it will save some trouble. When I heard it, Taigang nodded quickly, "We have, but at the headquarters, if you need it, I will ask someone to send some over."

"Forget it."

Lin Shan shook his head.


He might as well go there to get it.

"You said before, you have to remind me when you leave." Taigang did not forget Lin Shan's promise.

Hear the words.

Lin Shan smiled slightly, "The prompt is very simple. If eating alien beast meat can reach my current level, then we are not the military and the people on the opposite continent. Guess who we are?"

This is the sound transmission.

Only Taigang heard it, but he didn't react for a while.

Don't wait for him to think about it.

Lin Shan said again: "I believe we will meet again soon. By then, maybe we will be friends, sister and brother Finn, so you can help take care of it. There are a lot of people staring here now."

"There is also Boss Joe's family. It won't be long, it will be the next time you see me."


Yang Bing and others have already packed up.

Taigang was thinking that Lin Shan was going out, but Lin Shan made a move, and an umbrella in the house flew out. He handed it to Taigang, and Taigang took it immediately, knowing what it meant.

Lin Shan is gone.

He has to hold his own umbrella.


A few meters away.

Taigang saw Lin Shan finished speaking, and disappeared in the next second. While stunned, he saw an incredible scene again. He couldn't see Lin Shan's movements, but Yang Bing and others' movements he saw vaguely.

Squat slightly.


Accompanied by an afterimage, the four disappeared into the rainy night sky.



Taigang was messy again, looking at the sky, the umbrella was gone, letting the heavy rain drip.


Those people flew away, yes, they flew away. Now he finally remembered how Lin Shan suddenly appeared in the first place. It was not a tunnel or equipment, but someone could fly.

high speed.

It's almost impossible for the camera to catch a frame.


Who are these people? Taigang returned to his senses, and silently read Lin Shan's prompts, not the military, not the opposite, obviously, it is not the people of the major forces, I go, but who else?

Beast star.

Exotic meat.

Eating alien meat can become so strong.

He seemed to have grasped something, but it was looming, unable to make it clear. Suddenly, Taigang was shocked. The cold rain soaked into his clothes, making his body chill, so Xin, it was even colder now.

There is a possibility.

Do not.

He didn't want to believe it.

But thoughts spread in his mind like a virus, impossible? I have seen too many impossibility these days, so why is this crazy idea impossible?



The intelligence of the Star Group is still good. There is absolutely no such powerful person on the front line, and it is impossible to face it, otherwise it will counterattack early, and the most important thing is Lin Shan's behavior.



Even people's livelihood news is collected, as if there is no goal.


These things that they think are meaningless, if they are based on people who are not on their planet, it is completely reasonable and reasonable. There is no logical problem at all, and it can explain why Lin Shan went to the other side.


The umbrella in Taigang's hand fell to the ground.

He was lost.

If the guess is true, what has become of the Star Group? No wonder Lin Shan said that this information can cause trouble to the Star Group ~ ~ is about survival, and if it is true, the Star Group will be torn to pieces.

of course.

The premise is that Lin Shan betrayed him.


What is the opportunity Lin Shan said? What does it mean to meet soon? Unless civilizations become friends, the Star Group is always facing survival threats, but why should people be friends with weak civilizations?

Could it be.

What do they like here?

Just a few minutes.

There were countless questions in Taigang's mind, and he was full of confusion about the future.


Taisheng's voice reached his ears at this moment.

"what happened?"

"They haven't downloaded anything."

Hear the words.

Taisheng looked at the rain-filled dishes, and the lights were on, but people went to the empty living room. He smiled bitterly. When everyone left, how could they download things? The Star Group caused a big deal this time.

Forget it.

Take one step as one step.


He only hopes that the Star Group will exist. He has no intention of caring about the benefits. "Lin Shan and the others are gone. The security personnel here will stay half to protect Finn and the shop owner and his family."

"Going? So anxious."

"Not to leave, but to have already left."

"Huh? Our..."

"I'll talk about this when I go back. I will go home immediately, and you will come back as soon as possible." Taigang prevented his son from asking. Such a big thing is not suitable for talking in the communicator.

"it is good."

Knowing changes.

Taisheng didn't ask much.

. . .

the other side.

Covered by clouds.

Lin Shan and the others traveled quickly across the sea. When there were no clouds on the sea and entered the day zone, they went to the bottom of the sea. Lin Shan used his mental power to open a channel, and they could still be supersonic.

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