Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:51:36 AM

Chapter 758: 758

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Arrived as scheduled.

"Look at me..."

"Take me a note..."

"Huh, Nassio hide..."



None of the above exists.


And it's this kind of strong man who has the ability to speak, not beep, and do it. The stronger, when the body is completely under control, some basic functions will be suppressed.

Blood flow.




As long as the senses are not conducive to the battle, they will be blocked, especially this kind of long-range battle, just fighting with Lin Shan, it is a close battle, you need the body to feedback the degree of injury, and evaluate your next move.

But not here.

Spiritual technique.

It's not the body.


Except for the surging sound of the spiritual source.

The sound of breathing is not heard, there is a spiritual source, they don't even need to eat, they still breathe?


Lin Shan watched a very interesting battle.

That scene.


Lin Shan felt like he was watching a blockbuster special effects film. It was completely different from the close combat in the small space below. The pulsating energy in the air was like an arm in their hands.

Energy knife.

Energy sword.

Energy shock wave.

Energy wave.

Energy transformation.


The use of kinetic energy has almost been developed to the extreme, and even after the era has brewed a big move for more than ten seconds, it even produced the effect of'Turtle Qigong', which is really interesting.

Lin Shan's soul quickly remembered.

Remember what?

Of course it is energy fluctuations.

Prepare to reverse crack.

He doesn't need to know the ‘cheat book’, he only needs to know the form of expression, and he can call up the various spiritual power secrets he has learned from the celestial beast races under the beast star.

Backward method.

Use it in your own way.

This is called learning.

Not difficult.

Plus dynamic energy control.

Let Lin Shan learn these applications greatly reduce the difficulty, yes, really good. With emotion, Lin Shan narrowed his eyes, and news came from the Soul Soldier that the fixed metal of the earthquake had found an alternative.

So fast.

After half a minute.

No one knows above.


The non-core base and similar metal components of the breath formation were replaced by Lin Shan's soul soldiers, and the outside was exactly the same. In this way, if Lin Shan were to make trouble, destroying the breath formation was only a matter of thought.


Lin Shan cares about control.

Not destroy.

"carry on."

Lin Shan ordered.


Watching the battle in front of him intently, at this moment, five-on-one, the national division, because of its defensive magic weapon and complete equipment, will block the attack of several people, which also highlights a problem.

Spiritual attack looks gorgeous.

But you still have to have weapons to carry, otherwise, just relying on mental power to control the condensed spiritual source form, the attack caused is not satisfactory, but Lin Shan also discovered the usefulness of a spiritual source.

---Field control.

Control the spiritual source.

Can form a variety of fighting scenes beneficial to oneself.

It's like gravitational manipulation.

Five times the gravity.

Not too high.

But if you are more adaptable to this environment, the improvement in combat effectiveness is obvious. Right now, the spiritual source in the air is manipulated by five people, and the natural spiritual source that the national teacher can use is limited.

Most of them rely on their own spiritual source to resist.


Although one party is fully equipped.

Can both be difficult to match with four hands.

A few minutes later.


Defensively, the national division was hit once in a real fight.


No one cares.

Keep beating.

Looking back on how they were beaten by Lin Shan just now, they felt that it was the national teacher who had harmed them. At least it had to be as miserable as before. Immediately, the attack frequency increased and they almost used their full strength.

The national teacher did not dare to be careless.



Was beaten again for two miles.


Perceiving the spirit source fluctuations here, the on-site commander quickly passed on the thoughts.

"what happened?"

"Sect Master is okay, stand by."


Heard the news.

A piece of jubilation.

Sect leaders are their backbone, and losing five at a time is really unacceptable. Among the major sects, the sect leader is the strongest, and there is no elder group that exceeds his strength.


That is the top of the sect.

It was very strange that when they came out, it seemed that they were fighting with someone. They didn't perceive the fluctuation of the abyss behemoth, but they could perceive the battle between people over there.

The powerful spiritual source is surging.

The distance is hundreds of miles.

Let them not know who to fight with, only know that it is very powerful.

. . .

on site

Lin Shan couldn't help but smile, these few, just put the anger of beating them just now on the national teacher, and it is estimated that they will not give up unless they are half-failed.


It's not beat me anyway.

"This brother are you?"

At this time.

A voice came from nearby.

That was the deputy master of Yuan Jingzong. They thought that the master and Lin Shan were good friends, but they didn't know who they were. They just exchanged ideas, and the five sects found that they didn't know Lin Shan.


See him smiling.

So this is the question.

"Lin Shan."

"Dare to ask what school it is."

"Earth Federation."

Lin Shan is pronounced in Chinese.

"Earth Federation?" Everyone frowned. After thinking for a long time, they couldn't think of this sect, nine sects and one king. In addition, there are many small sects, and it's nothing if you don't know.

From the pronunciation.

They still couldn't understand the literal meaning of Chinese because Lin Shan didn't convey the idea.

"Fortunately, you and our suzerain are friends?"

"That's it."


Since then.

No more words.

They perceive that Lin Shan is not very strong, and the spirit power is just like that, so they don't care much, Lin Shan smiled slightly, he has the soul space, the soul crystal, and does not exist in the real time and space.

It's in the divine stele of Divine Soul Space.

How much to use.

How much to take.

It's like a bank.

He took a bank with him.

Take it as you go.

And these people in front of them, go out to hang all their wealth on them. Just observing the pulsating energy battle fluctuations in the air, he only needs to release a small amount of spiritual power.

In addition.

Lin Shan found.

Although this civilization is a little bit mysterious.

But there is no space equipment yet, otherwise, these planet bosses all hang good things outside, and the five people will not be broken by magic weapons and use other people in the sect.



This is a profound knowledge.

How could it be possible to have a little ‘Xuan’.





The national teacher is even more The bone is broken, it’s okay, we don’t fight on the bones, there is an extra hole in the body, it’s okay, the blood strength has made the whole body blood under control, leaving no drop.

Just a little depressed.

Say it.

Why are you interested in my body?


Can you be civilized?


He even pulled my clothes.

I. . .

Where does he know.

What kind of collapse the mood of the few people just now, looking at the luxuriously dressed national teacher, and then looking at yourself, can also cover their bodies. No, before being beaten like that by Lin Shan next time, I have to ask the national teacher to enjoy it.

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