Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:50:39 AM

Chapter 797: 797

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  Beast Star battlefield expanded.

  The three empires are not idle either.



  There are countless applicants who even don’t need to enlist. With alien animal meat, frontline soldiers grow too fast. I heard that a piece of heavenly alien animal meat can be worth a few days of hard cultivation. Just listen to it.

  A large number of escape airspaces emerged.

   stimulated many people.


  The number of armies of the three empires has expanded rapidly. Today, the total number has exceeded 50 million, more than the Earth Federation, and of course, it is still less than that of the Earth civilization as a whole.


  Kikui and others suddenly.

  So that's it.

  It's not that the earth civilization has a special hobby. Forty heavenly domains are beyond their expectations. In this way, each space gate can be guarded by two more heavenly warriors, which greatly increases safety.

Safety Zone.

  They have long wanted to build.

   can suffer from lack of strength, one who does not pay attention, is often beaten to the door.

  Unload people.


  It took another half an hour.

  For the new environment.

  The soldiers of the Fourth Civilization quickly got acquainted with them. On the way they came, the basic information on this side had been notified via the radio. Therefore, seeing some strangely shaped people was quite calm.

  No discrimination.

  This is a federal requirement.

this time.

  As before, Yang Bing took office and became the commander of the Earth Civilization in the Seventh Civilization Allied Forces. He was able to join the advance team. Now he is promoted to this position by default, and he has enough ability.

  In addition.

  There are also federal assistance, which is not a big problem.


  This has become the fastest promotion position for a school-level officer in the entire Federation. After a full term, Yang Bing will be promoted to the next level, and it may even be promoted to the level of brigadier general.

   "Do it well."

   "Yes, General."

   Yang Bing salutes.

  This person in front of me.

   allows him to straighten his waist, face the high level of foreign civilization without fear, Lin Shan works hard in the front, they stabilize the rear, maintain the relationship with the foreign civilization, and strive for the best interests of the earth civilization.

  The order is over.

  Linshan is gone.

   "Commander Yang."

  Taigang stepped forward with a smile on his face. Here, he saw Yang Bing for the first time, and the status of the current Star Group has become special. This information made him feel very worthwhile.

  Yang Bing nodded and smiled.

  High soundtrack:

   "Go in for a meeting and deploy as soon as possible."

"it is good."

  Everyone keeps up.

   Crossed the gate of space and looked around, the assisting defense coalition forces were busy setting up living facilities, one by one, like hercules, they could see supplies flying in the sky from time to time, which was extraordinary.

this week.

  Federal office buildings have long been set up.


  Assemble it.

meeting room.

  Yang Bing was in the first place. On the left were the two major alliances, and on the right were the generals of the three major empires of the Fourth Civilization. Sitting upright, the seriousness on his face made the senior leaders of the two major alliances nervous.


   "It's cold."

   "So strong."


  Have their own minds, but they are not crooked minds. The people present are all high-ranking people, not the hairy boys who have never seen the world. The seventh civilization has mastered genetic technology, making ugliness a rarity.

  The sky is all in front of you.

  Don't dare to be disrespectful.

  "In the next few years, I hope that we will cooperate sincerely to accomplish the set goals. First, clear a 100-kilometer safe zone, second, build permanent fortifications, and third, improve the combat effectiveness of soldiers."


  Talk about the goal.


  Explain the details.

The contents of    are all drafted, Yang Bing said behind his back.

  . . .

  At this moment.

  Beast Star over there.

"what is that?"

  Countless soldiers stared into the distance. That beam of light soared into the sky, and many people were frightened. Is this a laser weapon, but it’s too big, it just pierced the sky.


   "Whether you run, aliens, metal behemoths, one by one, there is nothing that is impossible, this has nothing to do with us, what to do, don't be ashamed, pay attention to military appearance."

  Someone chanted.


  Everyone stopped.

   Put away fear.

  Super-class messages appeared one after another. You have to learn to accept it. Soon, they all lower their heads to do things. Many people remember that it is the direction where Linshan disappeared just now, which is not surprising.

meeting room.

  Hear the beam of light soaring into the sky.


   "Commander Yang, over there..." Kikwe stammered. According to observations, the diameter of the beam of light is as large as the gate of space. They have observed this phenomenon many times, this time recently.

  The corners of the mouths of the generals of the three empires were slightly raised.

  City of civilization.

  It seems that you still don’t know what terrible things are below. Just now they saw Xingmu on the Tianhe, and they suddenly thought that Linshan wanted Xingmu to guard the city.

  Yang Bing pressed his hand.


  "There are countless heavenly beasts in the deep space that leads to more than 100 kilometers underground. The plant life you saw just now is to guard that place to prevent them from coming up."

  These words.

   makes Kikwe and others stunned.


  Heaven-rank strange beast?


  Want to be so scary.

  Just wanted to ask.

   See Yang Bing press his hands.

  "This matter has nothing to do with you for the time being, so don't worry about it. When you have more than 500 people in the universe, and you have enough resistance, you have to defend that place and work harder."

  City of civilization.


  From the point of view of the Earth Federation, it is similar to cumbersome, but it has to be turned on. This kind of mode where the older brother takes the younger brother, and the younger brother is too weak, is very tiring, which reminds Yang Bing of Lin Shan.

  In an instant.

   Set your mindset.

  Lin Shan leads them, so why not, this kind of mind and patience is an example.

  Hear the words.

  The two major league leaders shut their mouths.

   Five hundred?

   is still Tianyu.

  This is the right to defend. It can be seen that the danger over there is that there are too many questions, but looking at Yang Bing's posture, he is not prepared to explain, so he has to give up and build his own strength first.

  Too far away they can't worry about it.

  Five hundred horizons.

  This goal is enough for them to struggle for many years. It turned out that the high-level cultivation resources are all underground, so let's just say that the price of the Heaven-level alien beast meat is extremely high in the contract, but they have never encountered it.

   turned out to be underground.


   is reasonable enough to make people want to cry, because they don’t even have the qualifications to become opponents underground.

  City of civilization.

   is another architectural style, but it occupies the same area, majestic, huge, with city wall defense, and the center of civilization standing in the middle, all looking the same, Lin Shan walked in.

   Turn in to the core of civilization.

  No accident.

  There is one more city lord.


   When I thought it was like this.

  "The surface civilization of the 45th district has been unified. The lord of the city belongs to the same life, and the conditions are met. Now the power of the lord of the city is merged. The forest of life is the 45th district, the district envoy."


  Linshan is speechless.

  Sure enough.

  This is not a pit.

  Instead, there are at least forty-four pits waiting for him to jump. Each pit is separated by a spar. What's the name of this? Why is it not the district owner? It is reasonable for the city owner to go to the district owner.

  This question.

   Really explain.

  "After the unification of the underground high-energy civilization, you can become the district owner."

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