Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:47:39 AM

Chapter 926: 926

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This time.

The senior leaders of the federation were sitting on the wax. They thought that Gemi would ‘mature’ a bit and maintain the harmony on the surface. Unexpectedly, Gemi would break like this.

Immediately angered.

Say something.


It doesn't give them face at all.



"After this incident, it will be difficult for you to sit in this position." Many people said bitterly, so disobedient, without the commander of the spirit of ‘dedication’.

What are you doing here?

"He comes here, what should I do if there is a danger?" someone asked again.

"Ha ha."

"What do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

"Are you going to betray us?"

"Betrayal? You still feel ashamed? I thought you didn't know."


For a time.

It started again. If it weren't for Linshan's variable, they would have ordered Gemi to be removed on the spot, and the whole meeting would suddenly become a market.

"All right."

a long time.

Said a respected vice president.


The scene calmed down.

"Gemi, we have to distinguish the priority, internal problems, and internal solutions. Now it is an external problem. Don't bring any emotions. We hope you cooperate."

"Cooperate with what?"

"the first."

"His specific origin."


"His real purpose."


"The source of his strength, even the limit. For this, we can allow you to bring him over, but you can't leave the fortress, and you can't reveal our secrets."


Gemi readily agreed, and he had enough cursing, so he should do something serious.

"This is a mission."


"It must be done." Another vice president who didn't deal with it said.



Gemi turned around coolly, leaving behind an angry and cold face, this time, they completely offended them. But Gemi didn't care anymore.

Miss me dead.

Welcome back with a smile?


It already gives you a lot of face.

. . .

Go out.


Gemi let out a long sigh. It was cool just now, but in retrospect, it was still so incredible. He was so'dominant' just now.


But don’t regret it. It’s a good thing to be impulsive occasionally, otherwise, it will make people feel that you have no temper and you are bullied.


Gemi walked through the door of space and came to the platform, and saw Lin Shan eating and drinking, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, "Lin Shan, you have been waiting for a long time."

"Quite fast."

Lin Shan smiled.

Looking at Gemi, his eyes were admiring, yes, he was very angry with the courage of the Federation just now. If a person is not bloody, what else?

As for how to detect it.


On the way back, by taking a look at the weapon's reason, a metal weapon on Gemi's body was replaced with a soul soldier, but he didn't notice it.

"Also to your taste?"


Lin Shan said.

Although it's strange, it's not unpalatable.

"Our federation has agreed to let me take you to our side, but only around the fortress. You know, they have concerns."

Hear the words.

Lin Shan nodded.


"Let's go."


Gemi led the way, followed by the few people before, and contact with aliens on such a big thing, of course Gemi could not be there alone.

But I dare not speak.


But Lin Shan was shocked. Gemi, who used to think it was a good talker, was also very shocked at the Federation. They were a little scared.

did not expect.

Gemi has such a side.



No matter how honest people are, there will be a crazy side.

Lin Shan followed Gemi, and just now, the entire fortress in the Beast Star had been explored by Lin Shan and found that the technological equipment here was average.

But one crossed the door of space.

The situation is very different.

Once the spiritual power is released, the internal structure of various technological equipment is clear at a glance, even Linshan has almost all the scientific and technological knowledge of earth civilization.

Nor can it be quickly understood.


The analysis did not stop.

Starting from the lowest level of material, to the circuit and the original, he began to force the analysis. Almost instantly, Lin Shan's brain computing approached its limit.

The technology tree of each civilization is different, a bit like a programming language, or a chip architecture, and many of them are completely different.


The analysis speed is fast, but the progress is not fast, but if Lin Shan learns the basic sciences here, the analysis speed will be improved thousands of times.

Not urgent.

Take it easy.

On the way.

Lin Shan walked very slowly.

On the surface.

Look left.

Look right.

With a curious look, Gemi thinks that Lin Shan is a strong power, and he is not too cold about technology. How could he have expected that Lin Shan is trying to solve it.


Go through the fortress.


Lin Shan whispered softly.

I see.

There are huge steel pillars around the fortress, each of them resembling an office building, square in shape, increasing in height from the inside to the outside.

The shortest nearest.

A hundred meters.


It is a ring-shaped column network with more than ten layers, the number is terrifying, and each column is emitting various colors and contains powerful energy.


Lin Shan also had to admire.

So defensive.

It is much stronger than the earth, maybe ten times more than that. This means that this civilization has almost solved the energy problem, which is not too strange.


All around.

Various technological weapons can be seen everywhere.

far away.

A huge aircraft hovering, mostly black and gray, with countless energy flashes on it, and the dim sky, the picture feels super strong.

"You guys... are quite enthusiastic." Lin Shan suddenly smiled.

"Ha ha!"

Gemi laughed dryly.

Bringing Lin Shan over, the Federation didn't say that it would lift its defenses. At this point, I couldn't convince the Federation, whether it supported him or not.

They all feel that they should be cautious.

"It's okay."

"very good."

Lin Shan didn't care about these things. He was really not afraid of these things. Before he had the Immortal Crystal Armor, he might suffer serious injuries if he was caught like this.

but now.

Not afraid anymore.


Lin Shan would not jump into the pit foolishly.


Gemi couldn't see any emotion in Lin Shan's eyes.

Very calm.

"You should have these too," Gemi asked without a trace. Of course, in the ears of interested people, that is the light in the night.

"Some energy weapons only."

Lin Shan wrote lightly but.

Hearing these words in the ears of everyone, they felt a little in their hearts. I thought that Linshan's civilization was the kind of cultivation civilization, and even had such weapons.

It looks like.

It was still ordinary and could not arouse Lin Shan's slight surprise. This made them, who had a sense of security, unconsciously accelerated their heartbeat.

next moment.

Lin Shan's words made them almost jump up.

"I don't know how powerful it is, let's try it out."


"Come on."

Lin Shan is serious. From the power of energy, he can know a lot of things to a certain extent, and people around him look at Lin Shan like a lunatic.

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