Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:47:07 AM

Chapter 949: 949

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Everyone came to the concentration point.


It's all wooden sheds, but compared to the place just now, it's better here. The roof is no longer with dry grass, but a layer of wooden boards with hard mud on top.

Shelter from the wind.


It is still somewhat effective to keep out the rain. Inside each shed, there are crowds of refugees, with worn-out clothes, skinny, old, weak and sick.

after all.

With hands and feet, they can leave here quickly. According to the rules here, the refugees are not raised in vain. After screening, they will be sent to different places.


Opening mountains and smelting.

Some are lucky enough to enter the city.


A bit charming, you can also go to the city as a maid, but most of them will arrange some low-level jobs outside the city. It's not easy to starve to death, but it can't be full.

. . .


Came to the porridge shed.



Many people took out pottery bowls from their clothes, both Siba and mother and daughter had.

"You don't have a bowl?" Siba was surprised.

Lin Shan shook his head.

"You drink, I am not hungry."

"Not hungry?"

Xiba was taken aback, saying, are you sure you are a refugee? But thinking of Lin Shan's ‘soliciting’ just now, as if his identity was extraordinary, Siba had to believe it.


"My share can be divided among you." Lin Shan said again.

To this.

Siba didn't say much.


Lin Shan really doesn't like these porridges. Soon, it was their turn, the pot, almost bottomed out, the mother and daughter stepped forward, and one person made a bowl of gruel.

"Would you like to drink some to quench your thirst?" Mother handed it hopefully.

"No need to."

Lin Shan shook his head.

Upon seeing this.

She is not easy to persuade.

Siba made a bowl, and the last clear soup was too watery, not hunger, but also thirsty, he almost dried out, and then handed the bowl to Lin Shan.

Took it.

Lin Shan stepped forward.

Siba's bowl was big, it was only one-third full just now, and Lin Shan's eyes flashed with an imperceptible light when there was still a lot in the pot.

The porridge maker didn't even notice.

A spoonful.

Two spoons.

Three spoons.

It almost overflowed before stopping.

Turned around.

The porridge maker didn't feel wrong. Hypnosis, Lin Shan will do it before the horizon. The first time he used the object, he still didn't go to the Qinling Mountains.


Carpooling with people, in order to make the little girl not to be entangled, used it once, and now his mental power is so powerful, hypnotized like drinking water.

Turned around.


Siba was stunned.


Is it full?

What kind of operation is this? Is it because the conscience of the congee maker found it, but this is unreasonable, even if the conscience finds it, it is for the poor person.

Look at Linshan.




Being strong and physically strong makes it difficult to arouse sympathy. As for gaining a good impression, Lin Shan didn't say a word. Where is the good impression?

Rely on face?


I don't understand, but I dare not say anything.

"Hurry up."

Siba whispered.

Pulling Lin Shan, he hurried to an open space with few people. Several people formed a circle. Since they were the last to eat porridge, no one noticed this abnormality.

Lin Shan filled the bowl for the mother and daughter and returned the big bowl to Siba.

"Drink it."

See Lin Shan really don't drink.

The three are also welcome.


Finished in a few sips.


The girl even burped, and the two bowls of porridge were poured down all at once, but it was also 80% full. After drinking and taking a break, I saw a guard approaching.

"Brother Lou."

Xiba quickly greeted him.


The man's face was gentle. The two of them were in the same village and grew up young. Later, Lou Meng joined the army and moved to the capital. A few days ago, they saw Xiba while escorting the material.

Recognized it.

One inquire.

The village was hit by the disaster, many people may not go down and become refugees, so they wanted to help, but their strength was limited and they could not directly bring Siba into the city.

You can only dredge the relationship and start with the refugees.

It's not difficult.

Just spend money.

On the way.

Xiba gave him the money for easing the relationship, and agreed to meet here today, and take Xiba to the secretary's office here to find the person in charge.

"Let's go."

"and many more."

Siba said suddenly.

"Can you add another person?"

He did not forget Lin Shan. Although he did not succeed in soliciting, he felt that Lin Shan was not easy. If he left like this, he intuitively told him that he would regret it for a lifetime.


Lou Meng frowned.


Xiba pointed at Lin Shan, Lou Meng looked over, his eyes narrowed, as a soldier, from Lin Shan, he could feel a trace of the same kind of breath.


Not an ordinary soldier.

A guest?


There was a word in Lou Meng's mind, the current empire is turbulent, with internal and external troubles, and there are often enemies from countries sneaking in to spy on intelligence.


The average guest does not send a soldier with a strong temperament. That is too ostentatious. Like Lin Shan, it should be no problem to be able to cross the bridge for inspection.


There are still risks.

"No way."

He shook his head.

It's okay, if something goes wrong, he will definitely be involved. Seba knows everything, and everyone else, forget it, don't trouble yourself.

"Brother Lou..."

"Not negotiable."


About to turn around.

"Wait." Lin Shan said suddenly.


Lou Meng stopped.

"Can you send them in too?" Lin Shan pointed to the mother and daughter standing aside. He couldn't help too many people, but if he met, how could he help.


Lou Meng looked at Lin Shan suspiciously.

"What is your relationship?"

"It's ok."

"Really, it's just that Lin Shan gave them a fruit in the shed just now. I didn't know him before." Xiba hurriedly testified, and was a little anxious.


It seems that his money is not enough for three people.


"Is this for money?" Lou Meng squinted.


"You have money?"


"Then you know, the female relatives passed by, but it is not easy to arrange. There is no way to enter the capital without relatives, estates, or maidservants."

"do not know."

Lin Shan Road.

One listen.

Lou Meng sneered, it turned out to be a dazed green.

What material.

Lin Shan said again, "I believe you have a way. What can be solved with money is nothing." These words shocked several people present like thunder.

true. . . Domineering.


Take a deep breath.

"I do have a way, but the price... It's not cheap. He pays for Siba's money, but the money for two women is more than twice that of men."

"Just say the number."

"Fifty coins." Lou Meng stretched out a hand.


"you have?"

Lou Meng looked at Lin Shan in surprise. This is not a small coin. Siba wants to go in. It only costs ten coins and Lin Shan's whole body. Where can he hide fifty coins?

next moment.

Lin Shan took a set from his pocket.

"Is this OK?"

Seeing the thing in Lin Shan's hand, the person instantly calmed down, "Chijin!" exclaimed in his heart, this thing is much more valuable than silver coins.


It's a super luxury.

The better the color.

The more expensive.

And the fineness in Lin Shan's hands is almost the best, called Chijin, which is worth fifty or eighty is more than enough, and many people like it.

"It's done, and how much is left is yours."

One listen.

Lou Meng nodded fiercely.

"it is good."

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