Published at 22nd of October 2021 09:46:55 AM

Chapter 957: 957

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Lin Shan looked at the **** night sky.

Open the mouth:

"lets go!"

The sound fell.





The soldiers rushed to all directions like sharp swords. Stepping on the water, like walking on the ground, when he reached the edge of the cliff, he didn't stop and jumped directly.

Before landing.

A kick of the leg.

The power of qi and blood burst out. The body of the earth division level quickly released the kinetic energy of the impulse. When it hits the ground, it seems to have only jumped from a height of one meter.


Jump again.

When the figure flashed, it appeared ten meters away.


The three hundred soldiers disappeared into the dark night. To participate in this mission, at least they were all high-ranking teachers. It was not difficult to see things in the dark.

As for Tianyu?

There are too.

But not much.

Just accounted for only one sixth. Everyone had already changed their common clothes, their weapons only brought a military dagger, and a small communicator.

Pack light.

Three hundred people.

Fifty countries.

Very simple math problem, six people in one country.

Start from here.

Some need to travel thousands of miles to reach the mission location. This is also a test. The boring long-distance march is very good for training a person.

. . .

Transport ship.


Dozens of people stared at the screen. Of course, it is impossible to perform such a task like herding sheep. Naturally, there are auxiliary personnel behind to help the action.

Provide information or other support.


A colonel came: "Report to the commander."

"This planetary orbiting satellite network has been erected and is operating normally. The two warships are in place, and the scientific research ship has arrived in the scheduled cruise airspace."


Lin Shan nodded.

"Start your work!"


The colonel couldn't help being excited.

this time.

But it is the first time to perform such a task, as the main force, collecting information about a civilization, and it is a great honor to be the second person in charge of the scene.

. . .


Under the reddish moonlight. There are black shadows, mountains and mountains, rivers and waters, those that can stop ordinary people from advancing on cliffs, surging rivers.

But it can't stop a group of ground teachers.


The low-level divisional secret method can walk on the vertical rock wall.

Step off.

The secret method of the high-ranking division level can be like light work, flying short distances in the air. They are all elites of the Federation, and they have long been familiar with this skill.

March in the night.

No one noticed except for the startled bird and beast.

. . .

Five hours later.

"slow down."

It's dawn.

In a woods, a small group that was originally running at extreme speed began to slow down and became almost like a normal person running, each of them just blushing.

Five hours.


They can all run down on the Beast Star, let alone on this planet whose gravity is less than half of the Beast Star, and at this moment, they have traveled nearly three hundred kilometers.

Sixty per hour.

Seems not much.


It also depends on the terrain.





Unless it is flying in the sky, otherwise, it can't be too fast. Now, at dawn, jumping up and down is easy to be seen, so during the day you have to slow down.

It stands to reason.

There are satellites.

You can bypass some people's places, but I will give you everything. What else do you exercise? Only in emergencies will you apply for help.


In their hands, only the coordinates of the destination country and the general direction are in their hands, and the rest is all on their own, trying not to be found abnormal in the middle.




Tianyu led the team to warn.

One second.

The other five people stopped.

"There is someone ahead, suspected to be a village, take a detour."

Words fall.

Turn the direction and rush to the left. Before reaching the target country, the principle is that people from non-mission countries should not be contacted, and it is best not to see them.

Be the master by submissive.

To this.

They executed it well.

Go around the village.

Keep going.

If it weren't for the heavens, it wouldn't be too difficult to sneak into the target country silently and quietly. The earth division level doesn't have mental power, only a pair of eyes.

The blood can't be released too far.

after an hour.


Everyone was about to cross a mountain, stopped immediately, followed Tianyu for several tens of meters, suddenly enlightened, and a huge city was in the distance.

"really big."

"How many people can this live?"


"In our ancient times, there were not many cities with millions of people."


This is the first city they have ever met. They have seen villages at most before, but they still walked around. Unfortunately, this is not their goal.

This is nowhere, only a few tenths away, because there is only one ‘starting point’, and the farthest team has to run nearly 15,000 kilometers.

To this.

But no one feels far away, but full of energy. This is a military mission, not a dinner party or general work, and there are still a few complaints.


No complaints about the soil.


There is no room for bargaining.

in contrast.

The farther you run, the better. This is an experience and you can see it from place to place. You know, how many people admire their work, they won't be envied.

Until now.

The earth has come into contact with so many civilizations, and there are only three that allow people on earth to run freely, the frozen planet, the fortress star, and the fifth civilization.


The first one is either rain or freezing.

The second desert was covered with yellow sand.

The third one is okay.

There are natural landscapes, but after being plagued by foreign materials, almost everyone is concentrated in a few cities, and the wilderness is all run-down.


This civilization can be regarded as the only one. The earth civilization can run at will, and it can also often meet people and villages. It is properly unique.

Such a place.

Want to come.

If they can sign up, there are more than one million applications, so they are very content. It is a great honor to be the first to see these pictures in front of them.

Looked for a while.



next moment.

The six voices disappeared on the top of the mountain, saying that it was a detour. It didn't completely need to go around a few hundred miles, but to go sneakily in places with less people.

. . .

Thousands of miles away.

Mountain top.

The six stood facing the wind.






In the distance, a scene that was only seen on TV came into view. The two sides were dressed in different armies and were at war.

There are many people on one side.

There are few people on one side.


The lesser party quickly collapsed, leaving hundreds of corpses and fleeing in a hurry. Of course, the more crowded party would not let it go, and the beast chased it up.

Hand up the knife and drop.

Hand up the knife and drop.

Hands up. .


The team leader of Tianyu's strength slightly sighed The situation here, although expected, but also unexpected, saw such an exciting picture on the first day.




Dead body.

Strictly count.

These things seem to be some distance away from earth civilization. In the past few years, they have killed all alien beasts, and there is little contact with the internal wars of external civilization.

just now.

Suddenly appeared in front of them, very strange.

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