My Stunning Boss Lady - Chapter 894

Published at 2nd of January 2023 06:53:46 AM

Chapter 894

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After drinking with the pillar, I thought about it and called boss Wang.

Last time, he called to question me. This time it's my turn.

Before the phone rang twice, boss Wang answered.

"Hello ~" he was also very upset.

Isn't it? The pillar didn't catch Lao Yan this time, which immediately put him in a very disadvantageous situation again.

Boss Wang, all I think about now is how to catch Lao Yan next.

But he knew that since Lao Yan ran away, where would he be so easy to catch?

This time, Lao Yan put all his energy on the disguise. It's very difficult for boss Wang to find him again.

The frightened bird has long been flying and can't see the shadow.

Moreover, the pillar failure is not only so simple, but also makes boss Wang upset that he has become the target of Lao Yan!

If Lao Yan ran away, he might deal with himself secretly, or he might find someone to kill him like him.

Boss Wang is in the position of the first brother in Jinhai city. It's right to say that Lao Yan finds some little bastards. No matter how much money he pays, no one dares to attack boss Wang, but it's hard for others to say.

What if Lao Yan's jade and stone were burned and spent a lot of money to find a killer from other provinces?

Boss Wang is really helpless.

Now he is in the light and Lao Yan is in the dark.

"Boss Wang, I heard you found Lao Yan?"

I'm not talking nonsense. I just cut into the subject.

"How do you know?" boss Wang asked me instead of answering my question.

So far, only he knows about it.

I smiled: "in Jinhai City, I also have my own eyeliner."

When I heard this, boss Wang didn't think I was pretending to be forced, nor did he think my strength was not good.

Just frown in the dark.

The eyebrows are screwed together.

He knew it.

Zhang Wen is not simple. He must have his own contacts. Otherwise, why can he stand firm in Jinhai city after being separated from himself for so long?

Can you get the upper hand everywhere?

Why didn't I see it before? If I had known that Zhang Wen was such a threat to himself, he should have secretly eliminated him.

Still round to get now, let Zhang Wen rise step by step?

Dare you talk to yourself like this?

In the face of Zhang Wen's almost provocative question, boss Wang calmed down. He is a master of psychological warfare. Even if he really mutters in his heart, he won't show it easily.

This is the difference between a mature hybrid and an ordinary hybrid.

Boss Wang has always been the cruel character who eats people and doesn't spit bones.

"Hehe, Wenzi, you can now. You have your own contacts. If you have more time, I'm afraid you should take the position of the first brother in Jinhai city ~"

Although boss Wang's words were harsh, his tone of voice was very comfortable.

The pale words came at me with a sharp edge.

Everyone knows that boss Wang is now the first brother of Jinhai city. This is just telling me not to challenge his position.

"Boss Wang, if you'd like to get down from that position, I'd like to sit on it." I returned to him in the same cold tone.


Boss Wang was silent on the phone.

Silence does not mean acquiescence.

Boss Wang was much more shocked than his rationality. He didn't want to burst out and scold Zhang Wen on the phone.

That will only make Zhang Wen laugh and let him know that he has been confused because of his anger.

This is the first step of psychological warfare. The first step is to stand firm.

Make others think you're not in a hurry.


Is the foundation of success.

But boss Wang still couldn't hide his anger.

Zhang Wen's words are basically challenging his position! I'm telling him that if your boss Wang continues to annoy me Zhang Wen, I won't hesitate to get you down from that position!

Tut tut tut~

Boss Wang couldn't help but curl his mouth. It's only a few days?

How many days has Zhang Wen left him?

How dare he talk to himself like that?

Dare to threaten your position!

What if it takes a long time? Can Jinhai still accommodate Zhang Wen?

Boss Wang has always felt that his great enemy is boss Du. Since he got boss Du in, he felt as if everything had been calm. Boss Du is not here. He deserves the first brother of Jinhai city.

But when he looked back, he found that it seemed that his biggest enemy was Zhang Wen!

Is a disciple who has been with him.

The boy is smart and has strong ability to handle affairs. More importantly, he is ruthless and decisive! Although it is somewhat similar to his youth, it is qualitatively different.

Zhang Wen's handout.

I'm an old-fashioned person in my heart.

Such people are very infectious!

I made a mistake, boss Wang still made a mistake!

I knew I should get rid of Zhang Wen earlier!

But it's too late to say that.

After a while, I heard boss Wang click and light a cigarette over there.

"Wenzi, it's better to keep a low profile. I'm from here. I say this for your sake ~" boss Wang's tone is calm.

To tell you the truth, I really think boss Wang is a character, but he has no principles. I scoff at the basic principles of life.

But he's really good.

"Oh, no more digressions. I called you today just to talk to you about Lao Yan." I turned off the topic.

"Well, what do you want to know?" said boss Wang.

"I heard that the pillar missed."

"Yes." boss Wang is right.

"Now Lao Yan is like a frightened bird. It's not so easy to catch him again. You said what you said at the beginning. With the news of Lao Yan, we communicated with each other ~" I just said half of what I said. I don't need to say the rest. Boss Wang also knows what I want to say.

I'm questioning him!

Why didn't you tell me the news of Lao Yan? At the beginning, you suspected that I was hiding from you, so what did you do?

Boss Wang certainly knows what I mean.

He sighed leisurely: "Wenzi, I'm also for your sake. Think about it. How cunning is Lao Yan? How dangerous is his hiding place? If I tell you, you will definitely go there. Where can I watch you take risks? I'm going to tell you after the pillar catches Lao Yan ~"

I don't believe boss Wang's words.

He will give me Lao Yan unless his brain is broken.

"Hehe, if you say that, I'll have nothing to say." I've already said it. What's the point if I say more?

"Well, you know, they are all brothers!" boss Wang is still pretending.

"Hehe, thank you for your kindness, boss Wang ~"

Then I hung up with a click.

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