Published at 3rd of August 2022 05:58:19 AM

Chapter 1136: Hiring and Restoration

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Ever since Lin Fei cured the princess's illness and received a reward from the king, Zhangqiu thought in his heart that there should be nothing to do with him next, and he was about to terminate his employment contract with Lin Fei and return to the border town.

After eating the dishes that Lin Fei had brought back from the palace, he thought about what he had encountered in the past two days after returning home.

"I have been in the palace, and I have met His Majesty the King and the Princess! This experience is enough for me to brag for a lifetime."

Thinking of saying hello to Lin Fei tomorrow morning, he immediately returned to Zhangqiu in the small town and saw Lin Fei, who had left before, walked into the lobby again.

"Boss Lin, I am tomorrow..." Zhangqiu swallowed the food in his mouth, put down his chopsticks, thinking about taking this opportunity to tell Lin Fei that he would leave the'capital city' and return to the town.

"I want to hire you as my nursing home, are you willing?" Lin Fei asked.

"Huh?" Zhangqiu, who was about to say that he was going to return to the town, was immediately stunned.

"The former guard house was the guard in the palace. Now this manor belongs to me. They will naturally return to the palace..." Lin Fei explained with a smile.

"I...I am not strong enough!" Faced with Lin Fei's appointment, Zhangqiu, who had only the first-order peak strength, had the first reaction that he was not competent for the job.

"This is the boundary of the'Capital City'. The public security is very good. You don't have to worry about your lack of strength.

Usually be responsible for patrolling the manor to see if some beasts have strayed into it. Use your strength to solve ordinary beasts. The problem is not big. "Lin Fei smiled

"The'Capital City' is much better than the small town over there. I stayed at Boss Lin as a nursing home, and he would never treat me badly in terms of salary.

Waiting for me to work here for a few years, and then return to the small town, it can be regarded as returning home. "Zhangqiu thought in his heart.

"How?" Lin Fei asked Zhangqiu after waiting for a few seconds.

"Okay, since Boss Lin doesn't think I am too weak, then I will be a nurse with you cheeky." Zhangqiu said.

After the Zhangqiu nursing home was settled, the old housekeeper walked in with two contracts.

These are two employment contracts for nursing homes. Lin Fei took one and took a look. He couldn't understand the Elf clan text at all.

Zhangqiu took the contract from the old housekeeper and read it carefully. When he saw the salary written in it, his monthly salary was 1 gold coin, he felt a little excited.

You know, he used to be in the border town. The month when his salary was the highest, he was only 35 silver coins. Now he is employed as a nursing home and his salary is almost three times the previous.

Lin Fei watched Zhangqiu write his name on the contract happily. At this time, he was in trouble. He didn't know the words of the elves. How to sign this contract?

"Boss, it's your turn." After Zhangqiu wrote his name on the two contracts, the old butler put the two contracts in front of Lin Fei.

"Can I sign and write in the text of my hometown?" Lin Fei asked.

The old housekeeper knew something about Lin Fei from the guard who had left, and knew that his new employer was from a far away country.

He groaned for a while and said, "This doesn't seem to work, but you can make a fingerprint."

"Press the fingerprint? It's easy!" Lin Fei took out a box of inkpad from the dimension space, pressed the red inkpad with his thumb, and then pressed his fingerprint on the two contracts.

For one person, Zhangqiu carefully collected the paper contract, while Lin Fei collected it into the dimensional space and placed it in a corner where various contracts were specially stacked.

The old steward saw something in Lin Fei's hand appearing and disappearing out of thin air, and the corner of his eyes jumped.

The old butler of the elves who has lived for nearly two hundred years, has worked in this royal manor for 100 years, and he is also very experienced.

Among the various abilities he knows, the storage space type is the rarest. It is said that there are no more than three people who have awakened this kind of power in the "capital city" with a population of one million. The royal family solicits.

"I'm going out later, and I'll be back in a few days. I will trouble you to take care of the things in the manor." Lin Fei said to the old housekeeper and Zhangqiu.

"Boss Lin, it's getting so late, do you have to go out again?" Zhangqiu said, and the old butler beside him was also a little confused.

"Hmm." Lin Fei nodded, without explaining more to the two of them.

When he was about to leave the living room and was about to fly away from the house, he remembered something, and then turned back to the old butler and Zhangqiu and said, "If your majesty sends someone to find me, you tell them, I Will be back in three days."

Speaking of the king, the old butler and Zhangqiu immediately condensed their expressions and nodded seriously, "Okay, if you come to find the boss, we will reply with the original words."

"I'm leaving..." Lin Fei jumped up and disappeared into the vast night under the surprised gaze of the old butler.

Zhangqiu knew that Lin Fei could fly. He was not surprised. After seeing the surprised expression of the old housekeeper, he smiled and said, "Our boss is a very powerful practitioner. Flying is just one of his abilities. ."

"I only perceived the psionic fluctuations in the middle stage of the second stage from the boss?" said the old butler who also had the strength of the middle stage of the second stage.

"His true strength is far more than that!" Seeing that Lin Fei had used his spiritual power, he believed that Lin Fei was the Zhangqiu of the third-order peak practitioner, said mysteriously.

"More than that? Do you know the real strength of the boss?" the old butler asked curiously.

"Of course, I won't tell you how strong the boss is. I can only tell you that he is not a second-order practitioner." Zhangqiu said with a smile.


In the night sky Lin Fei, who flew out of his big house, soared in the 100-meter high school.

Looking up at the round moon that was previously covered by clouds, Lin Fei carefully observed her.

The moon in the elven world is a little different from the moon on the blue star. No crater can be seen on her surface, and Lin Fei also saw a purple touch on the moon.

Withdrawing his gaze, Lin Fei continued to fly forward. When he saw that the settlement below had completely disappeared and knew that he had entered an uninhabited wilderness, he landed on a hill.

The giant tree in the distance, like a white jade, stood on the edge of the sky, even though it was so far away, it could still be seen exuding its radiant glory.


Lin Fei, who was sitting cross-legged, let out a sigh of relief, and then he began to practice, restoring the psychic energy he used to heal the princess.

In order to cure the fairy princess and completely wipe out the gray unknowns in her body, Lin Fei consumed a lot of psionic energy.

The psychic energy in the body was mobilized by Lin Fei, and the psychic energy free in the air immediately became active.

In no time, the free psychic energy in the air gathered into a psychic tide, covering Lin Fei's surroundings within one kilometer.


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