Published at 15th of February 2023 05:20:47 AM

Chapter 127: Encountering The Lord Beast

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Outside, Sophia and Lucas were sitting together and talking to each other.

Hearing the footsteps they turned around and saw a crimson-haired boy, whose clothes and body were drenched in water, coming out of the hot spring's cave.

His conditions were enough to announce to the duo that Nyla succeeded in her mischievous plan for which she asked Sophia's help to bring Lucas out of the cave.

"Hehe..." The blabbering boy gave Rio a knowing smile as Sophia had already informed him about the plan when they came outside.

The pink-haired girl elbowed him to stop as she saw Rio's face look serious and chilly.

'Why does he look so mad? What happened inside between them?'

She hoped Rio wouldn't snap at them as he looked very displeased at the current moment.

After some minutes passed, a Magenta-haired beauty walked out of the cave with a lively smile but her face changed instantly to a grave one.

Sophia turned to look at her but she missed seeing her early expression, she thought, "It looks like this contrasting couple had a bad bickering inside the hot spring."

Nyla came to stand beside Rio and said in a serious tone, "We need to be careful,...Something is coming in our direction at a fast speed."

Sophia realized the reason why Rio was looking cold earlier as he had already sensed danger when he came out.

"What is coming?" Lucas asked in a perplexed voice, looking in the same direction as the Magenta-haired beauty to find out.

"It's a huge beast..." Rio spoke and confirmed the identity of the danger on their door as he could see the dust rising in the distance along with a blurry figure.

Soon a giant monster appeared in everyone's vision that was galloping towards them at an incredible pace, crushing the vegetation beneath its foot on its way.

it stood at least twice the height of an average human, with obsidian fur covering its body, dying the beast in black. The beast looked similar to the shadow viper fox.

It had a pair of two curving horns on its head and the eyes were flickering with a sinister glint. The beast's mouth was filled with rows of sharp teeth.

However these stunning features failed to catch Rio's attention, what made him be on his guard was the star sign on its forehead.

"It's a lord beast..." The crimson-haired boy warned his teammates as he was the first one to notice.

Rio inspected the beast using his [Heaven's Eyes] after the giant shadow viper fox came closer.

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