Published at 13th of January 2023 06:30:15 AM

Chapter 11

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(Altheria April 4 580 Imperial Calander 8:00 a.m.)

(10 hours later Rina Pov)

Ugh, my head is killing mee! 


"Look who's up."(Ella)


"Moody today, are we? Well, it's your fault for not listening when I said to go drink some water and sleep. Now you got a hangover. And it looks pretty bad."(Ella)

"Shut up! *Wince*"(Rina)

"You know I can't understand you right? Well, I can pretty much guess what you said. Turn humanoid and drink this it'll help with the hang over."(Ella)


"Ugh, my head. What is that? It smells terrible. You sure it'll help?"(Rina)

"Yes, I got it from the castle alchemist. I don't know about taste but, it'll defiantly work."(Rina)

"Fine as long as I can get rid of this headache. *Gulp Gulp* Hrp."(Rina)

"(Covers mouth) Swallow."(Ella)

"(Forced Gulp) Disgusting! That was almost as bad as a goblin!"(Rina)

"(Shoulder shrug) Well at least it worked."(Ella)

"(Annoyed Glare) That's not the point. Anyway, why was I like this to begin with?"(Rina)

"First what's the last thing you remember?"(Ella)

"Hmm? I was talking to Snow then, I started eating then, things get fuzzy after drinking whatever was in the cup. I do remember getting notification for a skill though."(Rina)

"We're coming back to the talking to someone part later. But for now, I'll tell you what happened."(Ella)

(One recap later)

"So, what happened was that I got drunk after drinking alcohol?"(Rina)


"And why I given alcohol?"(Rina)

"I kind of forgot to tell the kitchen not to give alcohol."(Ella)

"(Dead Pan) So it's your fault."(Rina)

"Ya, sorry about that."(Ella)

"Haa, whatever."(Rina)

Hey Snow, can you remind me not to drink again?

{Why?} (Snow)

I don't want to get drunk again. (Rina)

[Would you like to set the holy skill Patience to use intoxification immunity when intoxicated? Y/N]

Wait I could do that?!


Then why didn't you do it last night!?

[User Rina Frostfang and alter ego Snow both consented to the cancelation of holy skill Patience.]

We weren't in the right type of mind to make that call!?

[Affirmative that is why the system took over the authority to decide. The system did not find any form of threat in the area and choose to comply with cancelation of holy skill Patience.]

What would have happened if a threat suddenly appeared?

[Holy skill Patience would have activated on its own.]

How does that work? Does it have some kind of will or something?

[Negative. Holy skill Patience does not have a will. It runs strictly on the safety of the user. The Holy skill will activate if the users mind is in a defunction- error clearance not high enough. Requesting admin permission for further information disclosure.]

[Loading... confirmed. Permission granted by admin. The holy skill Patience will activate without consent if the users mind is in a difunctional state and user is under any form of threat. Holy skill Patience will also activate if users mind is being targeted by mental attacks or mental tampering.]

What counts as mental tampering?

[Requesting permissi- granted. Mental tampering is mind reading, mind control, etc. Mental attacks are killing intent (Note that holy skill Patience does not stop physical effects.), forced telepathy, etc.]

Wait it stops mind reading? So, Ella wasn't reading my mind?

[Affirmative. Would you like to set the holy skill Patience to use intoxification immunity when intoxicated? Y/N]

Defiantly. And tell almost drunk me that she's an idiot.

[Confirmed. Voice recording saved.]

Wait you could do that!


What else can you do?

[Cannot disclose. User must find out themselves.]

Whaat. That's lame. Whatever that takes care of any future dumb alcohol di-


"(Looks around in a panic) What's happening!?"(Rina)

"So, you weren't listening. I was asking you about who Snow was but, you weren't responding so throw water on you."(Ella)

"(Annoyed) Couldn't you have shook me or something? Now my clothes are wet, and I don't have any other clothes."(Rina)

"I did you didn't respond. So, I threw water on you, (Sholder shrug) not my fault you didn't respond."(Ella)

"(Annoyed) Fine. But what am I going to wear, or can I go without?"(Rina)

"I'd rather you not go around naked. I mean you can wear some of my clothes they just need to add a tail hole but, most of the maids can do at least that much. Now weather you'll like it or not. If I had to guess, it's a no."(Ella)

(Nervous) Why am I getting the feeling I don't even want to know what the clothes are?

"(Nervous) W-What are the clothes?"(Rina)

"Dresses. That's all I have here. It's not like I'm going into a battle down here. And even if I was everything down here is too weak to do much damage against me."(Ella)

Dammit why does this feeling have to be so accurate!?

"No, I absolutely refuse to wear a dress.!"(Rina)

"(Smug Grin) Then I guess you're stuck in wet clothes till they dry."(Ella)

I was set up! Dammit!

"(Glare) You planned for this didn't you?"(Rina)

"(Smug grin and shrug) Heh, who knows? Maybe I did, maybe I didn't? That's only for me to know."(Ella)

(Frustrated) Dammit she totally planned for something like this to happen!

{Rina calm down. She is just trying to get you worked up.} (Snow)

I know and that's what's making it worse! (Rina)

"Don't go spacing out on me again. Unless (Sinister Grin) you want more water."(Ella)

"(Glare) You're evil you know that."(Rina)

"I've heard that line thousands of times already. Frankly I never claimed to be "good"."(Ella)

"(Itches body) Fine I'll do it! But if you get me something weird, I'm ripping it to shreds."(Rina)

"I'll accept that. But we'll talk about who the fuck Snow is afterward."(Ella)

"(Grumbles) Whatever."(Rina)

(10 minutes later)

(Scratches intensely) When is she getting back?! These clothes itch so much.!

{Why not just take them off?} (Snow)

(Embarrassed) Right I could just do that. One question though. How do I take it off? (Rina)

{*Slap* Haa just let me do it.} (Snow)

(Embarrassed) thanks. (Rina)

{(Annoyed) How did you even forget how to take your own clothes?} (Snow)

Oh, I didn't I just didn't want to do the work. (Rina)

{You little shit you tricked me!} (Snow)

Yep, now you can take control for a while. Have fun. (Rina)

{You asshole! You're just running from the demon king!} (Snow)

So, what. You can deal with her now. (Rina)

{*Ggrr* Fine! it's not like I have a choice.} (Snow)

I knew you'd come around. (Rina)

{(Annoyed) You know you're really pissing me off right now.} (Snow)

Now you know what it's like dealing with her. (Rina)

{*Ggrrr* (Deep breath out) Calm down Snow she's just trying to get on your nerves. She's just an idiot who playing pranks.} (Snow)

You know you're apart of said idiot, right? (Rina)

{(Pissed) Shut. Up.} (Snow)

Fine, fine I'll shut up now.

(Snow Pov)

{Finally, she shut up.} (Snow)

Just because I'm not talking doesn't mean I can't here you. (Rina)

{(Annoyed) I don't care. Now shut up or I'll put you in the worst looking dress ever.} (Snow)

(Backs down) Ok, I won't talk just don't choose an awful dress. (Rina)

{Deal, now shut up.} (Snow)

... (Rina)

{I'll take that as confirmation. Now where was I? Hm-}


"Holy shit!"(Snow)

"Done with you- what happened to your eyes?"(Ella)

"(Confused Head tilt) What are you talking about?"(Snow)

"Stand up and I'll show you."(Ella)

"(Confused) Ok?"(Snow)

*Gets up and follows*


"What the hell happened to my eyes!?"(Snow)

"See they did change."(Ella)

"(Dead Pan) I can clearly see that. What I want to know is why they are green now."(Snow)

"(Shoulder shrug) I don't know. Now pick something to wear. (Points forward) I put them on that chair."(Ella)

"On it, demon king."(Snow)

*step step*

{So, which one should I choose?} (Snow)

Go with the light blue sundress.

{How do you even know what that is?} (Snow)

Not a clue. (Rina)

{Whatever.} (Snow)

"I've chosen I'll go with the light blue one."(Snow)

"Got it. One question though. Who's Snow?"(Ella)

"*Stiffen* Weren't we going to tal-"(Snow)

"(Hold knife against throat from behind) (Glare) Who are you and where is Rina?"(Ella)

"(Nervous sweat) W-What are yo-"(Snow)

"(Slightly pushes knife on throat) (Glare) Cut the bullshit and answer."(Ella)

"(Face goes blank) Heh, and here I thought I played the role of Rina perfectly. What gave it away."(Snow)

"It was the way you acted. You seemed stiffer and the way you called me. (Threatening) Now, who are you and where is Rina?"(Ella)

"What would you say if said I was Rina?"(Snow)

"(Angry) I'd say it's bullshit."(Ella)

{Haa, this is annoying. Why did I have to be put into this situation? Is there some magic that ca- there is. Rina, you cool with me using this?} (Snow)

She attacked first. (Rina)

{Thanks} (Snow)

"(Smirk) I'm not lying."(Snow)

{[Primal Winter magic: Primal Ice spike]}


"*Shocked*Guh. (Glare) Who are you and how did you harm me?"(Ella)

"Simple I used [Primal Winter magic] it seems to be very strong as it can harm you."(Snow)

"(Enraged) Bastard what did you do with Rina!!??"(Ella)

"(Annoyed) Yell louder why don't cha. I can here you just fine without yelling. And as I said I am Rina."(Snow)

"(Even more enraged) Quit spouting bullshit! Rina's to much of an idiot to do half of this."(Ella)

"Hear that even she agrees that you're an idiot."(Snow)

Shut up. Your part of me so what does that make you? (Rina)

"The smart part duh."(Snow)

"(Glare) Who the fuck do you think you're talking to while I'm talking."(Ella)

"(Unfazed) Rina duh. She's such a pain in the ass when she gets in her moods."(Snow)

"(Confused) What?"(Ella)

"Don't even get me started on the number of times she'll just talk away and then get all pissy when I start talking. Ugh, why does she always take shit out on me when I don't do anything!? And don't get me started on how many times I've saved our hides because she got to engrossed in her own thoughts."(Snow)

"(Confused) H-Hold on I'm not following."(Ella)

"Are you slow or something? What I'm saying is Rina is just being an ass and hiding from you and using me as a scape goat."(Snow)

"Ok, but that still doesn't explain who you are."(Ella)

"Haa, do I have to spell it out for you? I'm Snow the one you wanted to know about. I'm an alter ego of Rina's."(Snow)

"Ooh now it makes sense. I've heard of that skill but never met any who've had it. So then does that mean there's more of you?"(Ella)

"(Flat) No, it's just me. Now Rina, get your ass out here and deal with this!"(Snow)

Bu- (Rina)

{(Pissed) Do. It.} (Snow)

fine. (Rina)

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!