Published at 13th of January 2023 06:30:12 AM

Chapter 12

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(Rina POV)

"(Glare) What?"(Rina)

"Why'd you do it."(Ella)

"(Annoyed) Oh I don't know. Maybe it's because you're annoying and I didn't want to deal with you."(Rina)

"(Dumbfounded) So, you changed places with a part of yourself?"(Ella)

"Ya, I don't have to deal with you while you get your answers. All get what they want simple, right? Well besides maybe Snow, but she is a piece of me, so I don't really care about her opinion."(Rina)

{You know I can hear you right?} (Snow)

"So? We are the same person I don't care if you hear me."(Rina)

{Fair enough. But can you at least try to consider my opinion?} (Snow)

"I'll think about it."(Rina)

{Well, it's not like you'll listen even if I say so or not.} (Snow)

"That is not true. I listen to you sometimes."(Rina)

{You kn-} (Snow)

"Are you just going to leave me out?"(Ella)

"See! Annoying. I was just talking to someone, and you interrupted."(Rina)

"(Unamused) You were literally just talking to me. You're the one who started talking to your sister? other self? I don't know what your relationship is and saying other self just sounds weird so sister it is."(Ella)

"What is our relationship?"(Rina)

{I don't know. What do you see me as?} (Snow)

"I'm not sure."(Rina)

{Then sister it is. At least, till we figure it out. You're the older one.}

"(Happy) Ok. *Blegh*"(Rina)

Huh? Blood? Why am I puking blood?

[Answer. Effects of intense killing intent being directed at the user.]

What? Bu- ugh! *Collapse*

"*Dash* Rina!"(Ella)

[Answer. This is a side effect of having massive amounts of killing intent directed at the user. It is recommended that user get skill Regeneration level 1]

Do it!

[Would you like to buy skill Regeneration level 1 for 10 points? Y/N]



[Skill Regeneration level 1 acquired.]

*Relax* Haa, the pain is lessening.

"(Panicked) (Lift) Rina! Are you ok?!"(Ella)

"(Annoyed) Don't yell in my ears. That hurts a lot. And I'm fine now."(Rina)

"Sorry it's just you vomited blood and then collapsed a-and I got too frantic."(Ella)

"Well, it is your fault for it."(Rina)

"(Stunned) Eh?"(Ella)

"The killing intent you emitted. It did damage to my body."(Rina)

"(Shocked) W-What?! But she didn't even flinch when I released my intent!"(Ella)

"(Annoyed) Ow. My ears are going to break if you keep yelling into them."(Rina)

"Right, sorry for yelling. B-But how did she withstand the mental pressure of the killing intent?"(Ella)

"It's a skill we have it blocks all mental attacks."(Rina)

"Never heard of a skill like that. Maybe you got an undiscovered skill."(Ella)

"Maybe? I don't know if it's undiscovered or not."(Rina)

"What's it called?"(Ella)

"I'm not telling you that."(Rina)

"*Sigh* Fine. But are you really fine now?"(Ella)

"Yes. I just bought a skill called [Regeneration level 1]."(Rina)

"Ooh, ok that makes sense. That one is very convenient for injuries. Hell at max level it can even regrow limbs."(Ella)

"You sound like you've experienced it before."(Rina)

"I have. Now back to before all this started. Go change into some clothes before I'm branded as some perverted criminal."(Ella)

Is she trying to change the subject?

Meh, it's not that important either way.

"Sure, but the underwear is missing."(Rina)

"Oops forgot. I'll be back in a minute."(Ella)


*Stand step step step Click open step click close*

And she's gone so wh-

[Skill Accelerated thought processing Level 3 has reached level 4]

Ok unexpected but, welcomed. I wonder what would happen if I tried to think multiple things at a time?

{Why do that when you have me? (Fake depressed) Am I not enough?} (Snow)

Yes, you aren't. You are bad at letting me know about my surroundings when we are talking. (Rina)

{Well, I'm sorry I can't talk, listen, and watch the surroundings at the same time.} (Snow)

That's my point. Maybe there's a skill to help with that. (Rina)

{That's... not a bad idea. Wow you with a good idea. Now that's rare.} (Snow)

Hey! I have good ideas! sometimes. (Rina)

{You know I heard that, right?} (Snow)

Oh, shut up! Show some respect for your older sister! (Rina)

{Oh, you mean the sister that tried to use me to get out of talking to someone.} (Snow)

Oof. (Rina)

{Or the sister that yells at me for trying to warn them about a threat and gets mad at me when they get hurt after ignoring me.} (Snow)

Ugh. (Rina)

{Or th-} (Snow)

Alright! I get it! I don't listen and tend to take it out on you! I'm sorry okay! I'll listen more so just stop! (Rina)

{Good now you understand.} (Snow)

*Sniffle* Why was I stuck with such a mean little sister? *Sniffle*

"I'm ba- woah what happened to you?"(Ella)

"(Depressed) Just got mentally beaten up by my little sister."(Rina)

"Woah is that an actual rain cloud over her head?"(Ella)

"(Confused) Huh?"(Rina)

"*Head shake* Nothing. Here. *Toss*"(Ella)

"*Catch* Thanks and how long are my clothes going to take to dry?"(Rina)

"*Shoulder shrug* Seeing as how they are right there *Points to a chair by the window* you can check to see how dry they are."(Ella)

"Ok. *Step step touch* It's all dry. I guess all that fighting, and stuff gave them time to dry."(Rina)


"Did you just click your tongue?"(Rina)

"(Blank) Your imagining things."(Ella)

"Whatever, I'll get dressed then can we eat?"(Rina)

"Sure. Let me guess you want meat?"(Ella)

"(Happy) Yes please. *Swish Swish*"(Rina)

"Got it. I'll go tell the kitchen. Can you find the dining room without help?"(Ella)


[Point set.]

"Ok. See you there then."(Ella)

"Got it. bye."(Rina)

*Click open close click*

Well let's get ready and go. I'm starving.

(One walk later)

And here. Let's go in.

*Click step close*

*Step step step Pull back sit*

"I see you got here fine."(Ella)

"What did you think I'd get lost?"(Rina)

"(immediately) Yes."(Ella)

"I don't know if I feel more hurt about the fact you had no faith in me, or that you didn't even try to lie about it."(Rina)

*Knock Knock*

"Looks like the foods here."(Ella)

"I know what you- *Sniff sniff* *Swish swish swish* (Drool)"(Rina)

To easy. (Ella)

"Come in."(Ella)

*Click step step step close*

*Step step step place*x2

"*Sniff sniff* (Drool) Smells great. But *Sniff sniff* (Glare) this smells like wine."(Rina)


*Head shake*

"It's just fruit juice. It's fine to drink."(Ella)

"(Skeptical) Are you sure it smells a lot like wine?"(Rina)

"Want me to try it? It really should just be some fruit juice."(Ella)

"I'll pass."(Rina)

I guess I'll just try it. *Sip* Mmm sweet and fruity. ......Nothing happened I guess it's fine. Then let's eat!

*Nom Nom Gulp Sip*

"Aah Rina. Are you alright?"(Ella)

"Hm, *gulp* (Head tilt) What do you mean?"(Rina)

"Nothing. Seems like it was just juice."(Ella)

*Shoulder shrug*

*Nom nom nom gulp sip*

"H-hey slow down no one's taking your food."(Ella)

*Nom nom nom gulp sip*

"And she's not listening. *Sigh* Whatever."(Ella)

(One meal later)

"*Burp* That was great."(Rina)

"(Mouth open) Where did all that food go?! You had like 6 full plates!"(Ella)

"(Confused) What? That's a normal size. Whenever I hunt, I eat like 5 or 6 horned rabbits. Surprisingly they give barley anything for levels. I think they give even less than a goblin."(Rina)

"Are you actually a glutton?"(Ella)

"(Irritated) I don't know what that means but, I feel like I was just insulted."(Rina)

"(Looks away) Whatever do you mean?"(Ella)

"*Sigh* Whatever, can I go to the adventures guild?"(Rina)

"(Curious) Sure, but what for?"(Ella)

"(Looks at like she's an idiot) So, I can join duh. I want to start leveling to get this off (lifts collar). My goal is level 35."(Rina)

"Ok but be sure to be back by midnight. And don't even think of running I've already put a mark on you."(Ella)

"*Shoulder shrug* Not like I have anywhere else to go and what's a mark?"(Rina)

"It's a string of mana that I can follow to find you."(Ella)

"(Immediately) Creep."(Rina)

"Come on don't be like that. It's for your own safety."(Ella)

"Whatever you say creep."(Rina)

"(Irritated) You want another bump on your head again?"(Ella)

"*Glare* Want another ice spike in your leg again?"(Rina)

Meanwhile the maid in the background is trembling in fear for what might happen.

"*Sigh* Whatever, just go and be back by midnight."(Ella)

"Sure, and can I get a room?"(Rina)

"(Confused) Why?"(Ella)

"Do you prefer to have me sleep in your room every day?"(Rina)

"Good point. Somone might miss understand if you keep sleeping there."(Ella)

"Thanks. *Stands up and walks out*"(Rina)

blaze_master100 Next chapter is going to be a side chapter. Feel free to not read if you aren't interested in the heroes. Also tell me if anything sounds weird, I'll fix when possible.



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