Published at 13th of January 2023 06:29:18 AM

Chapter 32

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blaze_master100 Yo, I'm back with another chapter.

"What about Frozen Fang?"(Snow)

"Isn't that just a spin on our last name?"(Rina)


"*Raises hands* Just making sure I wasn't imagining it. So, which one should we go with? I like Frozen Fang. It's like a little reminder of how we started this journey."(Rina)

"I like it."(Izz)

"I came up with the name so, duh."(Snow)

"What about you Hail?"(Rina)

"*Sigh* I don't have a choice, do I?"(Hail)

"I mean majority vote so... not really."(Rina)

"*Sigh* It's not bad."(Hail)



I then punched Snow on the head for antagonizing Hail.

"*Rubs head* What was that for?"(Snow)

"*Glare* You know damn well what you did. *Sigh* Can't you 2 just get along?"(Rina)


"*Messages forehead* *Sigh* Whatever. There's a few things I want to do then head back for the day."(Rina)

"(Curious) Like what?"(Hail)

"First, is naming the strongest of the wind, water, fire, light, and earth wolves. I'll make them the leader of that group of wolves and then sort the fusion types at a later date."(Rina)

"(Confused) So your making squads?"(Hail)

"I think the word you're looking for is Order Hail."(Izz)

"Ah, right that."(Hail)

"Mhm, pretty much."(Rina)

"Is that it?"(Snow)

"No there's 2 more things. There's that area with the strong wolves who Kear mentioned, and I want to visit home."(Rina)

"Well, I guess I'll stay with you then. Not like I have any plans."(Snow)


"*Shoulder shrug* Knock yourselves out. [Summon: Kear, Shade, and highest-level fire, water, earth, light, and wind wolves]


"*lightheaded* *Holds head* Ugh."(Rina)

"""""""*Bow* You called your majesty?"""""""

When they all appeared the bowed their heads and Kear and Shade then lifted theirs.

"*Sigh* I guess I'm stuck with this title, huh. Well, nothing I can do about it now. Raise your heads."(Rina)

They all then lifted their heads.

"Good now I'm going to name you five and you will be the leaders of your species group. I'll sort out the fusion types later. I'll also be assigning you a order name and number. Am I understood?"(Rina)


"Good. I'll start with Kear since he was the first to get a name. Your order will be Winter, and it will be number 1. Then Shade your order shall be Shadow, and your order will be number 2. Now onto the rest of you."(Rina)

I then turned my head to a reddish orange wolf.

"You shall be [Ember] you shall lead the order Blaze and have the number 3."(Rina)

"*Bow* *Swish Swish* As you wish your Majesty."(Ember)

He's really happy about this. (Confused) Is a name that great? Whatever.

I then turned to white wolf with a slight golden tint.

"You shall be [Sol] you shall lead the order Luminous and have the number 4."(Rina)

"*Bow* *Swish Swish* I am at your command your Majesty."(Sol)

(Confused) Why is she happy too? You know what I'm just going to stop asking. The others were the same.

I then turned to a brownish gray wolf.

"You shall be [Clay] you shall lead the order Mountain and have the number 5."(Rina)

"*Bow* *Swish Swish* As you command your Majesty."(Clay)

*Eye roll*

I then turned to an emerald, green wolf.

"You shall be [Breeze] you shall lead Tornado and have the number 6."(Rina)

"*Bow* *Swish Swish* I shall not disappoint your Majesty."(Breeze)

I then turned to an ocean blue wolf

"And lastly you shall be [Aqua] you shall lead Tsunami and have the number 7."(Rina)

"*Bow* *Swish Swish* I shall not bring shame to you, your Majesty."(Aqua)

Once I finished, I felt the contracts with the newly named wolves strengthen.

"*Nod* Good. Now 1 thing before you return to what you were doing. These 3 are my sisters. Listen to them if I'm not around. Understood?"(Rina)

"""""""Yes, your Majesty."""""""

"*Nod* Good. Now all but, Kear may leave."(Rina)

They all then left for different parts of the forest.

"*Bow* What can I help you with, your Majesty?"(Kear)

"Lead me to the territory you talked about before."(Rina)

*flash*x 4

"Yes, your Majesty."(Kear)

(4 hours later)

Ugh, we've been running for hours!

"(bored and tired) Are we almost there? "(Rina)

"The territory is just in front of us, your Majesty."(Kear)

"Finally! Let's take a quick break here."(Rina)


[Water ball] [Cooling breeze]

I then casted 2 spells to make some cold water.

*Gulp Gulp Gulp*

"Puah, *Wipes face* much better. Hmm, this style doesn't sute this kind of place. 

Hmm, didn't Ella say there was a shapeshifting enchantment on these? I wonder."(Rina)


I then poured some mana into the clothes and thought of my usual clothes, and they transformed.



I then took out 2 berries to eat.

"Ah- *Raises eyebrow* Do you need something?"(Rina)

As I was about to eat, I noticed the others looking at me with puppy eyes.


"*Sigh* Fine. I'll give you 1 each."(Rina)



They then all jumped on me and started licking me.

"""Thank you, big sis!"""

"All right, all right. Get off already I ca- wait why can I breathe? I have 3 giant wolves on me. Speaking of why didn't I run out of breath before?"(Rina)

"""*Gets off* Berries first, thoughts second!"""

"*Sigh* Here."(Rina)

I then took out 3 berries from my [inventory] and gave it to them.

"*Swish swish swish swish* (Mouthful) Mmmmmm! Delicious!"(Snow)

"*Swish swish swish swish* (Mouthful) Mhm, it's the best!"(Izz)

"*Swish swish swish swish* (Mouthful) *Nods* Mhm, mhm."(Hail)

(Surprised) Did their eyes just sparkle? *Shakes head* No way. Let's eat my berries before they get any funny ideas. 


*Hand on cheek* Mmmmmm, still amazing. Hey system why could I breathe and why didn't I lose my breath earlier while running?


[Hidden conditions discovered. Skill breathing has fully unlocked and changed to adaptive breathing. +2 skill points]

""""(Stunned) Huh? WWWhhhaaaaatttt!?""""

"(Spooked) Is something wrong, your Majesty!?"(Kear)

"Ah, no. Sorry for spooking you Kear. I think it's time to go now. *Flash*"(Rina)

"As you wish. But, from this point forward I don't know the territory."(Kear)

"(Confused) Huh? But didn't you say there was a pack of strong wolves here."(Rina)

"I did. It was widely known not to go here as this was the territory of 2 Fenrir with a pack of 40 plus."(Kear)

Wait a minute. Where are we?

I then checked the mini map and found that we were in the northern part of the forest.

"It can't be."(Rina)


(7 minutes later)

"(Confused) There's no wolves."(Kear)

(Melancholic) So it is true. Hah, well I guess this is 2 birds 1 stone. *Sigh* How I missed this place.

"(Down) haha, it's fine Kear. This... is my home."(Rina)

"(Confused) What?"(Kear)

"(Melancholic) This was the place I was born. This is my family's territory. *Sigh* But well you can probably guess by now. Well, te- *Sniff* *Sniff Sniff* (Cold) Intruders. Kear, you go and tell everyone it's fine to enter this area and that the leaders of each order can take a cave to live in. I'm going."(Rina)

"*Bow* Yes, your Majesty."(Kear)

He then left.


"*Knuckle crack Knuckle crack* Time to deal with the vermin who decided they wanted to take my home. You 3 in?"(Rina)


"*Neck crack* Always."(Hail)


"*Stretch* I finally get to try out this class."(Izz)

They all then turned human and to my surprise their outfits suited their classes.

"*Nod* Good. [Nifl]"(Rina)

{You called master?}(Nifl)

"Split into 4 please."(Rina)

{On it.}(Nifl)


She then split into 4 sets of gauntlets and we each put one on.

"(Evil Smile) Good, now we can now begin."(Rina)

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