Necromancer Survival - Chapter 209

Published at 12th of April 2022 07:31:02 PM

Chapter 209

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Yeni Apple iPad 5.199 TL

Pozitif Teknoloji



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     “We must be inside some mirror-like thing right now.”

     “Inside a mirror?”

     “You look exactly the same…” Seo Dawon glanced at my right hand. “You’re right handed.”

“Huh? Yeah…”

     As soon as I answered, ‘Choi Lee-kyung’ looked down, flustered, at his hands from behind the Mage. Then, in that state, the bastard slowly became transparent. ‘Choi Lee-kyung’ opened his mouth, as if to say something, but soon melted completely into thin air and vanished. It appeared like the monster was defeated once it was caught.

     I stared blankly at the place where ‘Choi Lee-kyung’ had futilely disappeared. “How did you know?”

     “When he held onto me, he reached out with his left hand first. Something was unnatural.”

      However, Seo Dawon’s response was a bit questionable.

      While ruminating on that discomfort, I mumbled to myself, “…Is the only difference between me and him our dominant hand?”

     “What?” Seo Dawon didn’t ignore my murmurs and questioned it immediately.

     I hesitated before eventually answering him in a grumpy tone, “Wasn’t there a lot of differences…between me and that ‘Choi Lee-kyung’ earlier? But you only kept on looking at him…Like you couldn’t tell…”

      My voice rose a little at the end of my sentences, as if I were whining, ‘Why couldn’t you recognize me?’… Honestly, I was deeply upset by that, so I wasn’t able to control my emotions.

     However, as soon as he listened to my words, Seo Dawon’s lips quirked up. Teasing, he said, “Ah, of course I knew about your differences from the very beginning.”

“Then, why…”

     “He looks exactly like you. I couldn’t exactly lay hands on him.”


     I was struck speechless; Seo Dawon turned and locked gazes with me casually. He didn’t say anything particularly ridiculous, but I strangely felt hot. It’s not like was fishing for those flirtatious comments either…

     However, I soon returned to my senses and responded sarcastically, “…Don’t say things you don’t mean.”

     “He was smiling so brightly with your face–what could I do?”


However, Seo Dawon paid no heed to my sarcasm. His posture was relaxed; he seemed to be trying his hardest to make me feel fidgety and flustered with his words.

     His words always gave me food for thought. Even when he didn’t truly like me. So, even if my heart pounded, I was angry; I wanted to refute what he said and make jokes. Something like ‘Ah, so you’re saying my smiling expression doesn’t look too good, is that it?’ I barely held those comments in.

     I snorted, to tell him I could hardly believe him, and walked ahead while ignoring the Mage. However, the previous scene kept repeating in my head. Could Seo Dawon really prefer that fake–someone who adopted such silly expressions and wore his emotions on his sleeves? Or, could he be dissatisfied with the ‘me’ that never smiles so happily?

      It wasn’t so easy for me to smile in front of Seo Dawon. How many people could laugh nonchalantly while trying to defend their minds–to build defenses against rushing affection? Moreover, we’re in a special relationship, and he treats me affectionately. Currently, I had to build walls on my side of the relationship so as to not cross a line–smiling was impossible.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!