Published at 16th of September 2021 12:47:37 PM

Chapter 84

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Chapter 84

Ah Yun left.

Gone on the very first day the seal was lifted, when his guard was completely down against him.

Shen Shui Yan spread his senses throughout the entire palace, constantly seeking out Chu Mu Yun's energy without giving up. He wasn't in the room, not in the back garden, not the mountain lake...not...

He stood on the white jade steps, his magnificent robes fluttering in the wind. Beneath that brilliant arc was a delicate face that held no expression.

With just one simple thought, he understood everything.

Another deception, another betrayal, another mockery of his stupidity.

He pretended to submit to him, pretended to like him, pretended to belong to him. All this so he could leave.

And why would he leave?

Xie Qian Lan!

From beginning to end, the only one in his heart was Xie Qian Lan!

In order to return to his side, he could offer everything up, whether it be his principles or his dignity, he even gave up his bottom line as a person. All just so he could have Xie Qian Lan!

Shen Shui Yan never felt so much hatred well up in him. The tumbling anger inside his blood was going to burn him alive, and the hatred seeping into his soul could make him lose his mind.

How could I let you run? How could I let you leave? How can I tolerate you belonging to someone else?!

So, you like to act, don't you...Ah Yun? Then just stay by my side and keep up that act for the rest of your life!

Shen Shui Yan turned around and his long hair slipped from his ears before being blown up by the strong winds from under the mountain. Ink-like hair spread out as if it tore a rift into the sky, spilling its black blood outwards.

Chu Mu Yun was completely calm when he left. After getting warmed up a little, he went to get a change of clothes from the closet.

While dressing himself...

Chu Mu Yun, "This body's really a bit too skinny."

Zero, "Seriously, I almost couldn't recognize it..."

Chu Mu Yun observed himself in the mirror for quite some time before he began to recall, "Speaking of which, the difference of the Ice Spirit Beast's body during its adolescence period and adulthood is really huge."

Zero could hardly remember what the Ice Spirit Beast looked like when it was young.

Chu Mu Yun said, "Even if Yan Chen came, I doubt he'd be able to recognize me."

Zero had been brushing up on his homework lately and a thought suddenly flashed through its mind. "The transformation of the Ice Spirit Beast is extremely easy to be interfered with. Yan Chen put a lot of effort into making you look just like Chu Mu Yun back then. It's just a pity that it never stuck until adulthood. With how great the changes are after all these years, these changes may also be attributed to you yourself."

Chu Mu Yun pondered on its words before saying, "That's true. If this body gets some proper exercise, it would look quite the same as my original appearance back on Earth."

The two chatted idly for a while, neither thinking too much into the subject. After Chu Mu Yun was dressed, he headed out.

Zero asked again, "Are you going to look for Lust?"

Chu Mu Yun, "And how would I know where he is?"

Zero was confused. "Then, you're..."

Chu Mu Yun laughed. "Just seasoning the broth for little Greed."

Chu Mu Yun had no intention of seeking out Xie Qian Lan at all. He was hardly interested in taking a trip to the demon realm. Not to mention, Xie Qian Lan must be in a hurry to rush back to the human realm. He couldn't be bothered to look for him. He just had to wait and the guy would send himself to his door all on his own.

But why did he have to cheat Shen Shui Yan?

He was such a natural scum, how could he come to his senses without suffering a little?

But of course, once you start acting, you gotta go all the way. After walking out from the Heaven's Rain Palace, Chu Mu Yun headed right to the boundary wall.

In order to make things realistic, Chu Mu Yun played cat and mouse with Shen Shui Yan for several days.

When his body could not hold it any longer and began going into heat, Chu Mu Yun finally revealed his trail.

Coincidentally, cracks began to appear on the boundary wall right at this time.

It was the middle of winter for the human realm. Everything was packaged in a fine silver under the frost and snow.

Shen Shui Yan was dressed in dazzling robes and looking expressionlessly at Chu Mu Yun.

On the other hand, Chu Mu Yun's gaze towards him was one full of horror and trepidation.

Shen Shui Yan slowly came close while a bloodthirsty smile eased up his lips. "Ah Yun, I'm still waiting to taste your rainfall fish."

Complicated emotions flitted past Chu Mu Yun's eyes. Very quickly, he raised his hand and raised a barrier, speaking with much pain in his voice, "...Please, let me go."

The smile on Shen Shui Yan's lips grew even deeper. "Have I not been good to you? Have I not been thoughtful enough? Was my sincerity ever lacking? So why, why are you always thinking of leaving me?"

Chu Mu Yun shook his head, speaking a little listlessly, "If...If you really love me, then let me go. Xiao Yan, if you do..."

"Who loves you?" Shen Shui Yan lowered his eyelids, his dense eyelashes fluttering down while the color of blood emerged in his dark eyes. "What qualifies you to receive my love?"

When he heard these words, Chu Mu Yun's face paled. He bit his lower lip sorrowfully, a trace of blood emerging, but it almost seemed as if he couldn't feel the pain. He just stood there, dejected and spiritless.

Shen Shui Yan's chest was filled with malice and resentment, but his voice sounded so wonderful as if it was covered in honey, spreading out layer after layer, sending a chilling numbness in one's spine. "You betrayed me, over and over again. Would I still be able to love you? Stop joking. I'm not as depraved as you!"

His words stabbed straight into Chu Mu Yun's heart, like throwing salt into a festering wound, destroying the little sanity he had left. With both eyes looking hollow, he responded, somewhat out of it, "That's true. I've done you so many wrongs. You must...have no love for me anymore...In that case, just let me go. I..."

"Don't even think about it!" Shen Shui Yan suddenly stepped forward and raised his hand, destroying his barrier in one strike. He gripped his throat with his fingers, forcing him to endure great pain. "Listen up. I don't love you nor do I like you. I absolutely loathe you! But you have to take responsibility for your actions. It's not like you can survive without a man anyway. Instead of letting someone else satisfy you, you might as well come with me. I'll never believe you again, and I'll never let you leave the door. You'll interact with absolutely nobody. Don't you even think about taking one step out the door after today!"

He glared at him fiercely, practically enunciating each word, "There's only one thing you have to do, and that's to wait for me to f*ck you!"

These words caused Chu Mu Yun to fall into complete despair.

It's over, everything's finally ruined.

Chu Mu Yun laughed, a look of extreme pampering suddenly appearing in his listless eyes. He looked at Shen Shui Yan and muttered under his breath, "I'm sorry."

As soon as he spoke his apology, he suddenly raised his hand and a pale-blue light was shot out from the tips of his pale fingers, instantly sending a deep blue ice arrow through the air.

Shen Shui Yan frowned. He thought he was going to resist him.

Chu Mu Yun's strength was not bad. If he fought for his life, then it might take some effort to subdue him.

He unsheathed his sword, but before Shen Shui Yan could do anything, the ice arrow pierced straight through Chu Mu Yun's chest.

Red blood gushed out, instantly soaking the man's loose black robes.

The vitality was instantly drained from his already ghastly pale face. Keeping his eyes open, Chu Mu Yun stared unblinkingly at Shen Shui Yan.

Shen Shui Yan could not move at all. He had no idea why. Why would this...How could this happen?

Chu Mu Yun's body grew limp and fell to the ground. Finally coming back to his senses, Shen Shui Yan rushed over to take him into his arms. The stickiness he felt on his hands was covered in the aura of death. There was no hesitation in this blow. It really...left no room for return.

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