Nightwatcher - Chapter 61

Published at 21st of April 2023 07:06:42 AM

Chapter 61

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He examined Xu Qi'an without any trace. He saw that his body was tight and his smile was reluctant. He said with relief, "I'm just ordered to take you back for questioning. I don't know the details. However, when you get to yamen, you should keep in mind one sentence: don't hide what you should say, don't say what you shouldn't say. "

I'm so... Don't I know that? It's not worth thirty taels of silver at all. Shit, what's the difference between you and the insincere pretext that "the relevant departments have been asked to deal with it".

The carriage drove through the busy streets and arrived at the watchman's Yamen at the beginning of the time.

Xu Qian jumped out of the carriage and entered the prestigious yamen under the escort of two watchmen.

Its office space is reconstructed from two courtyard with three entrances. The attic stands up and the watchmen in black and tied with gongs come in and out. They look grim and awe inspiring.

I don't know if I will be sent to the prison of a watchman. It's a place where people eat but don't spit out bones. First of all, I'm a good citizen and I didn't break the law. Xu Qi'an took a deep breath and calmed down his uneasiness.

Soon, he was taken into a small courtyard.

There are two watchmen standing at the gate of the hospital. After the handover, the man stops at the gate of the hospital and says with a smile, "go in and ask for your own happiness."

With that, he left with his serious companion.

Xu Qi'an was taken in. Two watchmen pushed open the door of the room and said coldly, "go in."

This is a torture room with various instruments of torture in the corner and an empty long table in the center.

The chief judge of the trial did not come.

Xu Qi'an did not dare to sit in a chair, standing in the room, thinking about why the watchman would find himself.

But before he had time to think more, footsteps came and someone came into the yard.

The door opened and two middle-aged men with silver gongs embroidered on their chests came in.

Muscle for a moment tight Xu Qi'an quickly swept two silver gongs, surprised to find that one of them was an old acquaintance.

He has a high nose, deep facial features, light pupil color, and half of Nanman blood.

It was the silver Gong that I saw in the back hall of the Yamen when I was involved in the tax case.

"See you again." Li Yuchun nodded, and there was no warmth in her eyes.

Two silver gongs are sitting behind the table, with a serious look and sharp eyes.

"I ask you, if you lie, you will be punished." The strange silver Gong sank.

"Yes..." Xu Qi'an's heart sank, and these two were completely looking at the prisoners.

Li Yu Chun frowned: "before answering the question, first tidy up the clothes, this is the most basic etiquette."

Xu Qi'an found that his skirt was too loose and not symmetrical. It's the money stolen from the carriage.

When he tightened his clothes, Li Yuchun looked slightly relaxed, as if he had solved a problem.

"Do you know that the person behind the tax case is the Minister of the previous week?" the silver Gong asked

Xu Qi'an truthfully replied: "I heard from the girl Caiwei who is in charge of the Tianjian."

"Then you know that Zhou Li's dealing with you is also out of revenge."

"I think so."

Xu Qi'an kept in mind the admonition of the squinting youth and never concealed what he should say. That day, the white clothes of the sky warden rushed into the criminal department to save him, which was full of people's eyes and could not be denied.

It's better to admit it generously and look beautiful.

"Do you know that Zhou Li wants to kill you?"

"I know."

"So, in order not to be retaliated by the Zhou family, you kidnapped the concubine daughter of marquis Wei Wu and put the blame on Zhou Li." The strange silver Gong had a sharp look in its eyes.

Sure enough, it was for this matter..... Xu Qi'an was not in a panic, even showed a certain loss, and was wronged by the panic: "adults say, villains do not understand."

"Where did you go when you were not on duty in the Yamen of Changle County on the day when the powerful Marquis's daughter was hijacked?"

"Villain GouLan to listen to music, villain really dereliction of duty, often sneak to GouLan to listen to music."

In this regard, Constable Wang and other petty officials can testify for him, because we all fish in this way.

besides, I have a quick hand in Changle county to visit the Kwai fence, and what is the relationship between you and others?

"How do you explain the book? In the Records issued by yamen, it shows many times that you went to the inner city. " Li Yuchun said in a deep voice.

"The villain is wronged!" Xu Qian stares big eyes and defends himself excitedly: "the villain has never been to the inner city, and has never taken a book in Yamen."

They framed me, I went into the inner city is entrusted to do, with the book, clean hands and feet... And the client is Yang Ling, what's the relationship with me Xu Qi'an?

Two silver gongs interrogated for a moment, but they didn't catch any clues from Xu Qi'an's words.

They looked at each other in surprise.

As for interrogation skills, I'm also a professional. Xu Qi'an was relieved. His eyes caught sight of the instruments of torture, and his heart was tight again.Li Yuchun sighed: "yes, if we had not grasped the evidence in advance, we would not have believed you just because of the conversation."

It's in the frame again. I'm still confident in my tone. Xu Qi'an's face is expressionless.

As a professional who graduated from the police academy and worked in the police station for several years, Xu Qi'an is confident to deal with all kinds of interrogations. It's a different story, unless the other side is bent on it.

Zhou Shilang has fallen. Without evidence, he believes that the watchmen will not be too embarrassed.

The familiar silver Gong took out a small book from his pocket, opened it, looked at Xu Qi'an, and read it according to the book:

"on October 1, renxu day, Xu Qi'an returned from Yunlu academy and bought two pieces of gold at baoqixuan. On the way, he was followed by someone who was suspected to be the man of Zhou's house.

"That night, I was surprised to withdraw the assassin of Zhou."

"On the second day of October, on the day of Guihai, women's families were moved to Yunlu academy to avoid disaster."

"On the fifth day of October, Bingyin entered the inner city and the Department of Jiaofang. Stay in meixiaoge for one night, and "give Fuxiang" is suspected to be written by Xu Qian

"On the seventh day of October, the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, he drove a carriage into the concubines of the powerful Marquis and robbed them by unknown means."

He closed the book with a silver Gong on his face and looked at Xu Qian sarcastically with a sneer.

Xu Qi'an's body was chilly, as if he was short of clothes in the cold winter. He shivered slowly.

The watchmen are following me... They followed me the day I went to the College... All the plans these days are in the eyes of the watchmen... It's over!

why do Kwai Tak follow me? I'm just a little fast hand. What's wrong? Xu Qi an's angry growl in his heart.

He felt the abyss of despair.

The two crimes of capturing the Chamberlain of the household and hijacking the Marquis's daughter add up to enough to kill the whole family.

The great Confucians of Yunlu academy can't save him, and the white clothes of Si Tianjian can't save him. No one can save him!

My hands and feet are clean and there is no evidence to convict me, but the watchman who followed me witnessed my plan throughout the whole process.

Xu Qi'an's forehead was full of cold sweat. In the eyes of the two silver gongs, he slowly slid across his cheek and dropped to the ground.


He suddenly noticed an unreasonable detail. Since the watchmen had witnessed the whole process, why didn't they expose him?

As long as the book is handed in, Zhou Li can get rid of the crime, and the butcher's knife waved to the Xu family falls down again after a month and a half late.

Why wait until the fall of Zhou Shilang before inviting him to "drink tea".

Xu Qi'an spits out a mouthful of turbid Qi, along with all kinds of negative emotions, with a low brow: "villain pleads guilty, everything is done by villain. You are at your disposal. "

The serious faced silver Gong raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Yuchun. They both showed a smile.

"Very smart, very sharp." Li Yuchun said with a smile: "just now I was trying to test you. If you show flaws in the interrogation, or your mind is destroyed in the face of hard evidence, then you will be met with real sanctions."

After a pause, he restrained his serious face, and his smile became more relaxed: "now, what's welcoming you is the invitation of the watchman."

PS: this chapter has been revised, so the update is late.

Thanks to the leader of "Rong Xiaorong", who is worthy of being a good friend.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!