Published at 18th of May 2022 07:11:45 AM

Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

My game


Galia's AS academy, It is a unique construction in many ways. The front as well as the main hall open to the public resembles a kind of mix between an ancient temple and a university. The interesting thing is that it is built next to the face of the mountain, apparently a large part of the academy is inside the mountain itself, so it is inaccessible without using the main entrance.


Considering that the heart of the academy is within the mountain, it's ideal to protect the treasures of the science of this world. I must put my hands on them ...

"Excuse me, the entrance fee is 10 Ja, 20 Ja if you want a pass to the library" said a man with armor at the entrance. Seems better armed than the guard at the entrance of the city. Well, that man had archers guarding his back.

"It must be difficult to be so long standing at the entrance. Here". I say while I give a coin to the guard of the academy.

"Huh... eh. This is ... a silver coin!?"

His shock is normal, according to the bartender, the value of a silver coin is 100 bronze, which in turn is worth 100 copper, which is the local currency "Ja", so a silver coin equals 10,000 Ja. I understand that it is enough for a family of 4 to live without issues for a month and a half.

Of course, that is limited to the economic state of this city. Like everything, it varies from place to place, I have no doubt that there will be places where it is worth more or less than that.

"Consider it a tip, keep the hard work".

"B-But, this is too much".

"Don't worry it's nothing". Seriously, no matter how much I give you, it doesn't affect me at all.

Well, leaving the guard behind, I pass through the halls of the academy, there are some paintings on the walls, some seem to represent important events, others are portraits, surely of great characters in the history of the academy, or the whole world. Naturally I don't know anyone, or maybe I do, it's not like I could relate the images I see with the things the bartender told me, whatever.

Although I do not recognize anything I see, I look in amazement and detail at each article on the walls and in the hallway. Some genuinely caught my curiosity. Such as the prototype of an apparatus capable of converting certain materials into another, a dark and resistant one, but at the same time light, which apparently is capable of bouncing if thrown on the ground. No matter how you look at it, isn't that rubber?

So far the carts I've seen have simple wooden wheels or metal. It seems here the rubber tree was not found, this device could be the key to developing modern wheels. If I have to travel by wagon sometime, I prefer it to be comfortably. The structure of the wagon is important, but without appropriate wheels there is a limit to how much vibration can be reduced, in addition to protecting the wheels from wear, especially in these unpaved roads.

I must remember to make this one of the first projects to be financed, it must be ready when the time comes  for me to go to Jagheb.

From the information I obtained, I deduce that the most developed place in the region is the capital city of Jagheb, "Bombasta". It's where I must go to continue my way to the top.

Although this city is protected by height, it doesn't have great defenses if it were to be seriously attacked.

Isn't as if a nation would spend the necessary resources to conquer it, after all, a conventional siege is useless, since the city is self-sufficient.

But it's still possible to invade it if the plain is conquered little by little. Of course, it would be a hard campaign, since the mountain must be climbed, and the losses would probably be much greater than the gains, which is why this place is so peaceful despite the war in the region. But it's not a guarantee, even I thought of an efficient way to conquer it, not that I plan to do it, I just calculated how safe I am in this place.

While my mind wanders between my plans for the future and the curious objects and paintings of the academy, a group of four people, a woman and three men began to discuss worried. All wearing the same uniform, consisting of a red board suit with a pocket on the left side with an AS badge, a white shirt underneath and a red robe above all, pants of the same color in the case of men, and a plaid skirt of an ocher color, with green stripes in the woman's case.  All slightly vivid colors, and somewhat dirty, if you ask me.

"Excuse me, what could be the problem?"

"Huh, Who are you?"

The youngest of the group observes me with curiosity, He didn't expect a stranger suddenly to interfere in the discussion. His features are quite childish, although I do not imagine robust and strong men as academics. The others watch me silently, looking me up and down.

"I'm just a science enthusiast. If I can help some of the great minds that work to expand the horizons of human knowledge, I would feel honored".

Everyone's looking in suspicion, with the exception of the young man whose curiosity seemed to be increasing. I think I already found my treasure key.

"I'm sorry, but they are matters of the academy. If you excuse us".

And with these words of the academic woman, the group moves away to continue their discussion without curious eyes. And speaking of curious eyes, the young man turned to observe me once more, to which I respond with a warm smile. Apparently he had conflicting thoughts stopping him, so I decided to give him a push.

"Something worries you? I was serious when I said I wanted to help".

Gathering courage, the young man made his decision, and looked at me with determined eyes.

"Actually, there was a problem at the entrance of the city, and we cannot obtain an important package that comes from beyond the valley. It is essential that we have it as soon as possible, or a year of efforts will have been in vain".

"I see, does it have anything to do with tonight's event?"

"Indeed. It is for the equinox, there is an experiment prepared for the exact moment it begins. Last night one of our members went to the mountain valley to pick up a rare plant that blooms only on the nights before and after the equinox, but apparently the guards at the gate do not allow him to pass. They say they received notice that the flower can be used to make poison and will not allow us to enter it".

"And is that so?"

"No, definitely... probably not, I had never heard that it could be used for that. We use it as a catalyst, nothing more".

While explaining his situation, the young man feels somewhat insecure, due to my watchful gaze. I certainly look at his expressions and words in detail, to carefully judge what words to use.

"Alright, for now let's go to the city gate to talk to the guards, we won't solve anything by staying here".

"Others already went to do it, but the guard doesn't listen to arguments".

"No problem, I am confident that he will listen to me".

And with my confident words, the young man was convinced that I could do something. We left for the gates of the city, on the way I greeted the guard of the academy, who returned the greeting vigorously. If you give someone money without asking for anything in return, they can do nothing but see you as an altruist... If they are naive.

"It seems he respects you a lot".

"Well, he's a nice guy. Won't he behave like that with everyone? "

"I don't think so, Caret is rather someone of few tempers, especially since his girlfriend argued with him for not buying a good ring when he proposed".

"Ho, so there was a story like that. It's hard to be a wage earner".

"This... you".

"Argent. Call me Argent".

"Yes. Argent, your words sounded sympathetic, but at the same time distant, you aren't a wage earner, right?"

"No. I am currently a traveler, in search of the truth of life. I go from city to city, observing the AS academies of the world, reading their books and learning everything I can, but I'm not an academic like you... "

"Zera, I'm Zera. I still don't get my academic research degree, despite having graduated as a student. Honestly, I think Argent is more an academic than me".

"I think you're still young, if I look more intellectual, it's because I've lived longer and I've had time to learn and reflect".


"One day you will be a prominent scientist, which all academics will talk about. You just have to make an effort, without rushing things".

After a long walk from the academy to the entrance of the city, during which Zera was repeatedly worried. I showed a reliable smile to comfort him along the way.

Arrived at the lookout, you could see a large group of people wearing the academy uniform arguing with the guard. Apparently they were getting nowhere.

"Greetings, I heard there is a problem".

"Ah! Arg ... Argent, these people want us to allow the plant that..."

"Say no more. My academic friend, Zera, assured me that this plant is no poison. I fully trust his opinion, so I would like you to allow them to bring it in the city".

"Mm. I understand. Very well, if Argent trusts his word, they can enter the city".

"Argent! You did it, you really did it, the guard heard you".

"Of course, Zera is someone of trust, it is my duty to convey that trust to the guard. Of course, such attention deserves reward, here you go".

With a deliberately exaggerated movement, I deliver a silver coin to the gate guard.

"Argent, that's..."

"Is nothing. Thank you very much, Mr. City Guard. Please continue to work hard and be understanding".

I make a greeting bowing and the guard copies my actions, something unsure of whether or not to bow to greet me. Of course, because of my words from yesterday.

"Well, I hope with this I have contributed even a little with the research".

"No, it has been a great help. Even if we had managed to convince the guard eventually, it would have been too late and we would had to wait a whole year to conduct the experiment. Really, thank you very much!"

"There's no need. If I can be of help it's enough".

And in this way, the case of the problem at the entrance of the city was solved and I began to walk away silently. Behind my back, some of the academics were heard rejoicing and others discussing.

"I'm glad it was solved, but where did they heard that the plant could be used as poison?"

"It's a mystery".

Yeah, a mystery...



"Ah! You are!"

"Greetings. Say nothing, remember that I don't want it to be known that I'm a noble".

"True. I'm sorry..."

"Listen, I have an important mission for you. I heard someone try to attempt against my life. It seems the information about my arrival in Galia was leaked in some way. As I understand it, they will use a poison made from a valley flower".

"Ah! Last night a man from the academy left the city towards the valley".

"That's it. Surely he went to collect the plant to prepare the poison. Do not let them bring it into town, or I will no longer feel safe when eating. Could you do me this favor?"

"Of course!... But academics are very respected. I don't think they t..."

"I wouldn't suspect academics either, but maybe someone is deceiving them. One way or another, I can't be careless when it comes to my life, do this for me. Of course, as a nobleman, I cannot simply accept your help without giving something in return, have this coin".

"A silver coin... I won't let you down!"

"I count on you".


Let the game begin.




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