Published at 19th of January 2022 08:10:28 AM

Chapter 1425: Make it public! Uproar

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The United States’ Thousand Fantasy Special Agent Group, coupled with the silent penetration of the Holy Star!

This wave can be said to be a clear arrangement of countries!

At this moment, the Zeus rocket of the United States has long been out of low-Earth orbit and flew to the moon!

Huaxia, Goose, Rainbow, and Maple Leaf Kingdom’s moon landing rockets all exploded, and even Eagle Kingdom was arranged by the Holy Star!

He was the last one to blow up!

At this moment, the servers on International were almost overwhelmed!

The above are all small videos uploaded by netizens all over the world!

Accompanied by bursts of exclamation in the video, the fireball exploded in the sky as bright as a small sun!

All kinds of posts are flying all over the sky!

"Damn! What's going on? Do countries all over the world collectively set off fireworks? It's been discussed? All are launched today and then bombed from house to house?"

"Fireworks? Do you know what the cost of a manned rocket is? What family can't afford to play with such flowers?"

"There is absolutely something we don't know about a major event, the news is blocked, otherwise how can countries have such a tacit understanding? Launched rockets on the same day? They all exploded?"

"I believe it was an accident that other countries exploded, but both China and Goose are major aerospace countries and both have their own space stations. How many years have they launched rockets without errors, how could they explode?"

All discussions on the Internet went crazy for a while!

However, immediately there was a hot spot madman posting!

Title: Mysterious power prevents humans from escaping from Blue Star, and keeping the fire has become an extravagant hope!

When the end is coming, human beings will eventually pay for what they have done and bear their sins!

(Sixth Palace Picture)? jpg

The picture is the famous scene of rocket explosions in various countries!

(?﹏?.) "Meow, I'm so flustered! What's the matter? Although this guy is unreliable, but the intensive action of the countries makes me afraid, it must be something big!"

"Plus these kinds of natural disasters, the end may really have come, so I don't need to write 8 homework that I haven't written yet?"

"Hello? Teacher? I'm going to file a complaint. There is a doll here who doesn't study well at home. He doesn't do homework by swiping his phone!"

"Tsk, my gang of eschatological lunatics have already started robbing the supermarket for supplies! It's messy, there are fights and parades on the street!"

There was a lot of trouble because of the secret space operations of various countries, and the people were panicked!

And this wave of collective fireworks will panic and push various public opinion hypotheses to the culmination!

Chaos has appeared!

Netizens from various countries have already captured the comment area of ​​their own space agencies!

It's all about the news, including the Hua Xia Tian Chen Bureau!

However, no one will come out to make announcements at this time!

At this moment, the main control hall of Tianchen Bureau!

There was a dead silence, and the God Killing Curse Array had been reopened, and I was not afraid of the Bose coming over!

Because of the protection of Chen Daoyi, the Action Team of the Moon Retaining Team also returned safely!

At the moment, scenes of rocket explosions from various countries are still scrolling on the big screen!

Below is the public opinion of netizens everywhere!

Nightingale looked awkward: "Secretary-General, shall we respond?"

Yang Jian smiled bitterly: "How do you go back? If you can't successfully land on the moon and stop all of this, then what they said will come true. This is indeed the end for mankind!"

"If you can't take action, results, solutions, and announce the news, it will only make the people more panic and the social order will collapse!"

Jiang Tianchen sat on the table with a helmet, and took a deep breath!

"I am ready to launch the rocket again. I have prepared five spare rockets, and I can launch them at any time!"

Yang Jian shook his head: "It's useless! If you launch one, the boson will explode one!"

"They are trying to put us on the blue star and wait for death!"

Jiang Tianqing can't hold it anymore!

The fierce battle between heaven and man!

Meow, I teleported away, Riya couldn't stop Lao Tzu when she was exhausted?

But as soon as it is brought up, the news of suspended animation will inevitably be exposed!

Maybe you will be hammered to death on the Blue Star by your friends, maybe the big one can't get on board?

Jiangnan rubbed his head frantically at the moment, almost suffocated!

Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao on the side naturally knew what Jiangnan was worried about!

Seeing the way he scratched his head, he felt slanderous in his heart.

Now you know Nanshou, right?

But at this moment, Han Meng appeared surprised!

(*?口?) "Oh oh oh! The U.S. Star Aviation Administration has issued an announcement! Hiss~ They are going to be broadcast live on the international headlines?"

Everyone was shocked, Jiang Nan was stunned!

What is the United States doing?

What's wrong with being crazy?

Can this matter also be stabbed?

Yang Jian frowned: "Adjust the picture!"

The message was suddenly displayed on the big screen!

U.S. Star Airlines:

To reveal the truth about the moon, I think all the people of Blue Star have the right to know this!


And a lot of photos of the back of the moon were published in the file!

Whether it's the 800-kilometer moon eye, the one-eyed picture, the city in the Kira crater, and so on!

It even shows that the various natural disasters of Blue Star are due to the lightening of the moon and the weakening of gravity!

If it can't be stopped, mankind will lose the moon and also lose the future!

At this moment, the Internet is completely crazy!

Whether it is extraterrestrial creatures or the existence of Mooneye, every piece of news is explosive news!

All this time, the Star and Aerospace Bureau stabbed it out!

Yang Jian stared!

"Fuck! Is America crazy? Isn't it messy enough?"

It is conceivable that once the news is released, what will be the chaos outside?

If you know that the end is coming, the social system will inevitably collapse, and the dark side of human nature will be infinitely magnified!

It's hard to imagine what a chaotic scene it will be!

Just when this document attracted the attention of countless people!

The Star Space Bureau launched a live broadcast directly on!

In the first moment, the number of people in the live broadcast room was directly over 100 million, and it has exploded geometrically!

As soon as the screen emerged, a familiar face appeared!

It is Martin the star picker!

I saw it standing upside down in the screen, and in the background behind him, notebooks, computers and even tea cups were floating in the air at will!

(°?⌒?°) "Presumably everyone also knows who I am? What identity, this live broadcast was played by me on the American Zeus spacecraft!"

"At this moment we have already flown away from Blue Star, on the way to the moon!"

"That document, everyone should have read it..."

Halfway through the conversation, I saw Vinnie lay and floated over, holding a mobile phone in her hand!


"Hey, Brother Xiao Ma, you are standing upside down! In the picture you are upside down!"

Martin's face was stiff, fucking? Is it so embarrassing?

People from all over the world are watching. On such a formal occasion, are you standing upside down?

I quickly straightened myself!

(? ̄? ̄) "Ah~ Now Blue Star is indeed facing a great crisis! But please don't panic!"

"I went to the moon here in the United States to establish a base on the moon. No matter what the purpose of the one-eyed species is, I swear by the United States that we will never let it succeed!"

"The U.S. must have the strength of the nation to defend the Blue Star. Many years ago, we were the first to set foot on the moon and took the first step for mankind!"

"The same will be true this time! The Moon Army is already on the way, please believe us! If you don't believe it, look!"

While talking, Martin took the camera and pointed it out the porthole!

Outside the window, a beautiful blue planet hangs alone in the dark space!

Azure is awesome!

At this moment, netizens all over the world are completely boiling!

The United States is already on the road?

Comparing the rockets exploded by various countries, it is obvious!

At this moment, Yang Jian's expression is hard to read, and Jiang Tianqing's face is extremely black!

The picture turned back to face Martin!

"The U.S. has the absolute strength to solve this crisis with confidence, fill the moon's eye, and annihilate the one-eyed race!"

"This is a responsibility that should be fulfilled as a big country. Of course, the efforts of my country alone are far from enough!"

"I also hope that all countries will actively participate in this operation. The US Star Aviation Administration will open the door and we are willing to cooperate with you in depth to tide over this difficult time together!"

"If you are interested, please contact the Star Aviation Administration at any time and work out cooperation matters with us as soon as possible. After all, not everyone has the strength to settle on the moon, right?"

Having said that, the corner of Martin's mouth evokes an arc, picked up the camera, and randomly glanced at the inside of the Zeus spacecraft!

Also appearing in the screen are Pierce, and a large number of Lunar troops!

"I will update the progress of the task at any time, share it with you, and please put your heart in your stomach, believe in humanity! Believe in the United States!"

At this moment, Yang Jian's expression looked like smelly socks that hadn't been washed for ten days!

(??Д???) "Have a look! Look at him? I have not landed on the moon, I can't help but start showing my minions!"

Obviously, the purpose of the U.S. is obvious, so that people all over the world are pinning their hopes on the U.S.!

Believe that the United States is the future!

Especially in this situation where various countries bomb rockets and the United States successfully launched spacecraft in the past!

In addition, the existence of Moon Eye and One-Eyed Species creates a sense of crisis that the end is about to come!

The U.S. will become a savior in people’s eyes in an instant!

Some countries that are unable to land on the moon are forced by public pressure and can only choose to cooperate with the Star Aviation Administration!

But the dominant power is in the hands of the Star and Space Administration.

People under the roof!

But now the US Zeus is already on the road, this is an established fact!

The game in the US can be said to be so beautiful!

Through this matter, establish absolute dominance in the future and seize the initiative!

As for being noticed by the holy star? They are worried about a ghost, such a big action has long been noticed!

Conflicts are inevitable, it is better to expose them directly to fight for their own interests!

Pierce also went with them, they were not afraid of conflict with Bose!

If nothing else, the United States is really going to win this game!

I saw Jiang Tianqing staring at the big screen, grind his teeth, frantically broken thoughts!

('???) "The origin of fire, moon soil, one-eyed seed, small money! Ah ah ah~"

(??????)? "I am so suffocated by them?"

At this moment, Jiang Tianqing was anxious, feeling that the baby in his pocket was going to be snatched by Martin Pierce!

And everyone looked at Jiang Tianqing in amazement!

What's wrong with her?

However, in the next moment, Jiang Tianqing disappeared in place instantly and appeared at the gate of the main control hall!

Raising his hand, he closed the door and locked it!

(??????)? "You die! Don't act anymore! I'm going to be on the tuba! I'm going to pull the baby! Mine, it's all mine!"

"Brother Jian! Give me the star map! I teleport to the moon! Push them out!"

At this moment, the needle fell in the entire hall, and everyone looked at Jiang Tianqing with wide eyes!


Teleport? Stop acting? On the tuba?

he is…

Yang Jian sweated violently on his forehead, and his face was caught off guard. Seeing Jiang Nan's eyes twitched, he just blew out a few words!

(?)′-﹏-`) "It's over! Your kid is gone..."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!