Published at 19th of January 2022 08:03:14 AM

Chapter 1688: Trinity Plan

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Fa Kavi really felt the horror of Jiangnan, what step did he understand?

At this moment, she was even a little grateful that she had made such a decision!

Otherwise, just relying on the resources in your hand, wanting to drag Jiangnan to the mountain city is tantamount to idiotic dreams!

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: (??~??*) "Are you really okay when I come here?"

"Hurry up and tell me the plan of the saint star, what's the matter with that spirit sealing spell formation?"

"You have been presiding over the rainforest line here, right?"

"Wait! Drink this first!"

While talking, he took out a big green stick and handed it to Fakawei!

In order to prevent her from lying and deceiving people, she must have all the necessary precautions!

Fakawei gritted her teeth, since she chose to cooperate with Jiangnan, there is nothing to hide now!

Can't help but look ruthless, raised his head and drank a bottle of green stick, his pretty face blushed!

"Unlocking the enchanting spell formation is part of the Holy Star Purification Plan! Heavenly Slaughter, Wuyue, Purifying World, Trinity, although Wuyue Plan has failed!"

"But it does not affect the progress of the Jingshi Project. This plan has been prepared for a long time ago!"

Jiang Nan's expression sank: "Sure enough! Tell me all the information you know!"

Fakawei took a deep breath and began to confide in the message like a bean!

It turned out that this spell formation was used by the ancient sage star to seal the aura on the blue star after failing to develop the Star Ruins for the first time, and it did not give mankind any opportunity for development!

Left before leaving! "

Since I didn't expect that I would secretly carry the Ten Thousand Race Agreement and continue to engage in development in the follow-up, so I directly sealed it with a big deal!

Nothing left behind!

The unwillingness of the Mayan people disappeared, and no one could find Jiang Fan to unblock them, so they went in and tried to unblock them!

However, they were all trapped inside!

Now, even if Igor wants to open it, there is no shortcut at all, and he can only rely on Vivi to put his clone in and slowly grind!

And this spiritual spell formation is built in the entire rainforest maze!

There are 18 spiritual road spikes in total, set in different spiritual markets, changing randomly!

Only by pulling out all the road spikes, the most central Lingxu of the first realm will be opened!

Even if it’s turned on, it’s not that easy to enter, you still need to find it if you are lucky!

And the beginning of the realm of Lingxu is the core of the spell formation!

Destroy the Pillar of Absolute Spirit inside, and the entire Spirit Sealing Curse Array is undone!

Jiang Nan's eyelids jumped: "So the rumors about the king of the rainforest in the mountain city are all false, in order to fool people into working for the holy star, help find the road spike and then pull it out?"

Fa Ka Wei nodded: "It's the arrangement of Bracelet Wei, both true and false!"

"If you find the core of the Beginning Lingxu, you can indeed control the rainforest maze! But this is not the point!"

Jiang Nan rubbed his eyebrows: "Which step has the Sacred Star Project advanced?"

Faka Wei was embarrassed:

(??﹏.???) "There are 18 spikes in total, 15 of them have been pulled out now!"

Jiangnan gasped!

Depend on! Wouldn't it just make them happen?

Pulling out the remaining three nails and the Pillar of Absolute Spirit, the Spirit Sealing Curse is completely unlocked?

"There are only three left? The Spirit Sealing Curse Array can never be opened! How can I seal it back?"

Faka Wei's face turned white: "Seal... The seal can't go back. The unplugged road spikes of the spirit seal have all been destroyed. What kind of seal should I use?"

Jiangnan's face is getting darker, do you want to be so absolutely!

There is only one choice left for me?

Go in and find a way to hold the three road spikes that have not been pulled out

Hold the situation, and then study to see if Boss Pang can mimic some spikes and reseal it?

"What is the specific content of the Purification Project? If the Spirit Sealing Curse of the Rainforest Labyrinth is unblocked, what will be the consequences?"

Faka Wei shook her head: "I don't know! I only know that after the curse array is unblocked, Blue Star's aura will reach an unprecedented height!"

Jiangnan confused: (???~??)??? "Why don't you know the plan you presided over?"

She can't lie, after all, she drank the green stick!

Faka Wei smiled bitterly: "The main person in charge here is Bangle Wei, and I am only responsible for exploring the maze more!"

"In order to prevent accidents, she will not disclose some key information to me!"

Jiangnan paced back and forth in the room, clean world plan?

This name doesn't sound like a good plan. Damn!

"Now there are teams of young and old looking for spikes in it, right?"

Fa Ka Wei nodded: "A lot, almost everyone is looking for..."

Jiang Nan scratched his head: "Tsk~ There is no time. If the remaining three spikes are pulled out by some stunner, then it will be over!"

"It seems we must enter the maze!"

While speaking, Fakawei got up and said, "Let's go, go back to the camp with me, discuss how to get into the maze, first think of a way to shield you, and then talk about it!"

Outside room 3108, Coki sat slumped in the hallway with his back against the wall!

Hot tears fluttered wildly on the face!

Covering his mouth, resisting crying!

(;'??????`) Woo~

Holding a thermos cup in his arms, inside is freshly brewed brown sugar water, and band-aids!

Why! Why is it always me who listens outside at this time!

When can I get in the house?

I don't know if Sister Weiwei is tired or not, whether her knees are worn out!

(??????) Woo~

Keji madly hammered his own chest!

Broken heart~ like glass shards!

Every piece ~ is Weiwei's face!

At this moment, the door handle turned!

Corgi quickly wiped away his tears and got up to stand!

I saw Jiang Nan leaving the room first, and then hairpin Wei, lip pierced Wei, Hood Wei and Ring Wei lined up to walk out!

(′?﹏?) "Woo~"

Four! There are actually four sisters Weiwei!

Isn't that four happiness!

I have never experienced one, but Jiangnan experienced four after coming up!

My mentality of riding a horse collapsed~

Jiang Nan was also dumbfounded:

(??~??) "Why are you crying? Isn't it just asking you to pay a face value? Only 18 yuan for adding an egg, why don't you?"

However, Keji completely ignored Jiangnan, and directly passed the brown sugar water to Fakawei!

(*?????) "Sister Weiwei, I was very thirsty just after exercising, right? Drink some brown sugar water to replenish it? Woo~"

"Is there any broken skin on your knees? If you don't want to be seen by strawberry prints, I have band-aids here that I can put on you?"

Jiangnan: ('?ж?) Puff~

Do you want to lick to this level, you?

It's a bit too sweet, right?

Fakawei's face turned black, and when she went up, she punched Corgi with a fart!

(?°? 細.°?) "Fuck off! Exercise a shit! What do you think about all day?"

Angrily grabbed the thermos and rolled his eyes, but my heart was still a little warm!

Fortunately, Jiangnan is still upright, and he hasn't moved himself since he was like that!

Otherwise, I am afraid it will really become Jiangnan's dish today!

Keji was dumbfounded: (*?????) "Hey? No... Didn't you exercise?"

Jiangnan akimbo, with a smug expression:

(︶?︶?) "Cut~ How can Jiang Zhengzhi derailed?"

"Go on and try to lick yours! Come on! I am optimistic about you!"

Keji opened his mouth wide and looked at Jiang Nan with excitement, even a little grateful in his heart!


Nanshen is a good person!

And Fa Ka Wei said with a solemn expression: "So, you know what I am going to do, continue to follow me, you may be enemies with other Wei!"

"Are you still following me? If... If you don't want to, then you can go, I won't reveal what you helped me!"

Asking this, Fa Ka Wei is a little nervous!

Jiang Nan said lightly: "Don't worry! He doesn't want to get involved, I can delete his recent memories!"

But Goose Keji hardly hesitated and nodded heavily: "I'm with you! I'll be with you forever!"

Fakawei's mouth curled up, and Corgi cast a blank look: "Nonsense!"

Immediately changed the subject: "If Kaori talks about it, I can also dispatch it, do you want to..."

Jiang Nan had a **** expression on his face, and shook his head quickly:

(幛益乛|||) "Go and go! Who wants her to join? I don't want to be weaving!"

"If she joins, I will lose this wave. She will definitely kill me! Let her continue to work at Saint Star! Don't trouble me!"

Faka Wei:? ? ?

Eh? Is disgusting with stinky weaving? Is she from the catastrophe?

So I failed every time because of Kaori Ke?

I saw a few people entangled in the Jiangnan Void Chain, and disappeared after a teleport!

In the camp meeting room, everyone is already ready to enter the maze, and there is nothing to prepare!

Everyone here has come all the way, just be ready to pin their heads to the waistband!

Zhong Yingxue is a little worried: (??~??) "Xiao Nan has been there for so long, shouldn't the enemy's life be in danger?"

Mo Tian:? ? ?

So you have been worrying about the enemy?

Liu Mang nodded: "That's it, I didn't feel the explosion, earthquake, etc. It's unscientific!"

It stands to reason that going to catch Vivian can't stop like that, right?

However, at the next moment, Jiang Nan suddenly showed up in the meeting room!

(????)? "Yo~"

In an instant, the meeting room became silent and wide-eyed!

Xiong Er shouted:

(??口??`) "Oh my God! Did you really catch Vivian? And so many?"

Wu Liang said excitedly: (including?????) "Brother Nan is just a beef batch. Four were caught together? Huh? Four?"

At this moment, everyone's eyes on Jiangnan gradually changed. Isn't the number of catches a bit subtle?

Zhong Yingxue Xia Yao's eyes couldn't help but a red light appeared, and the bobcat's heart followed tightly!


Liu Mang swallowed, "I'm afraid it's not a coincidence! Southern God, are you sure that you caught Vivian? Instead of cheating on everyone?"


The claws of the Great Wolf Destroyed suddenly came out!

Jiangnan's forehead sweats:

(?ˇ?ˇ??:) "Aha~Ahaha~How could it be possible! It's all a misunderstanding, how could Jiang Zhengzhi cheat?"

"If you don't believe me, ask Fa Kavi?"

Everyone's eyes focused on Fa Kawei's body, Xia Yao smiled kindly:

?????? "Xiao Nan didn't do anything weird to you, did he?

Faka Wei nodded honestly:

(??-.???) "Nothing! Just opened a room in the hotel!"

"Then he said that it was not enough, so I took away the things outside of me and gave him a little more happiness, and then discussed the Trinity plan for more than an hour!"

Jiangnan:???(??ε???) Puff~

I forgot that this product drank the big green stick!

Do you want to be so real?

Are you really just picking the key points? Can you add some key details?

The Trinity Plan of God Meow, which sounds weird!

Keji was hit by a big thunderbolt and almost died on the spot!

=???? (?口?????)

Didn’t it mean nothing happened? This is really lying to me!

[The grievance value from Xia Yao +1000! ]

[The grievance value from Zhong Yingxue +777! ]

[The grievance value from Luo Tianhong +444! ]

Xia Yao: (??????????) "Oh huh? Trinity? Tell me what the other one is doing?"

"I have limited knowledge. Forgive me, I really can't imagine what it is like!"

Jiangnan: (??﹏??)

"Is it too late for me to explain now?"

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