Otherworldly Merchant - Chapter 2423

Published at 5th of January 2023 12:01:59 PM

Chapter 2423

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After a day and a night of drizzle, there is still no intention of stopping.

I've been waiting here for thirty-six hours Standing at the coastal border, holding a black umbrella.

But there was no movement in the dark sea.

Last night, it's time for Han Laoliu to come back. Why hasn't it arrived?

I can't help being more anxious!

After uniting with Zhangjia in the north of the river to wipe out the influence of Longquan Mountain Villa, I asked Han Laoliu and Caiyun about their whereabouts. The first day of junior high school just told me that they are safe now. At present, they have converged with little Bailong to complete another mission, so that I can safely follow the patriarch of Zhangjia to finish the work.

It wasn't until a few days ago that I was suddenly sent a message on the first day of the new year saying that on the evening of March 14, the sixth graders would land here and enter the country.

I arrived early, but until now, there was no news.

Just like a black pot, the clouds are surging and thundering. The roaring waves are pounding against the rocks on the bank one by one, making a loud roar.

There is no signal in the cell phone, and no message from anyone.

I had a premonition that something was wrong, but I didn't want to believe the bad news.

I can only comfort myself: they will be safe and sound, but in some special circumstances, they will be late for a while. It's normal for them to go around the channel or stay late for a few days because of such a big storm on the sea, or if they drink too much and get in the wrong direction, they may have landed elsewhere.

I comforted myself over and over again, but my hands were tightly clenched. I prayed again and again to the sea in front of me, to the black clouds on my head: "Han Laoliu, Caiyun, xiaobailong Do not let anything happen to you! "


Another dark wave rolled over, and something seemed to be floating on the far wave.

I quickly turned on the flashlight and took a picture from afar.


It was a small boat!

Pushed up and down by the waves, a figure looms on the bow.

"Are they?" My heart rocked.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning rushed out of the cloud, suddenly illuminating the whole sea, and a very familiar figure stood on the bow of the ship.

He is not tall or very big. He has a long scar across his cheek. His face is full of potholes and there is a piece of blood on the corner of his mouth.

"Sixth!" I shouted.

I don't know if Han Laoliu heard my cry, or saw my figure. When he turned his mouth up, he would fall down with a smile.


The thunder after the lightning exploded.

The whole cloud seems to have been blown up and turned around.


A big wave rises, and the whole sea looks like an upside down!

"Sixth!" I yelled, threw my umbrella, flashed, plopped down against the waves! Desperate to swim to that side, climb on the boat to see, where the scene is simply shocking.

On the whole boat, there are ten arms scattered, some holding the samurai sword in their hands, some holding the sword in their hands.

The cabin is full of scars, dozens of holes, big and small, all filled with dried rattan leaves.

Han Laoliu lies awkwardly in the bow of the boat. He has been unconscious for a long time. The samurai sword he is grasping with his hands has already broken and twisted, just like a twist. I don't know how many people have been cut down and how many times they have waved, they will become such a shape.

But Where are Caiyun and xiaobailong?

Too late to think more, I hurriedly climbed into the boat and explored his nose. Although it was very weak, it was not a big problem.

After being poisoned by magic rattan and poisonous insects, Han Laoliu is blessed by misfortune. He has the body of green wood, which is called immortal body. No matter what kind of body he is injured, as long as the magic rattan in his body is immortal, he will never die!

The last time ye shisan was killed, he was stabbed through his heart and cracked his brain, but he jumped after pouring dozens of bottles of spirits. In the tomb of Tianzhao God, his whole body and flesh had withered, just like a dead wood pile, but after eating wine and swallowing children, his horse recovered as before.

At present, this little injury is nothing to him.

Of course, the power of magic rattan's backfire is also extremely powerful. Even if he is not hurt by external forces, Han Laoliu will fight against the life and death of magic rattan in his body anytime and anywhere. That kind of heartrending pain is beyond ordinary people's ability!

But Han Laoliu is a hard man with strong character. There will never be a little pain on his face. As long as there is one breath left, he will never give up, let alone fall in front of me.

But now he is so tired. It's hard to imagine what he has experienced along the way?

I don't care how much I think about it. I bend down and grab two long knives and paddle forward with all my strength on the side of the boat.

The torrential rain became fiercer and fiercer, and all the waves kept rolling by the wind.The boat swaying in the wind and waves is spinning like a leaf. I clenched my teeth and tried my best to move the two knives forward and forward again.


Another big wave is coming!

The boat, which has been a thousand vicissitudes and hundreds of holes, can no longer stand it. It broke into several sections with a click.


Before the word "six" was exported, I was completely submerged by the tide. With dozens of broken arms, Han Laoliu went straight to the bottom of the sea.

I quickly a fierce son to plunge down, chase tens of meters, finally a grabbed his shoulder, and then both feet even step, out of the water!

After struggling for dozens of minutes in the heavy rain and waves, I finally climbed up to the shore in a dazed Han Laoliu.

Click! Another thunder burst.

Just like the gongs of withdrawing troops, the sky is full of dark clouds, and the wind and waves suddenly stop.

The whole sea was calm again. It was as big as a disk. The bright snow moon hung in the sky.

It seems that this storm was specially prepared for Han Laoliu!

Until then, I found that old Han's body was covered with shocking wounds.

There are seven or eight bullet holes for those with knives and burns!

This is Han Laoliu. No one would have known how many times he had died.

"Six, you Are you all right! " My tears were washed away by the sea.

"Yes, wine! I'll get the wine! " I think of it for a moment, stumble to get up, straight ahead.

Knowing that Han Laoliu and them are going to come back, I specifically asked someone to book a box of old Maotai.

It was meant to catch him when he got to shore.

I also dreamed about that scene. Seeing the bow of the boat coming to the shore, I shook a bottle of wine with a smile. Han Laoliu reached out to catch it and immediately poured it to the end, laughing and praising the good wine.

I didn't expect such a scene. What did Han Laoliu go through in their business?

What's more, Caiyun girl and little white dragon?

Even the most powerful Han Laoliu is injured like this. Then they two

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