Perfect Superstar - Chapter 715

Published at 12th of May 2023 09:10:34 AM

Chapter 715

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The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!

Lu Chen's sentence is not only in line with his own deeds, contains deep connotation, has considerable social and philosophical significance, but also easy to understand and has the charm of proverbs.

The greater their own ability, the greater the responsibility they should bear, but in this world, many people are empty of their strong ability or strength, but they are selfish.

In contrast, Lu Chen's courage and responsibility are truly admirable.

He was not unaware of the danger and could not ignore the power of the bullet, but in such a dangerous situation, he resolutely rushed to wolf, who was out of control Cook

In addition to ability, the most important thing is that Lu Chen has the will to bear the responsibility matching his ability!

"Looking back on the situation at that time, I'm afraid..."

"But if I turn back the clock and start again, I don't think my choice will change!"

"To stop Mr. Wolff cook's irrational behavior is not only to save everyone on ud725, but also to save myself!"

"If let me evaluate my own behavior, I think I have a clear conscience."

"Thank you!"

When Lu Chen's voice fell, thunderous applause broke out in the large conference room of New York City Hall. Many reporters stood up and applauded his wonderful answer, and even gave a thumbs up.

The journalists who are qualified to sit here are all from well-known local media in the United States. They can never be easily convinced. However, their admiration for Lu Chen made them abandon all stereotypes and prejudices and give them the warmest and sincere applause.

This scene was faithfully recorded by the on-site camera, transmitted back to the TV station in real time, and then transmitted to thousands of televisions through wired and wireless networks.

In fact, Lu Chen didn't say the sentence "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility". The last time he said the same thing, he was still in Hangzhou. At that time, he was also asked by reporters because of his heroic behavior.

Lu Chen's senior fans are certainly familiar with this sentence, but the American people have not heard of it. Therefore, through the dissemination of media reporters, it was soon known and regarded as a real Maxim.

Later, Hollywood lion pictures took this sentence as the theme word of the film when shooting the film "flying over the Pacific Ocean" based on the ud725 flight event.

Of course, this is all later.

The press conference continued, and the reporters' interviews were more enthusiastic.

As it should be, they basically used the valuable opportunity to ask questions on Lu Chen and ignored the FBI, FAA and New York City government officials.

However, these officials didn't care. Instead, they were so happy and watched Lu Chen communicate with reporters with ease.

A reporter asked, "Mr. Lu Chen, would you like to travel or seek career development in the United States this time?"

According to the information on the Internet, the reporters present all know that Lu Chen is not an ordinary person, but a big star in China's entertainment circle. He has made records, made movies and television, and has a high popularity in China.

Naturally, they are very interested in this and speculate whether Lu chenlai intends to develop in Hollywood in the United States.

This speculation is not the dream of reporters, because Hollywood is the dream factory of world films and the dream land of actors all over the world. There were many stars who came to Hollywood from China in the past.

But there are few winners.

Unlike Lu Chen, who has experienced the ud725 flight incident, he has been familiar to the majority of American people. It is equivalent to holding a VIP ticket to enter Hollywood and is qualified to knock on the door of any American film company.

Apart from other things, the ud725 flight incident itself can completely shoot a blockbuster.

Lu Chen himself is the best actor!

In the opinion of reporters, Lu Chen, as long as he has a little mind, even if he comes to travel, he can say that he is looking for cooperation opportunities with Hollywood. After that, a large number of film companies will take the initiative to give him this opportunity.

Lucky Chinese boy!

Many reporters put a label on Lu Chen in their heart.

However, Lu Chen's answer was beyond everyone's expectation.

"This is my first visit to the United States. The purpose of this visit is mainly to participate in business negotiations, because the crowdfunding network in which I own shares is preparing to be listed on NASDAQ."

Lu Chen is not a fool. How can he not know what reporters think, but now he really doesn't pay much attention to Hollywood, which everyone flocks to, and took the opportunity to advertise to crowdfunding.

Is this advertisement worth at least millions of dollars?

The reporter who asked the question was stunned and asked, "are you the shareholder of crowdfunding?"

Crowdfunding first appeared in China, but after Li Mushi accepted it, he soon introduced crowdfunding to the world, established branches in the United States and Europe, and vigorously promoted the network crowdfunding model.

With its uniqueness and convenience, this new online fund-raising model was soon sought after by netizens and micro entrepreneurs. The market potential was favored by investors, so it was able to prepare for listing on NASDAQ so quickly.

This reporter has just contacted and participated in online crowdfunding and has a certain understanding of American crowdfunding network, so he was very surprised. Unexpectedly, Lu Chen is still a shareholder of crowdfunding network!

In addition to him, there were not a few reporters who knew the crowdfunding network. Everyone was also surprised and couldn't help pricking up their ears to listen to Lu Chen's answer.

Lu Chen replied, "yes, I personally hold 10% of the founder shares of crowdfunding."

Since he has advertised for crowdfunding, he is simply a little bigger, and he is not afraid to expose the details, because once crowdfunding is listed, the shareholder information should be made public to all investors, and it is impossible to hide it.

"Founder stock?"

The reporter was stunned: "are you the founder of crowdfunding?"

Lu Chen smiled and nodded.

There was an uproar - it's too Hollywood!

Lu Chen comes from the "mysterious" Oriental country - China. He is tall, handsome, young and handsome. He is a well-known film, television and song star in China. With excellent skill and courage, he has just become a hero in the eyes of the American people

In addition to his skin color, he is already a template for Hollywood protagonists. Now he is actually the founding shareholder of an Internet company with infinite potential and about to be listed. He is basically the protagonist of the protagonists!

The reporters suddenly found that there were too many things they could write after they went back!

What else?

Lu Chen is simply a deep buried treasure house. The more he is excavated, the more treasures he reveals.

Almost all the reporters raised their hands again!


First, send it. 2017 will be in a few hours. First, I wish you a happy new year.

Before the new year, as usual, there will be another shift! (to be continued)

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