Published at 22nd of February 2023 07:17:51 AM

Chapter 385: God of Light Emitting (1)

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Starting from the tip of my finger, I moved my joints little by little.

smooth-moving joints

There was no more fatigue or helplessness that weighed on the body.

"Oh, my God."

I pulled myself out of bed.

I feel as light as if I had soaked my body in warm water after exercising.

I think I've got more control.


Maybe it's because his life was on alert when he used the gate.

Or is it because Han Seol-ah made her life come to an alarming level?

Anyway, beyond the expression "lord," Magi's control, which had reached such a distant point that the expression "ghost" was suitable, was even higher.

'You're paying for your life.

High-risk high-return.

The more you bet, the more you got.

And he was able to get to this position because he had betted his life countless times.

"Now that I think about it, were you lucky?"

It was something that could not be explained simply by "lucky," but it is true that he risked his life to such an extent.

"I wonder how much control he has in terms of his statistics."

Suddenly, I was curious. His current magi-stet is 167. Although the magi-stet has some influence on the magi-control, it was hard to say that it was an accurate figure.

It was appropriate for Magistet to say that he 'has quantified the total amount of maggies he could handle without burden rather than control.

There's an aftereffect, but like the opening of the gate, there's some force that's far beyond the current total.

It can be said that his magi control will be at least higher than the Machi Stad, which is 167.

Tti-ring. "Huh?

Then I heard a familiar bell sound. A blue window appeared in front of me.

[Quantifies player Oh Kang-woo's magma control to the stet]

[Error, Error.]

Toto's digitization failed.


"What is this?"

He smiled in vain as he looked at the message window that came up in front of him.

A crushed and broken text covered the message window.

It was the same text that was written in the status window.

Does that mean you can't express it with the system?'

It was like a guess.

Rain didn't know if he should like it or not.

It's nice to play RPG and feel like a bug caricature over the top of the 10,000 level.

It meant that we couldn't get the benefits of the system. You're not going to miss the 10th Awakening, are you?'

If you really do that, you will make the face of the man who created the system like that crushed letter.

Click, click.

The door opened and Lerice came in. She was standing outside the bed.

I shuddered at the sight of the rain.

He rushed over and grabbed his arm. "You can't get up already. You need to rest a little longer."

"No, I'm fine now."

The rain shook its head and moved naturally.

Lee Reese touched him with a worried look on his arm.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're not overdoing it again, are you?"

"Even if it's okay.

He replied with a smile.

A deep sigh came out of Lee Reese's mouth.

"I can't... I can't live because of you. Your life is no longer your own."

'What are you talking about?' 'It means I'll follow you when the Devil dies."

Liris spoke calmly.

It was a deranged remark, but there was no sign of madness in Lee's voice or eyes.

He remained calm as if he was doing something natural. 'That's a little...' 'Don't you think it's because it's you, Seol-ah?"

" ...."

He shut his mouth tight.

I don't know if it's Liris, but when she's dead or gone, she'll have to choose to die.

"I'm sure it's the same for Baloch and Ekidna."

'Aye, but not Ekidna.' 'Can you be confident?"

I can't be confident.

The rain smiled bitterly and nodded.

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry." I know there's a lot on my shoulders.

That if you die, all of them will collapse and disappear.


Rain turns his head with a bitter look on his face.

It's cold.

Nevertheless, if the time comes to risk one's life again, what choice would he make?

There is nothing to worry about for long. 'You'll risk your life again,' as always.

Lee Reese looked at Kang Woo with sad eyes.

He shook his head with a deep sigh.

"By the way, the stars while I'm lying down.

What about Iris?" "I haven't awakened to incarnation yet. While you're lying down... There was nothing special besides our visit to Michael and Michael."



"Yes, and Uriel asked me to call you when you wake up."


I thought I'd call you once I'm done with urgent business.

Now that we've seen signs of Heilf's reign, we're slowly beginning to see the angels and the constellations.

We need to figure out where and what they're getting ready for by releasing information. 'Any sign of the constellation or Lucifer's movement?' 'No."

Lerice shook her head. The rain frowned lightly.

'Did I push you too hard?'

They would have to move actively to catch the tail, but it was not easy to make the next plan because they didn't make any moves. "Oh, one thing. There's something strange about it.

Do it."-"What's strange?"

The heavy rain tilted its head.

"The... Imperial Street is getting a little bit more lively? a man on the street

The economy, which had been moving around a lot, has begun to return."

The rain frowned.

The Hernore Continents, which were filled with fear, have regained their vitality.

I can't say 'strange' in particular.

The feeling of fear doesn't last forever, but it was rather natural to be forgotten when you were busy making a living right now.


There's no way Liris wouldn't know that.

If she says it's weird, spread it all over the continent at an abnormal rate.

It means that the fear of the camp is disappearing.

"Has the trust in Si-hoon become that strong?"

"It's quite possible.

Si-hoon's handling of tens of thousands of ghosts in the royal court spread through word of mouth."

The rain patted the chin. Even after you say something, it's still the same.


Actually, it doesn't matter much now.

He's already on high elf's terms.


There was no need to create any more fear of Lucifer or force him to manipulate and spread the information.

If you're gonna get this over with, you're gonna have to.

You don't have to use your hands.

'That's true."

I felt as if I didn't wash my back after taking a dump.

'I think there's something.’

I looked back at Liris and opened my mouth.

"Go through this, too."


Lee Reese bowed deeply.

"Don't overdo it and get some rest. I don't know if there are any aftereffects left."

Before she turned away, she stroked Kangwoo's arm with a worried look.

Rain smiled and nodded his head.


Of course, I don't want to rest.

I had to do something right now. "...sigh. Then I'll be on my way, ma'am."

Lee Reese sighed and turned away.

Click, click.

The door is closed.

Rain, who remained alone in the room, slowly closed his eyes, warming up lightly.

'Let's see.'

Expectations have already risen.

When I took care of myself, I felt the constellation of terror, which was engulfed in Maha.

There was no consciousness left as there was during the Saints of Pain.

As if he had literally become a ghost, he was floating on the sea, losing his izzie.

"This time, I'll be able to do 10th Awakening.

Only one is left until the level 90 needed for the 10th awakening.

No matter how hard it was to raise the level, there was no way that one would not rise to swallow a whole god.

'I'm a little nervous about the broken text earlier.

That's exactly what the rain had to do.

You can interfere with the system that existed from the era of giants, a far more distant past than the days of myth.

There was no way.

"Come on, then."

The rain concentrated its attention.

It slowly melted away the identity of the Horror Saints captured in Maha.

"Huh, ah."

A thrilling thrill ran through the body.

I felt a great deal of power being swallowed up in the black sea.


[I have absorbed the identity of the constellation of terror!]

[Absorption releases some restrictions on the system.]

[Level limit increased from 89 to 93.]

[10th Awakening reached] New attributes will be given!]

'That's right.

The mouth of the rain has risen.

Fortunately, there was no accident that the 10th awakening characteristic would evaporate.

The message went on and on.

[Transform the absorbed fraud into magma]

[Magistet is increasing by 5]

[Magistet has reached 172. You can use a little more of the abyss.]

"All right."

Magistet, who thought the constellation of terror might not be able to use energy different from Magi, also rose.

With a satisfied smile, Kang Woo repeatedly clenched his fist and opened it.

Is it because of the situation?

The rise of magi did not make a huge difference.

'But where is this?

The increase in the number of maggots that can be handled without burden means that the scope of maggots available when prepared for the burden will be that wide.

It's not bad. And the main dish that the rainfall had been looking forward to was not the rise of magistet. "Then check out what the 10th Awakening property is..."

It was when he tried to open the window with a look of anticipation.

A blue message window popped up again in front of me.

[10th Awakening Characteristic, 'God-spirited' has been acquired.]

Depending on the effect of the attribute, part of the absorbed deity may be acquired. The path to becoming a demon has not been completed. absorbed degradation of the personality.]


The heavy rain opened its eyes wide.

A characteristic that can acquire some of the acquired deities.

Although his prestige is downgraded because he failed to complete the path of becoming a demon, the meaning of that trait was never light. "To get a person's name,

It is no different from saying that the divinity can be used.


The rain clenched its fists.

Have you experienced firsthand how unreasonable and unfair the battle between the faithful and the non-believer is?

Of course, in the case of rainfall, the difference was overcome by an overwhelming amount of magma, but it was true that it became a horribly inefficient fight anyway.

Rain looked at the message window with sparkling eyes.

[Because of the effect of 'shame-out' characteristic, the personality has been acquired.]

'Joongha, La.'

He is too low for eating as many as three castles.

The penalty for not completing 'the way to be a demon' is bigger than expected.

"Well, still."

Considering that he had fought against God without any deity, it was the development of the clan.

Whoo! Whoo!

With the mention of having acquired the prestige, the disparate power that has not been dealt with so far filled the body.

Something that feels familiar. 'This...'

The rain squinted its eyes.

When the 10,000-horse battle was first sealed in the Gaia system.

It was a force similar to the unidentified power that sealed the Great War. It`s the power to intervene in the circle."

I felt the power of the divine being that moves around my body, shining my eyes.

without a moment to test its strength


"Go, Kangwoo?"

It was Leira who stormed the door roughly.

Maybe he was with other party members, and behind Leira, party members such as Han Seol-ah, Kim Si-hoon, and Cha Yeon-ju were following in. "Just now that..." Leira looked at the rainfall with an incredible look on her face.

As the incarnation of Gaea, he felt the energy when he gained the prestige.

Rain turned to Leila.

Then, a blue message window appeared in front of me again.

[By gaining prestige, player Oh Kang-woo is given the 'God' that best suits him.]

"The Divine Spirit?"

Is it a constellation of pain or of corruption?

Kangwoo confirmed the message with an interesting look.

'What's coming out?

The demon hasn't completed the quest yet, so I don't think so.

God of Formation? God of the Dead Sea?

[Player Oh Kang-woo is given the credit of the 'God of lies.

"What the hell?"

The god of lies? What are you talking about?

He distorted his expression with displeasure.

God of lies. Someone I've never lied to before.


I can't believe this is ridiculous. "Mr. Kangwoo... By any chance, have you earned your credentials?"

asked Leira in a trembling voice.

The rain turned its head toward her head.

"Yes, right."

He nodded his head without hesitation.

"When I saw the system message... He became the god of Gwanghwi."

[Player Oh Kang-woo is given the credit of the 'God of lies.

"Hahaha. God of Gwanghwi... I'm confused."

[Player Oh Kang-woo 'gives the god of lies!]

"Maybe Gaia is the guardian of light.

Thanks to your choice of me, I think I've gained this kind of prestige."

[Player Oh Kang-woo is given the god of lies!!!]]

A brilliant golden color came from the body of the rain.

As if he could not believe it, he looked at the shining golden energy.

"Light is... You've been so warm."

Kangwoo gave a bright smile, stroking his golden body lightly.

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