Published at 22nd of February 2023 07:15:47 AM

Chapter 482: take off one's mask (1)

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"...what happened?"

Rain looked at Gaia, who felt somewhat haggard, and asked.

I could see her eyes trembling.

As if to forget something, both eyes

shake one's head with something tightly wound

"Baal... attacked Olympus.

a deep-seated

The rain slowly closed its eyes. Baal attacked Olympus.

With that one sentence, I could understand the whole situation.

'Is that what happened?

a sudden break in communication with the gods

ruined Olympus

the gods who can't feel where they've gone.

a base for

It was all explained by the name 'Baal'.

"The other gods... Did they all get eaten?"

If Baal had attacked Olympus, it was right to judge that he had been eaten.

He would have attacked Olympus in the first place to eat God. 'No, that's not it,' Gaia shook her head. 'No?'

Rain narrowed his eyebrows.

"Of course there are gods who have been eaten, but most of them are alive and being treated in world water."

I've never heard of recovering a physical injury from the world.

That was not what mattered in the present situation.

Most of them... they lived?

The rainfall tilted its head as if it could not understanding.


A question came to my minded.

Baal attacked Olympus while he was fighting the Gisaeng king.

Baal, like himself, had the power to form, so his purpose was to take away and absorb his prestige.

But why didn't you kill him?'

It didn't add up. The rain squinted its eyes.

I felt like I was missing something.

Then, Reyra's words came to my mind.

I don't think anything happened to Gaia because I'm in good shape.

Rain looked down at Gaea.

As Leira said, there was nothing particularly hurtful about her body. "...oh."

A short exclamation came out.

When I heard that Baal had attacked Olympus, I forgot the first question I had to think about it.

How did Gaia survive?’

If Baal had attacked Olympus in search of the gods,

Of course, Gaia was the most likely target for him to drool.

But I didn't eat him. There's no way he couldn't eat it.

Even though Gaia was a top-class figure, she couldn't have fought Baal and won. 'I see.'

Kangwoo nodded as if he understood now.

In the first place, Lee Jae-jae was mistaken.

"I didn't attack Olympus for the sake of my dignity.'

To Baal,

There was another purpose. "What happened to Baal?"

Gaia remained silent with her mouth tightly shut.

I looked up at the rainfall with trembling eyes.

Nervously poking my lips, I continued last.

"Baal is attacking Olympus... He made a sudden escape."

"You ran away?"

"He, yes."

Gaia answered, avoiding the eyes of the rain.

The heavy rain gave a small laugh.

"Are you sure you ran away?"

Gauguin's fist was firmly clenched. "Mr. Gaia."

The rainfall squatted on the floor and made eye contact with Gaia.

'What happened?' he said, slowly reaching for Gaea's clenched fist.



Gaia freaked out and struck out a hand approaching her.

...I'm not Ga Yi?" The look of the rain was slightly distorted. ", I'm sorry. My child," Gaia bowed her head in confusion.

He continued with a crawling voice, chewing his lips.

'Ba, Baal was talking nonsense.' 'Bluffing?'

Gaia nodded loudly. "Yes, Baal, you're... Yes, the prophetic.

They say it's the devil."

"And then... You have shown me scenes of you fighting the king of gisaeng, or of destroying the land of exchange."


a sense of being struck hard on the back of the head

Rain looked down at Gaea, who was trembling with his eyes wide open.

"Oh, shit."

I managed to repress the desire to pop out of my mouth.

I had a throbbing headache. The accident was tangled like a complicated thread.

'Baal, you crazy bastard.'

The thought of being beaten crossed my mind the most.

"He, and... Did you say Kim Tae-hyun? He showed me how he was fighting with that kid."

The rain slowly closed its eyes.

He picked out the rough breathing and solved the thread of the tangled accident.

I felt my hot hair cooling down.


While fighting with the King of Gisaeng, I never felt that someone was watching while overpowering Kim Tae-hyun.

No matter how distracted by the battle, there is no way that one could not have noticed someone watching secretly.

'If you haven't watched it, what are you going to do?'

Then, a flash flashed through my mind.

...the Law of Titan.'

Titan's law.

Being called a 'system' among players.

The system knows when, where, and what all players do.

Otherwise, they would not have been able to catch monsters or immediately reward them as soon as their levels rose.

And Baal has the power to interfere with the system.'

The rain twisted its expression roughly.

I could understand why I didn't feel any signs.

Watching him was the rule itself that encompassed the whole world.


Rain stared at Gaia with cold eyes.

"No, of course I didn't believe it. C, Isn't it obviously a fabricated video?"

Gaia spoke in a voice full of anxiety.

A desperate look that seems to ask you to deny it, and to say that you are right.

"You... my precious child... There is no evil of prophecy."

a quivering voice

eyes full of eagerness

Rain stared nervously into her trembling eyes.

"Why, why aren't you answering? Come on, come on, tell me no!"

Gaia is careful with the collar of the rain.

said, catching crabs.

The rain squinted its eyes. He continued his thoughts calmly. 'It's not hard to cover it up right away.' It was simple.

Everything is a fabricated video, and you can just take it off, saying you've never done that.

Isn't it really simple?

I'll see what I want to see and hear what I want to hear.

Gaia values herself. I believe it is a hope to save the world.


Logic won't matter much to her. 'But in the end, there will be doubts.

It is meaningless to even make excuses if it is originally too certain.

It is a fabricated video, so even if you cover it up, there will be a bud of doubt in your mind.

And the seed.

...will devour Gaia."Why would Baal bother to go to Gaea?

I understand if you only showed me a video of a crab.

Baal intervened in the system and obtained a video of himself opening the Wahae.

Kim Tae-hyeon, who destroyed the land of exchange and called himself the devil of the prophecy, also took possession of Kim Tae-hyun.

No, maybe they've got what happened before.


There is no reason to show the video to only one person.

If you really want to reveal your identity, you can make as many beings as possible see the video.

"I didn't mean to tell you the truth in the first place."

There is another purpose, not just to reveal one's identity. "Me, my child?" he looked down at Gaea, who looked up at him with trembling eyes, with his hands neatly gathered in front of his chest.

She said that the video Baal showed was naturally fabricated, but her eyes were tired of fear and anxiety.

It would be meaningless to simply say that "the video is a fabricated video" to remove the deeply rooted bud of doubt in her mind.

"I'll have to do another tearful shit show.From directing to story to pre-production for probability.

Once it took several times as much effort to dispel the doubts that lay within her.

And in the end, those bloody efforts will lose meaning.

as long as Baal has the authority of the law of Titan. "Oh, is that so?"

The rain murmured in a low voice. I vaguely guessed what Baal's purpose was.


A dejected smile came out.

I know.

You want to see me struggle, right?

You want to be laid back somewhere and eat chicken while watching, right?


I couldn't stand it, and I burst out laughing.


He crouched, clutching his belly. He twisted his mouth and swept his hair. "Baal, Baal." Now he's watching this with an expression of anticipation.

Speak to one's enemy. "You poor little bastard."

Why do you keep.

"You're trying to copy me."

Taking a step back and looking down at the world as if it were an aid.

To accomplish one's purpose by playing with other's mind and mind.

Sitting at the top of one's head like a black screen of events and controlling the situation.

What Baal is trying to do is,

It's all what the devil, "Oh Kang-woo," has been doing in hell.

"Laughing! Laughing!"

His shoulders shook and burst into laughter.

The old Baal wasn't like that.

The personality of using one's brain was neither capable of doing so.

It was more like an animal driven by intuition and instinct.

There may be one reason why Baal twisted the situation so complicated and ugly.

"If you copy me..."

Did you think you could be like me? "You, dude."


The rain wrung up its mouth.

"Nothing, no."

with a giggle

He licked his lips with his tongue out.

You want to see me struggle?

It's an interesting word. 'OK, I'll show you."

Take a good look and learn. "Go, why all of a sudden? I'm my child."

Suddenly, he looked up and saw Kangwoo talking to himself in the air,

Gaia asked with a pale look.

Looking at her brown eyes, the rain opened its mouth.

"It's not a fabricated video."

A deathly silence fell. "...what?"

Gaia's eyes opened wide. "The video you saw in the system window, it wasn't manipulated."

The rain smiled brightly.

Gaia shook her body and shook her head.

"I, my child. Why is that? If it was a threat to Baal..."

"Oh, I'm sick of telling you the truth."

The rain slowly approached Gaia, kicking her tongue.

I raised my right hand and covered my face.


Sweep down the face.

where one's hands have passed

"That's right."

Yellow eyes on a black ruler, long, horizontally torn pupils.

The mouth that has been torn up below the ear and the sharp teeth that sprout in between.

"Everything Baal said was right."

The mask that's been covering his face,

A solid mask made of innumerable lies.

"I will."

Take it off and throw it away.

"The devil of prophecy."

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