Published at 10th of May 2023 10:09:20 AM

Chapter 57

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Mathieu's expression was so hard, that it made me get taken aback.


"Uh.... Yes. It's fine."


He grabbed my hand and lifted me up vigorously. Then he whispered as he looked down at Lenox, who was still slumped in despair.


"No matter how much you want to marry Lady Meldenique Vaveloa."


His voice was so cold that it was hard to imagine that he was a man who would laugh all the time.


"Isn't it unsightly to court and then cheat on someone and then beg because they get dumped?"


"·······wh, who are you!"


Mathieu did not answer. Instead, he raised his foot and gently trampled on Lenox's hand, who was still collapsed there.


"As a member of the same gender as you, I despise you."


"·········Uh, Ugh."


Lennox pulled out his trampled hand and muttered swear words through his teeth.


People were busy pointing fingers at Lenox with their eyes shining on the gossip.


'That bad guy's image is going downhill smoothly.'


All right, they'll spread the rumors on their own.


I looked all around.


Suddenly, I saw Lady Moodcella approaching to my left.


'I'm sorry I ruined the ball you hosted yourself.'


Maybe I won't be able to receive an invitation again.


I approached Moodcella and whispered quietly.


"I'm sorry for ruining your lovely ball."


Moodcella shook her head fiercely.




She whispered to me seriously.


"Don't think like that. The one who cheated on you is the problem."


Through the gap in her mask, I could see her eyes glaring.


Some crazy people revere Lenox and Sheria's secret affair as a love story.


However, as expected, normal people hate infidelity. In particular, this is especially true for Moodcella Maxon.


"Oh, my! I'm speechless. How can you do that to her!"




"The bastard deserves to die."


No matter how much self-talk that only I can hear, Lenox is still a duke.


It was a tremendous mutiny to use the expression 'bastard' to him.


Perhaps she was reminded of her past. The Lady who was by her side was still chattering about whether she had similar thoughts.


".......He, Are you doing that because of Sir Angmond work?"


"That, that word is taboo!"


"How come the situation is still the same..."


"Oh my gosh. That must have been really hard!"


People began to sympathize with me.


Moodcella Maxon also hugged me roughly.


"You're innocent. It's really, really that trash's fault."


"Thank you."


Talking to a person with common-sense makes me feel relieved.




"I'll take care of the atmosphere. Go on, Lady Meldenique. We'll see you again next time. Yeah? We'll meet and talk."


I tried to imagine something bad. Pretending to have tears in my eyes.


"Thank you, I was so shocked......"


I tried to pretend to stumble, but failed because of Mathieu, who looked angry for some reason, was firmly supporting my body.


Instead, I nodded at Moodcella, who was concerned for me.


"I'll head back now."


I glanced towards Lenox.


He looked mesmerized, perhaps because this was the first time he was criticized like this.


'Wow, you shameless bastard.'


I looked down at him once again.


Let's run away before that bastard comes to his senses.


Mathieu took my hand and prepared to escort me outside.


Now in front of me I could see a bright red carpet and a door leading outside.


At the moment when I was busy moving my steps to leave the spectacular banquet hall, Moodcella whispered.


"Cheer up."


'That request I will definitely succeed.'


It was clear that I saw myself as a person who would never suffer from the tyranny of a man who has an affair.


Sometimes compassion and camaraderie are sources to make strong favorability.


I smiled happily and left the ballroom holding Mathieu's hand tightly.


His hands were strangely cold.










Inside the carriage heading back to the stationery store. Meldenique looked at the man sitting opposite her and said.


"The ball ended like this. What if I didn't enjoy it properly?"




He just stared at Meldenique without answering.


His thoughts tangling in his head, but nothing comes out of his mouth.


"How's your throat?"


Except for this foolish question.


He looked at her neck with a scary expression.


Meldenique rubbed her neck with a strange feeling, frowning at the tingling, and spoke again with a cheerful voice.


"What? Oh, it's okay. Come to think of it, did you find the thief?"






Mathieu, or Isaac, raised a hand and pressed it hard against his eyes.


The thief who stole the bowl of Mana was Duke Hessmann.


He explored the surroundings while Meldenique faced Duke Hessmann within the subspace. And he realized the power of Duke Hessmann.


He was freely using the strange air currents contained in the bowl of mana.


'There was also a strange mana intertwined. As if he had absorbed all kinds of wonders on his own."


However, there is no clear evidence that Duke Hessmann is a thief. It is impossible to condemn with so little only evidence.


Duke Hessmann was a formidable opponent. He had to secure solid evidence so that he could pay the right price.



In addition, if Duke Hesmann is a thief, then······.


We will have to dig into why he is constantly trying to get stronger.


Isaac shook his head lightly.


All of the desired objectives for attending the ball were achieved.


'But why am I so angry?'


"·······I was thinking about saving him before he strangled you."




"I watched you because I thought you had a plan."


Meldenique body stiffened up.


She looks surprised at the thought that she was caught deliberately planning the game so that the Duke of Hessmann's affair could be revealed.


But he liked such things a lot.


"I wanted to help you, but there was no justification for me."


Meldenique did not tell him any of her plans.


It was natural. Because they've only seen each other a few times.


Wouldn't it be weirder to tell me everything already.


'But why am I upset about that?'


He paused when he just realized for the first time that there was such a childish feeling deep within him.


"No, I'm just thankful for your heart. The plan I made is..... It wasn't really like that. It was all a coincidence."


While he was pondering on Meldenique's words, the wagon rattled for a moment.


Meldenique naturally applied strength to her toes in order not to move.


Isaac looked down.


He could see her pointed shoes under the dress.


The front nose was dented. (TN- the front nose is the front of her shoe I believe)


It was full of dust and the heels were so muddy and scratched that it was hard to say that they had been worn for only a day.


When I saw that, I suddenly felt unpleasant.


He quietly pursed his lips.




A deep echoing voice remained in Meldenique's ear.


At the end of his words, he put his hand close to Meldenique's neck.


Meldenique's skin and his fingertips stopped narrowly with only about a centimeter between them.


"Why don't you spare your body?"


But Isaac's languid voice continued to pass through her ear.


"I don't want you to get hurt."


With a playful smile Meldenique asked.


"That sounds like you care a lot about me."


However Isaac didn't laugh.


Instead, his fingertips touched Meldenique's neck.


She thought it would be soft, but surprisingly, his sharp fingertips gently caressed her neck.


"That's right. It bothers me."


Rough hands that aren't delicate.


However, the light that stretched out from his fingertips was soft and warm.


A star-white light spread across Meldenique's neck. The red stripe around her neck quickly disappeared.


The sore throat, which had been swept away by Lennox's rough gestures, returned to its original ivory color.


Isaac thought quietly.


'Originally, today was supposed to be the last day.'


The thief was caught and the escort was done well.


Now we just have to go our separate ways. Because it's clear that her feelings for him is her ordinary curiosity.


Instead of looking at Meldenique's eyes as he touched her, he said while pressing down on the pulsating veins around her neck.


"I originally thought today would be the last day that after today I would never see you again."


The original plan has already gone awry, and he is now interested in Meldenique.


His interest is a little more colorful than just curiosity.


Isaac has now decided to admit the truth.


"Then I guess I'll have to introduce myself again."




She was looking at him with a reassuring gaze.


"Isaac Mathieu Reinhold, this is my name."


"Isaac Mathieu Reinhold......"


Meldenique's expression became peculiar and mysterious.


Isaac finally decided to bring up his title, one she knew bet.


His eyes bent gently like a half-moon.


"In other words, I am also called the master of the tower."

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